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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 1/Question#45 (reveal difficulty score)
A 16-year-old girl is brought to the ...
Diuretics ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: psych GI repeat

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 +12  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—cathartic_medstu(37)
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^^^a aluibfteu etlba tath sswho etscfaf no lreyecettol eellvs ni ataeslivx vs crtuiseid sv nii.vomgt

oindccgrA ot eth t,eabl tsi ardh to llte eutidcri vs vateixal sebau yb esumr oeysclrtelet ea.oln heT nurei scyrlletteoe wdlou eyamdlrk deriff in that dtiiurec will avhe dsienerca laN/KC/ adn aielatxvs udolw wolofl eht ispptoeo endrt )e(cdd.esera oeeHvwr, htwi eht tacf ahtt BUN si easnrcngii adn atht ew anc letl et'rehs a itlcbaoem aaklisosl hwti trorprisyae scsaioid ,neopocsmtnai ew nac teb no dcrisuite reov ltxiv.esaa

TAEXR NOFI romf the ebtal in hte lkni ob:eav

m:Vtginio [K ]cde lC[ d]ce OHC3[ nc]i Hp[ cn]i
s:iexLavta K[ dce] lC[ inc or e]cd C[OH3 dce ro ]nci H[p edc ro n]ci
:eciDsr iut K[ de]c [lC cd]e 3CO[H ci]n pH[ in]c

In reuin orf v,mitngio aNK/l/C llwi lla be Inascddeee r nruie fro iatlexva ueas,b /KNa liwl eb eed.rcaesd Cl si lnmora ro eredc eruni orf eiutirdc baues: /CNK/la lliw all be asenirdec

(eAnrdw Ynga rof tP)esdenir

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nootnootpenguinn  heT tals eetsncen is eicn o!th!u!c +2
l0ud_minority  Waht ndik fo hrwet em off aws eth eifn irah trwgho ogt me ikngnthi rhyi.hmyeoidsptr But I di'dtn flla fro i.t toG it rgit)h: +

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—drmohandes(193)
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uOr paneitt hsa a omcbetlai assioklla tiwh aa(pti)rl trysocnpaemo ptoriseyrra oia.cssdi


iteaMclbo sialokasl โ†’ +H sosl ro O-HC3 :igan

  • mov:ntigi elos H+ (dna esol -+lC/)K
  • oopl iusiectdr: leos +H and( )K+


eotbilMac cod,saisi sslibpoe casesu in tshi xce:ntto

  • aiihaaertrlxdve/sa โ†’ eols COH3- adn( +K) ; -Cl pyoscaneortm csinreea lranm(o oinna pga)
  • etaacalmziedo โ†’ sloe H3-CO and( +)K ; H+ oasl ceserdsea tbu ton ngeuoh ot omeveocr eth lsikoasal uesadc yb H-OC3 ssol
  • nooolparnectis
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snripper  Thsi esmak ,seens thsn!ka +
dysdiadochokinesia  I swa leab ot eabrk it dwno to reiiutdc ro llcohao use dna ehsoc lahlooc sue eunrd eht psatmiosnu thta the e'stnipat srmue -Cl llvese rwee lwo 90;( N = 9-01)55 esnci C-l is olsa tlos wthi vomngit.i Im imgsunsa ahtt it aws nowrg ofr me ot aemk the oissacionat nteweeb olchola ues and +
avocadotoast  idinaasksdcodeiy@ho I iknth we nca elur uot lhaoolc esu yb kligono at uor entati'sp ihrysto dna gehadicromp. A 6yo1 rigl owh si dgniiet adn tlcnsnyota tgnudsiy bboraypl nsit geitngt tntur baeuces )1 aollohc hsa ytepm roselica s(etedaf teh ipotn fo di,e)intg )2 hyw wuold uoy try ot ystud enwh youre' kn,rdu 3) weehr wlil tish yo61 in licoas iiootsaln get lcoloah +1

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—usmleuser007(464)
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hsTi ermo yeillk to eb euisdtcir arerth anth aitlvxase /bc

teh bla usdty hwsso a elran ntnyocusifd NB(U pm&;a ainreiteCn aer vaed)etel

stoM lekyil teh etptani abdeus lpoo tusre;idic sloa nswok to sceua tciotnronca ,oaaldilks nalog whti nreal lbpmores husc sa ntalisrtieit htinrpsei

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endochondral1  doulw aixtevlsa slao avhe het lwo sim?atoups +2
link981  yM qsetouin xelatyc. dAn htwa if heyt eerw tgnika utsPaoism asgiprn ?dcsiueitr eThn itlxaeasv wodlu be mreo yelikl or am I ks?mteain +
link981  loAs eicrtane is oa,lrmn i'ts ta the ieghrh tilim fo nmlaro so we tn'ac ysa hetre is nerla ncy.ntdofisu hTe BNU is tvadelee becuase npateit sha meoctabil salokalis thiw erpiaryrots sosc.daii +
sweetmed  yrve mtanopirt to reReebmm si:th hraraeDi casseu toemclbai aimcs[sfrdoio cbrbia lsos ni ,ols]ot iomtngvi apm;& lopo uesirtdic ucesa cailmebto koaall.sis +14
hello  0r@0emueuss7l ton seru ryuo pchproaa is het sbet way to ihntk abtuo .ti heT resmu Cr si ta hte erpup imitl fo lrnamo 1)..(2 nA,d evne if you eluatclac the taori fo Ur,BC/N s'ti 1,2 hcihw uwold eb a r-aEPRnle +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—yotsubato(1208)
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Wyh antc this eb lait?avxes hotB wuold ucsea camibloet ilaosslak twhi p..alio.myeahk ?

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sup  asaexLitv dwulo suace na naoni gap emcbtoali dcasisio edu ot sosl of einbtobraac in the Yuo wdolu see kyaimohaelp gouthh as nees ni tshi io.netqus +1
miriamp3  ti ookt me a tol fo emti giochnos beewten atsxveali nda deruiscit dan ta eth ned I hoosec eitusc.rid utb I tindd' lzeeari ttha eht yoln ngthi I dha to do wsa chcke if rewe a niano pga ro .tno +
snripper  Wyh lwdou eaxtlisav cuase naion agp A?M st'nI ti salirmi to i?hradare +
castlblack  ehT baoev secnmtom ear orn.rcteci iaerrhDa is a auecs fo naao-lpnorgn-iam mbialteoc cassioid D( in SASAHRD mofr .)FA sLataexvi are gownr uecsaeb ehyt oudlw oewrl O3-HC tbu in itsh acenoris ti si .hhig ehT wlo K+ dan Cl- ifst riethe seca g.uhoht +4

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by ninja3232(11)
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1) uriiceDst ecaus timloecab iokasasll iaortt(nocnc okilsaasl ued ot oaempivl)hoy

)2 aDrhraie ni argleen liwl esacu a tcmbleoia asdoicsi wtih( AORNLM ainno )gap ued ot osls fo +K and abcbir ni hte olost oo(lts sha knalleai Hp llman)ry.o

3) rfhrTeeo,e valexati euasb lomynalr easucs oebtmailc ciissdao UBT rhcncio euasb can retslu ni mcbeatoil lkossiaal eud ot srvaoui hacmesismn pes(onesr to emyilvaohop + emro ytativic of -KH aP-ATes xacheenrg in eht oellccitng cdut ued ot kmaihlopaey - yuo pee otu teh acdi to ekep rmeo .K)+

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—alexb(53)
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sI eth atpr wiht nctt"anos gynut"dsi tjus upseopds ot rospptu htat hes ash a phycs dsedoirr tredael ot prcmetiof,ines wcihh si hwy 'hsse gnigo to mrxestee to rtoocln her ?igwteh

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rrasha2  No, the otanctns ygdnutsi si ot ctrki ouy onit gintnhik sesh nbgsiau eemmnmtiapeAphthn.imassae aeseecdr iatpteep os a otl of eoeplp seuba ehmt orf hgwtei lsso. Taht mcbnideo iwth aeescndri cnoirnoactnet ot udyts lal ayd er.yrrda. alehugnerfoldo# +1
rrasha2  gtrfoo to notm,ein tonreah eisd tfefce of haaetimmsnpe ulodw eb nreieacds BP due ot het sceeranid toe.eccolisamn.'ahtdn ftroeg to kpee na yee tuo orf tath +1
dentist  wludo tmaeeiasnphm enlcunfei yecetlelsrot at al?l +1

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by presidentdrmonstermd(7)
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.Dce lNCa - enealrg euomvl s.loecD s K+ - itDiruec sot(m steucid,ir tcpeex +K nraspgi es,no ecusa .oKpcIh+)ny HpC-;&aO3m Hp - uoVmel osls t-&g; ASAR t-g&; sltoeonarde seusac +K ma;&p +H niawgts -;t&g oemblatci kil;alsoas ehS amy be tniiomgv as elwl, whhci si earthon psibsoel ecasu fo lkan .cI P2CaO - iyrsatoprer niomnaosptce rfo .tem kla.

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hello  taPenit sah norlma aN. +
hello  abL taad eisctanid sreum iacbb tno BGA .rabicb +
hello  soop! juts riealzed birabc si vnree ienvg as an AGB aahh +

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