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Retired NBME 22 Answers

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submitted by โˆ—bubbles(79)
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nhrociC larne cefyfsn:iinicu

1) opro sahoheppt nelacarec &t-;g- hghi usemr nigicorna opshphuoors

)2 gihh ursme pahotesph &;t-g- epselxomc htiw evlaidnt antoci aC gt--&; Ca fslla

3) aC lfals -gt&;- riergtgs PTH saix

)4 iedkyn reluafi &-gt-; sdedecare cttyaivi fo y-rexy1asohdl at het eikdny &t-g-; ssel tliloriacc

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makinallkindzofgainz  hsti gyu rsnael +9
paperbackwriter  nmoeSoe laeeps hlpe me wiht hsti (lasway pisrt me p)u: PHT assuce ariecndes tvi D pocditornu in .y.eikdn. ear we usngmais het decsirnae PTH nt'ac tahcc pu twhi eht yinedk a?lifreu sI it eth lvele pirro ot TPH enasiocnotpm thta hyte ?twan :D +
miriamp3  crpater@ikrebwpa thaw ti kowrs rof me ;;;; is dfin eth sitrf tmnarlbyioa so CKD owl ocltalriic (no D )vit g-&-t-; si oangn naceirse PHT >--- the nedkiy rea tno ikgownr i,ch(conr hyte notd' etll u ery-ntcle oyu catn; verret a KCD os eht enikyd rvnee gngio to ctcah u)p &-t;g- resceani inirncoag psrg&s-oh.t;h-uop swlyaa strat wtih eth blpme.or I olsa ues tshi rfo ceailc nda ytpse of .hkscso tatrs twhi eth rpebom,l dan rtstu ylsu.feor +4
paperbackwriter  r3amm@ipi tnkha y!uo I ilwl ryt uot oruy gsyeattr tnxe !t!mie :) +1
snripper  I huttogh ranel niiuciffycesn t-&g; ybitaiinl to obebrsra hppsthoae at PCT gt-;& rdcdeseea ?aophepsth +3
skonys  naC eomnoes epxialn why lrtiocial is w?lo Is ti sjtu atht his nysidke ear uecdfk and he 'tnca aemk it? oS TPH is nieinrcgsa ot ytr to rewlo hte ohps nad easri eth tiv d utb eht ensdyki era keil ol,"l I nta'"c +
madamestep  sykn@so ryptet hmcu pn !yIu raley elnar fleauri o'uyll see hhig HPT svllee ubt NAORML Ca adn o.sPh Beacesu is't aebl ot epke up ubt y.rlabe tA a riatcen tinpo tuhgho, eht kniyed sowb tuo and TPH si ihgh, shPo si i,hhg C2a+ is o,lw PEO is ,lwo ialtrlcioc is ow,l eCinaert is h,igh UBN si gi.hh +

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submitted by โˆ—cassdawg(1781)
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fI the aientpt si gtakin cmlauic ettaaec (a poesahpth en,di)br yhw si hsi ospupshohr elvel ree?andsci

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 -8  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—sne(59)
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eincS hes ash ccelia cspreu ;-g-t& taf iamitnv ,otbolrinampas tuhs .itV D is aersdcedeLwo t.iv D = wlo l,oriicctla wol rpbnaotosi of ehtsophpa fmor insentie,t nda low tsoinoarbp of Ca+2 ngsuaic na sneceiar THP

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