I hiktn sith si ieidgcrbns a snailg tpdpiee bohipoh(yrcd ta )utimers-.Nn toituhW sngial edpetip &t=g; cnta’ eb sptradreont tnoi dimaceonlsp uum.eicrlt
heT ten-murisN is erehw yuo avhe lsagin sdeetpip wcihh ndefei hte rtgeat fo het nopsreti (nkthi of mthe sa lapots d.oc)e ylal,ciTpy prsnoeti aer in the mocslpayt aretf yhet rae dmae, ubt icnes eth have astg ta mru,ntenis- hyte go ot reiffendt grsttae kile ihst esac .ER ,owN if the tperino is tinereda in het mc,slpatyo htsi emans eht oianmtut besaidld eth gta (no tlposa ec).do Hcen,e it is tkpe in the atp.mlocsy
anC eoaynn eplh lpnxiae hwat het rehto tsinopo ludow nea?lit
submitted by ∗drdoom(1206)
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$279$49heT nsyshsiet fo ayvtlliur lal oetinpsr )&i;gpete-mpNd(RtA crcsou ni het l.aysmcotp
aTtsh’ eerwh all msrseoiob ie,esrd etfar l.al sso,ieRobm hhwic rea lstoym tjsu RANr 3(~2/ ArRN + /13 t,er*opni yb tiewg)h, rae eledsmasb ni teh snlueuc tub nyol od ehrit fustf enoc ythe get to hte plm.tsyoacoFr a rentopi ot aeevl tis iiloanrg moowtnhe fo the ooysltc dna ebeocm a tesedrni of the uuscnle r,o ,asy the mcdenpiloas metl,iucur ti esned ot heva a ielltt tgrnis fo iomna idsac hwihc hsuto I“ lngoeb ni teh c!nu”ulse or I“ bngeol in hte aesdconpmil cem!rlituu”
eisotnrP atmetiluly ddiseetn for teh ER ncntoai an yianvmulnetaigi deman tsrgni of moain cdsia wknno as gl“sani ”cueeeq,ns hhiwc, fro eth opseupsr of the Setp ,1 is waalys at teh mtrNnisu-.e hTe nasgli euseecnq estll horte tilyococs rntepsi,o e!H“y aeTk me (nad teh srte of het pitedep of hihcw I am )rtap to teh !E”R
In the cebesan fo isht sliang, a pinoret illw mnriae ni sit uel“d”tfa oehm fo the .slyocto
o&eHrusqser; a ncei mtshaceic wionhgs het owlf fo nrptosei mrof anitili snhstieys ot nflia nosti:tdisena
*fI you llreya ntaw oyru ndim nwlo,b codrnsei atth enev eht entirpo ubssniut ttah kmea pu that /31 of a roemobsi rea eesehvmslt ilalityin eszhyiedsnt ni het so;cytol ,etrla ythe era eprardtotsn kbca toni teh uneulcs via eth lecnura .proe