Quick review of gaze control; using leftward gaze as example
Correction to myself sorry, wish could edit/delete I got the crossing mixed
For left gaze + horizontal gaze stems from RIGHT frontal gaze center + crosses to LEFT pontine gaze center + left pontine gaze center links to left CN VI to abduct left eye; sends crossing to link with the RIGHT MLF + RIGHT MLF then adducts the right eye via CN III
Tshi si aerctreunlni hiopetlaghmo.lap In ONI ouy ldouw ese ariidpme uatdidcon ugrind lotnahrzio zage ude to a oelisn fo teh alsiptelrai LMF. Hrv,eewo ncise het LMF is nto oievvdln ni encne,rcgeov hte dtcefefa eye si ltlsi bael ot negrcvoe ynlmolra.
Tish eimang is a tnsrereavs icosten htougrh teh sonp ta eth level of mgatreliin nlA:e cui and B: Sourprie ebraellCre deun pClce. dan :D Mdiael liinnotgaudlni l. ccfEisasuu nda :F snleBud of oirtposncicla and iearnrccolut f.rbesi
er’Hse ronheta evyr ienc eno htat esrmuiopsesp het twaphay toon a ifiilpdesm imtrbnesa igwadnr (enic ofr teh naolictama i)elsnart:o
Srecuo acle:rti
To ees vene ero,m ytr oglgoe ieagm acsehr no ma“idle nlnduaitloig iafuslcs”u:c
so eht enslio is in eth gRtih FLM rth?gi fI so Im' ujst otuba to oiremmez het yee ese AMSE iFML lol ist het FML on eth sema desi fo eth eey epek it imsepl i poeh 'ttash awth llay rae ayigsn lol
ciNe thsiccema fo woh oiotzlnrah gaez si roatdcndoie gruohht hte a/MnmcLbootoF/udroluesc ataywp:h
nI eth ir,magda eht tsesmy is rincgtdnooai gaze dorwat ’tsp tlfe, hcwih oitnnec)nevyl( si eht sema as in hte t.ems
Seuocr larti:ce 7nynrgu1h0l.tteo/:etoce7gno/s//ptr/no/57.
heT osneli is in eth deilma iaugtlolnind l.usufcias
fI yuo deen a fdefirent ottieninrao ofr a mrdaiag fo eht yatasw:hp
Teh oqnetuis etms si eisrncbigd a tp twih eiMptllu .lrsiosecS ONI is HLGYIH stceoaaids ihtw .ttah hnTe if ouy wfooll het eulr fo ,'4s ouy konw thta teh FLM is mliaed and eapiliratls ot teh etedffac eid.s huTs, it stum be teh alidme rhitg us.rurctte
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I htkin sti teh gitrh LMF ar(ae ,)C otn het hgtir eacndbus ulecnus that is dlsnioee no the crsso ntc.isoe fI the cudebans cnueusl erew sineolde she ndl'twou heav tdbcnauio in rhe ltfe y.ee hTe MFL madeesti scors aktl btneewe teh usebcnda scleunu on bhto idsse to the LFM on the petpoosi dsei 2( nuaecdsb cln,uei 2 LFM one on chae d).ies nI rhe s,cae her thigr FLM t'wans inonniufgtc nheec yhw she saw ginzga tlfe tub ehr ghtri emidld scuret tsawn' tnaocgictn ot eaeimdt fwrletda zeg.a
sTih piurcte lphes: mmo9uh/thwma4-c1/uoelt0/0opjntFept/52/t-w_php.nhcpwtn-sw12/b:dt.ogha/