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NBME 23 Answers

nbme23/Block 2/Question#23 (reveal difficulty score)
A 75-year-old man with prostate cancer has ...
Prostatic venous plexus to the vertebral venous plexus 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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  1. rneaCsc of eht ,viespl nlgcuidin het ptrse,toa rdsaep to teh slrombacaul spine iav eth aretvebrl evsnuo lpxuse .PV()V

    • eTh VPV ustaomimccen htwi a rmnbue fo eovsnu ,sntkorwe iunclgndi het ttoaprsci vuneos lxeus,p hwihc cierseev eht osenvu lsuppy orfm eht as,roettp ipsne, dna d.aerdbl

    • VVP nusr up eth ereint napsil nmluco and tesconcn ihwt eth neouvs lypusp fo teh ibnar aiv a esvsaellv symtse nts(aso’B el)sxPu hcihw lwsalo orf ilbtoniadcire lofw adn loentuairg fo nraiactranli hseiurrs.eTps nueosv ootncicnen to the raclbere iiunrtcloac mya eplh alxpnei teh rpisopnety of utomsr ot ssziamtaete to eth ian.rb

  2. Teh PVV osla tcuesimcmano htiw eht zasgyo vnie in het tshce, hcwhi penaisxl in tapr hwy bsrtae adn nlgu carnsce eqnrfeutly sszeiatmeat ot het corhcati sinep.

    • al,mrlySii deu to runpmolya nvsoue ngriaeda tnoi eht letf esid of eth ahtre, glnu motsur tneof seradp mytaisselcly vai teh retiarla
  3. gloAhhut mplhy dosne ear eth tsmo nmmoco tiess fo mstsesatia in ar,gelne ylcpmtahi earspd to hte lelakset sstyem si rvye .rrea

  4. The mproinmfipa supxle eresecvi svneuo erdanagi omfr eht s,ettis miydipeds,i and uctdsu nferesde adn nasidr inot het asuttrliec vines.

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chaosawaits  k,yOa mayeb mI' na idtio but I thguoht hte nima sarccen atth resdap emesygooanuhlt eerw asacsmr,o tloeclrlpaehau namarcc,oi moonae,cccharori reanl cell naom,ccira dan lulrafcoli nraacoimc of hte i.ohdtyr +1
kcyanide101  I afeldi ihts Q uaecbse of hsit roeasn. I wsa ingitaznlroia ahtt ti asw a crnmi,caao ceneh sldhou eb N.L... +
sd22  do"G evga men[] lal a epnis and a i,arnb utb lony onhgue obdol to rnu neo at a ei".tm Roi-nb smlilWai +
thatmd  uw nitouqes 1477#1 +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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.3 reaCcsn of het es,pilv idgnnucil eht oaep,tstr aerpsd to het mbursoalacl nisep avi reb teehrvalt senouv V Vls.euxPp)( .a hTe VPV cicsunmomaet htwi a nmerub of nuesvo ro,netksw .i ilngdniuc ritttphesc oa ounsve uxe,pls whihc cseieerv eth enusov lppsuy rofm het a,tstpero e,nsip nad lda b. VVP snru pu the etiern lipnas mcnuol nda censncto ihtw the sonuve sulpyp of eth anrib via a evssaevll ytesms sos'nBt(a xuPsel) .i chwih lalwos rof aloeinircitdb lofw dna arnuleigot of lriartinanac  usepesrr. .ii ihsT vnesuo tocnnncieo ot eht bcaerler tcacnoriiul mya phel axlpnie teh npeyiostpr of mutrso to masesitazet to teh heT VVP aols umcoanmctsie hwit teh oygsza evin in eht e,shtc wihch inaxpesl ni arpt wyh srteab dan lngu necracs yuneeqlfrt zsiaetesmat ot eth oactrcih p sie.n a. Syi,ialrlm eud ot mnoyalupr nsoeuv idegraan iton the etfl ides fo teh thaer, nugl uotrsm ftnoe aeprds ayelilsmctsy via eth rrletiaa 5 sysme.t. ugohhltA hlmpy soedn ear the mtso ocnmmo sseit fo sttaassemi in ,enelagr lmphaycit edarsp ot the esktalle tysesm is vyre 6 .rr.ea eTh rpminiompaf lxepsu cvseiree vuneso adgenira rofm teh isstte, y,sdiipedim dan ctudsu erdnfsee nad disnra oitn the lacretistu sn.v ie
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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by d_holles(218)
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osLesn ndreeal -- het MBEN etson'd payl icrkst. fI it slkoo ,ighrt ti si itr.hg

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thotcandy  tub lsoa enwh it lokos rnowg 'tis ,tgihr or ehwn ti kloso htirg t'si wn,rgo ro hnwe ti olkos nogrw i'st rwgo.n you venre kown ihwt BMNE :) +12

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by cuteaf(11)
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hWy is it otn reawsn " otacsPti onusve puslxe ot eth teh ntnlraei aiicl visne" I ththuog eht roetu of tseasemtsa to teh sneip is aprtsote exlspu &-gt; enlinrat iacil snvei -;tg& rvreaebtl ?puexs?l

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mariame  ehT ajmor aittcmetas yhpaatw ot eht vreaelrtb umlcon si aiv hte arlberevt vonsue ,metsys and it aaspepr atht rtaesotp rceacn sclle ftisr eststaizmea ot eth vletrearb dyob nad tenh sapedr ndlcayoiser to the recespsso ro etroh rtr.ebe veatiu.mis/bl/gn/.m6e9p:o5h8.h/dcbpntv59n.0 +

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