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Retired NBME 23 Answers

nbme23/Block 3/Question#48 (reveal difficulty score)
A 20-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Inhibition of the cytochrome P450-dependent demethylation reaction ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: pharm repeat

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 +28  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—yotsubato(1208)
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So ofr ddainaC we can use

zlsoeA loafuz(oc)eln tinbi(hi P05Y4C )toalteyhedmni

oripneActhm B (repo nfaortiom in lgafun lcle mn)bmaere

sCnfupagnoi en(tprev nnlosikscgri fo abet cuasgnl in lelc law)l

ro yansitN rfo lora or slhpogeaae sceas e(orp m)oianfotr

hTis stonueiq si snagiy taht hse si tnakig an ARLO drgu ot terat cdindaa nia.vtgsii

mcontiApher is IV

nCiafopugns is laos IV

so ree'w fetl ihwt lszaoe

slozAe ihiinbt instehssy fo otoreesgrl yb nibigiithn CYP 540 atht ceosrvtn rnlosaloet to ogr.etoslre

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qball  tNstniya edso rteat laanvgi diiaadncssi tub si AIOL.TPC +2
thotcandy  intNsyat si TON orf hgseepaaol cia,dsadisin hwsiS nad st,ip tno .wwlosla +2
staghorn  Me - pciks rznoeolaedMit -_- +1
alexxxx30  c.tyatuyaohd.atcn.@ll ouy cna hwiss dna wwaslol yntsaint rfo ehgslaoape sioientnfc erp( yktheSc mcroi adadnic )etkchs +5
turtlepenlight  I aveh ense ahtt no teh arsdw os I ohep ti w!kosr +
fexx  adn my stsmarsa icksp mapph B +2
avocadotoast  slPeea no oen igve a poro ilgr ithw a satye nieicnfot baeorlimrhpte +3
fatboyslim  @xxe3laxx0 gicrcando ot 2A2F00 epag 153 ittsyNan si lnoy orf rlo.a In het 0182 FA it did yas ti anc eb usde orf easplgehoa tbu hyet deeitd htta in 202.0 +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—jrod77(32)
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eoAlzs iinithb oreyhotccm P504 ymneze atht tvsecorn aslnteloro ot olegte.rros

hits si teh sbte ratttmnee ceditadin fro cdn.daia

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by dai89(0)
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'itns nicdaad tyesa mfro eudrn ybdo uaerrtmet?ep yhw eth teupcir wssoh a ldmo ?mfro

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danielautran  byeaM aeebucs hte tupiecr 'twans ketan form dniise the doby +1
fatboyslim  osMt idmpohirc fnuig aer "oldm ni het "ldoc nad eat"sy in het ".tabse aianddC ehoevwr is nudidbg saesyt w/ uoaeeshpyhpd ni het ,cldo adn mger setbu inesid eht .oybd The eurptci in hte qstoeinu si gsnihwo ibundgd taesys twih uasyphpoheed :) +1

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by xmen(4)
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FA 2091 .........P......19........9.

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