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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 1/Question#4 (reveal difficulty score)
A 48-year-old man begins furosemide therapy ...
Decreases the luminal permeability to Na+ in the collecting duct ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—hello(429)
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nSoatlicoeopnr and oelepnerne era ausapm-ispgtorisn cuidceirts tath inthbii eht /NKa .TPaseA N/Ka PaAeTs si no het raeboaltsal oenN fo eht swerna oicecsh ift hiwt tih.s

mleiAriod nad eneeamittrr ear aols tsaiousmnappi-rgs ctiiers.ud ehT nmschimae si to bclko EaNC hsacennl on eht iallumn be,mnraem shit si cihceo "."B

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submitted by โˆ—j000(17)
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peocnnlasrtoio nad reeloennpe ear nsdroeetaol peotrrce tinosgnaat t(yeh cbolk the ctffee of slaedonerto by nklibgco the bsaealltora K/aN seaTPA pp),mu sith is not hte emsa hngit as cnligbko a slalartaobe +K nlecan.h Thye lbcok dan rdeecsae hte tsiomspua ictc.onondu Treeh si no oealaastblr +K lcnehan

if het ()A wree to sya deaeec"rs K+ tudonnccio ni lcinoecltg tdc"u ahtt ihtmg be certocr

so B)( si ctrorce. nermTterai and eldioarim ocbkl N+a cnlahen no iplaca aliu(lnm )eisd e,sdi eedrecsa letrmyieibpa fo +Na

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submitted by biliarytree220(13)
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uSldho use a mgapasuio-tirpnss irdutice FA( 9.)15 eeTnarirtme nad diaimlreo wrko yb gobikncl aENC ncsnel.ah

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submitted by just_1more(1)
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I tgo ahtt it eddene to eb a souastpmi ranpgis rutc.iied sI eehrt a nseroa ti tonnac be an eeoslnotdar nnsat?ogati I ehosc cobksl rloaaetbsla K+ nnaehcsl sa stehe reesadce the lrsbtaelaoa TNes/+aaAK/+P caseube teh gwiornd of het trecorc nwrsae did ton mkea nsees to me -- ngussmai htey erew iogng fro na EaCN eblkcor an(d ttah ddarseeec miullna ryebeliitpma aicsentid ttah a+N loduw eb gnnimraei in hte le,mnu not nreiiagnm in teh nrclppiia clle as I iogriyanll g)t.tuhho

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luckeroo  I kinht het esrnoa tiโ€™s a pastissrmop-nuiga ciiruedt errhta tanh an oelasterndo tasaotinng hsa sels to do hwit hwy eth oodsltranee gntaatonis tcnoan be sdue nda mreo ot do wiht teh caft ttah a smpnsagru-apotsii cudeiitr udowl eb rmeo fo a โ€œltriin-sfeโ€ jtnveaduic edtrciiu ntett.aemr +2
luckeroo  As orf het asnewr oiechc, stouipams aispnrg ietdrsuic aveheci their voaelrl eaindtlnaetro-os eftcfe yb vicieeyltmopt nibignhiit tsndoorlaee scpreerto on the itritnliesta ised adine(ecrgs hte aaeP/s-TANK ffceet fo tnsgnhiu aN otin het b)ood,l bryehet dcagernesi het nidtgaer orf muoids to eenrt hte ecll romf the mlliuan tscpae, ckolgbni ENC.a +10
yotsubato  reeTh is on shuc gihnt sa srtalaaeB"ol K h"eannlC ereht si nlyo tllroebaaas oumidS ausPmitso Pmspu whchi ear llcoonredt by .lenrostadoe F A pg 753 +11
nwinkelmann  taoybot@su ..O.L.L ywh dditn' I ihtkn of it taht t?haw! b(y eht w,ya taht LLO is rof ).me Teh oyln olreaastbla K laehncn si the nrpenho a(bdse on teh trsif adi rueptci) is ni het khcti eicasgnnd iblm of het lpoo of eln.he +1
hello  rocSnaintelopo dan lerenpeeno rea i-gupmtaaspsinosr cuicirdest taht iibthin teh KNa/ ,TasePA so I'm ton seur thaw oeluro@ck is nrrgerefi o.t lrpncoitneSoao adn enreepanlo rae thob OLDA gN.s sanaKitao/nt PasTeA si foudn no eth alaertblosa bmnme.era eNon of hte nerwas oiechcs fti whti so.lAid imiehtr dan eeameinrtrt are losa snioaprpmisgaust- eidtursc;i irthe hmiesmnca si ot kbcol NEaC aenhlscn no teh anilulm a,nebemmr shit is ohceic ".B" +2
rxfit  rmFo gKauztn oarBd v:weiRe ornoin"ctaeSpol nda rnepeelneo are tdireos dveraiesvit adn act as gromacahiclop ntssiongata of onlareosdet in hte gntilelcco t.ublsue By gicnmbino wtih dna nclobgki eht tnrllaialcreu oaetndsroel teep,rorc hetes ugdrs euecrd eht perisoxens of nsege ttah code rof the ealhietpli usidom noi elncnha ()CNEa nda N++/aK Tse.PAa lmAriodei dan tatieneemrr cat by glnkcobi hte CNEa imsdou alncensh Fgie(ur 51.5)โ€“ sT(hee dugrs do ton bockl NaI aslhencn in eeabtcxli rneemb.)mas oeatnnlorcpSio nda eeepernlno ahve lwso toessn and ffosste fo cantio โ€“272(4 .h) ieAirldom dan mnteretiera veah idsorutna of noatci of โ€“4122 ."h oS btho pKgansi-r bsptesuy rea tnaicchlyle re.occtr +1

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submitted by volleyboy119(1)
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tI ned'sot raetmt hiwch p-uiarismgtsapsno idturiec uyo ue.s You can sltli get to sith esnra.w odrslAtnoee oalnrlmy tealsueprgu NaK/ PATsea ni eht nciaplpir llesc of the ,DC arsdeeedc aN+ uaacnyl,eilrtllr icwhh aelds to icsearedn aECN tat.vicyi Snnraeltp/elopnoeeioconer will iihitbn tshi ipnuogaetlru fo NC,Ea eiadlng ot aseeerdcd reeptbilamyi to +Na in eth .DC

vbO mriaideol nad tenimetarre lwli okblc airpclpni lecl CENa. 'sIt all in het sema asslc os ythe wlli lal adle ot sith feetfc ):

AF 2901 gp 573

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submitted by โˆ—usmle11a(102)
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oolnpritsocane tcsa sa an dsaoerlnteo ointgantas hwich asmne ieencrdasg +Na ebtrmpyeilai

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j000  i khnti terye'h rgrfnreie to amereerittn and r,eimidalo not epiontrolcsnoa coaoeotrlinp ns sed'not tlucalya eeercdsa +Na ilpmiyreaetb +1
jackie_chan  j000@ It detosn tarte,m sopir nad aiina/mdemtleeortrier aehv a cnmoom etceff fo seinsgm itwh oeeAda sCroNtlEn. legpusuetra ENa,C psior ldwou thinibi taht os in ctfeef lwduo eecderas aiumlnl rpabeimeiytl to Na ni utdc ude ot rewef ENaC ena;hscln ameirenrtte louwd kocbl het hcnenla elcrydi,t eams tf +1

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