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Retired NBME 23 Answers

nbme23/Block 4/Question#45 (reveal difficulty score)
A 32-year-old man has a diastolic blood ...
Precapillary resistance 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +46  upvote downvote
submitted by ferrero(48)
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A ryve miliars eqosuint I ahev nsee ni sknQba wlli aks ywh a etpnait wiht rthgi thera airfleu odes otn loevdep emdea nad teh easrwn is arndeisce acitlhmpy .niedagra I tgo hsit otiqunse wogrn nyrilgialo ebauecs I adenrsew lgona ihts lien fo rningsaoe tbu I hknit ni tish case ti lal has to do wthi EWHRE hte arxet rprseuse si cgniom m.fro In shti ieqtsonu teh tp ahs iidoctals preonhyeinst so yuo can tnkhi touba the sseeurpr as noicgm "rowdfar" os tcsnigortnic yprcplelarai ihssctnrep cna ntvreep na acsneeir in sseuperr ni the iylapcarl oeHwerv for thgir tahre leruifa this xtare diful si gocmin morf hte SPIOOTEP dioctiner sbrcda(wak fmro eth ihrtg atr)he and nsgrncttoiic rlayapplriec pstceishnr cna od ghnnoit o(n soteopip ides fo lyaicalrp )ebd - teh lnyo yaw ot vrnpeet eamde si ot eceairns chaypimlt agned.rai

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seagull  hTe ousietqn aleyrlc lade su ot tikhn tubao mcOsoit srrspuee yb gklnita touab ioentpr and r.ueni I wneodr owh nmay pepeol dseu ttah leni of grosneain kl(ei lfmys)?e +20
mousie  aGrte oatlinaxnep, I sheoc tyclphiam derngaai for teh eams rensngoai alm(risi Q on fteefnrdi bank) +9
sympathetikey  My nigrensao saw muhc omre slscpiitim bemya( too )psilem utb ni my dn,mi ssicltoy PB si itendeermd by iCrdcaa tpuutO dna sdtiicoal PB is idteermnde by esl.aorteir feeTe,rohr whta cosem eofreb teh ryclalpia and rgutleeas astrieces?n .isrArlotee staT'h yhw I dsai hatt lcapipa-lryer ser.incates +41
cr  the amni rceneefdif neebetw teh 2 scsea si ttha ni ihst asce teh tpniate hsa gihh BP +1
link981  oS ni gnerdanriekt gunglaae the oqenisut si lsanlsyetei kgisan hwo hhig rsrseeup in teh arrteali symest is OTN itnmertadst to eht svnoue mysste hihwc( si ewher ADEEM peeosvld.) utB yuo wokn etyh vhae ot add lla tish ionf to try fecousn a acbis nprieiplc nad kame you nodcse usseg .suleofry oGt( it rgwno by hte )wya cbuasee fo athw reroe@rf aids of aQnbk +9
hello  orere@fr htaw are yuo ktanigl at?bou amhylipct rneaaidg si eht ngwor ...rswena +1
hello  ok rneve mi.nd i otg .ti ardh ot arndsuedtn b/c it aws a bgi lokbc fo txte. +2
asteroides  I think yhte aym eb nakgtli tuoab the eyoicgmn ysaotcpmnreo an:csheimm wblnntyio5tBsro5thcworvb.rKgm1g=4?gi3ubn/4/k:/" eIsan ietaarlr or uenvso srseurep losa nsdueic emgiyonc ccttnnsorioi fo tsolearire dna yialpraecplr nihsre,tcsp wchih iaress eotiraarlr erctnisesa ey(bhret inmnzigimi eht sneaicre in ayplialrc su)prrsee and redcsue hte aisomcvraclru frcause raae abaaevlli rfo dulif nac ehoeFr.xg pxeaelm, sceaueb ualascrv hosmot scmleu ni aratriel nda lrortaarie lslwa asnrcottc wneh epsdxeo ot vaeldeet trrluvasnaaci serersp,us shit gocnyime onspseer rseaneisc acilrppylear rctsansiee dan ttorsepc seariiclpla mfor a tcancoitnom srie ni hreit isacutrnrvaal ee.sprs"ur +7
stsfyt  easmk enes.s emssmteoi we ues daBs(lii)otCnoaCv + lvitenionado IE(C)A obomc ot naabecl eth seue,prrs nda nvtrepe eklgaea dan em.ade +

I think they are referring to maintenance of GFR and blood pressure relationships. Ergo the mentioning of the renal function. The precapillary resistance is "glomerular" precapillary resistance, so if that increases then GFR remains the same => prevents leakage of proteins and albumin => less edema.

+2/- peqmd(75)

this is the concept of blood flow autuoregulation at the tissue level in response to increasesd arterial pressure via arteiolar remodeling via smooth muscle hyperplasia ....

+/- msw(4)

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submitted by staph_aureusxx(9)
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laepiyrlcrap nscreeisat = esinibdgrc het ersoet.irla sh'e ogt aliinmm peitorn in het eu;irn dan no mi.ubaln hte eyk swa ngyiap taneiotnt to het obold rp.esrsue reruesPs is lerugatde yb eth eretanissc seelssv sa badosr csall ti chiwh si hte airtesrole kaa rppyaliralce etsnr.cseia

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 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by notadoctor(175)
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'Iev nbee nasihgerc orf my rcueso orf htsi but atc'n mese ot indf .ti ,eHworve hte way I ghhtout abtou it saw hatt edema hpapesn aiv the allcp.sraiie fI teher si sreadncie tieesarcns aiv hte ilrceaalrppy nretipschs sa chmu blood luwot'nd be blae ot etg iton teh crllispea.ia The bdloo owlud atsndie etg eshdtnu iav sossetanaom ot hte siTh lirecat rofm pgchmloys.civoyo iaelpxns it a litetl bt:tree CV l:osoiyhgyP iuTess eamEd dan lGraeen ipicenlrPs of nsrlaarTlcpayi iFldu eExnacgh

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submitted by chagas14(1)
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bMeay teh eisuonqt si agdniel wthi het coctenp of enmoyigc otrliraare anvootcctisrison cwhhi is a onheatr im-deneaat mims.enhac Teh rep cilalaypr icehrstnp rcatncto ni eepnssro to a rseai in P.B I tgo the Q wognr cebusea I depkci lymthcpai lo.fw ehTy elov ot og for hte wha"t ele"s emlente of nya I oanctn fdni ayn raenos ywh het pcihtlaym nopoit doucl be nrogw :/

e=:5sol.krlsgh/.hsamitcptcb/to.sp435bwioN/i?nnrKoncw./w/4vBhCcke eth fgueir .14 eTh ignrMa of teSafy sAntiag aemdE oFartmoin – ademE tSayef csaotrF

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submitted by adong(144)
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In aotdndii to twah sah yeaardl enbe disa I ktnih an mirtptona iptno in eht noqeiuts saw utylorrgea stdtunmsjae whcih nitpos omre rawstdo atraorriel riutoae.ngl

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submitted by usmleaspirant2020(9)
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submitted by ninja3232(11)
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h"eWn aerartil eurpesrs lfa,ls ceoigymn onet si ededrcu ni l,rratsieeo csrdnieeag ihtre eintescras ot wflo and mnnagitiina yicrpalla pru.erses hseTe irbvseotsona ggestsu ttha ylrpaalic rpusrees mya be ueeratdlg reov hte smea reang fo esrsepur achsegn voer ichwh fwol si otrudageulaet ni a enivg goanr. ,eedInd rfmo the irenlo"ta:


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submitted by hello(429)
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why si mpasal coctoni pesurser ?gnwor

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rainlad  I ithkn 'sti saeebuc we dlowu etxecp to see oesm rmoe aepu/aroubualiimirtirnn if the almsap octiocn puessrer ahd edrasceni ot mpoeectasn +1

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by ferrero(48)
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A vrye iiamslr tsuioqen I ehav nsee ni akQbns will sak wyh a pitetan ihwt tigrh rehta ifluare oesd otn elvdepo aedme and eth wenars si edciarnes atplmhcyi I ogt itsh entiuqso onrgw arionlilyg esbeuca I eesnawdr noagl sthi lnei fo anreognis utb I thkin in isht csae it lal ash to do hiwt ERWHE teh aerxt euerspsr is ncoimg rm.of nI tshi noiqtesu eht tp sah dositilca seephnirtony os ouy anc hntki uboat eth ressperu as oimncg r"rdaw"fo os gsoicrttncni leprrilaapcy ecirnpstsh nca nrpetev an ecrenais ni suerersp in teh aarpiclyl edb. vHowree ofr rtigh aerht lfareiu shit arxte ilfud si omcign rmfo eth PSIPTOOE tocinirde dacka(swbr rfom the ghtri e)arht and itrtnicsognc yrilrcpapela ctrpsihnse acn do gonniht no( tioppoes iesd of aalyicprl e)db - eth nyol ywa to netvrpe edmae si ot erceanis myaplitch edag.ianr

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submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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rAtioc iiscDoatl P resseur

  • hHig RPT = ihgh PD
  • ighH HR = hgih PD
  • igHh VS = hhig PD

Aitocr ostliScy rseusPe r

  • gHih lCyinictartto = ihgh PS
  • giHh VS = ghhi PS
  • wLo ecoimplnaC = hgih PS

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by spow(50)
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I also itnhk ttha het onitp bgine amed eehr si utbao eman erailatr uesesrrp ,AM()P ichhw si ahwt ogelrouutaayrt ssmsety actlylua ngehca sdaeb .on seeBcua he ahs esniardce APM u(ed ot craediens ,BDP) the paiarisclel iwll irntctcos ot aminanti tnctsano psre/sufowerl hghtruo teh laiacrlyp bde.

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 -3  upvote downvote
submitted by divya(75)
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i do'nt thkin yuo edne ot hiknt all taht ookl at lla teh itonops adn ihktn of awht pephsan nhwe htey i,.nrAace es B, C, D dna F all acn useac ttrtisniiale muatBe e.d nsngeiiarc iecyaalprlrp raetsiscen ftiidneley e'tsd.on

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drzed  rscedenaI hcytplima wlof udowl nto eaucs lretsnttaiii maeed. +1
123ojm  tbu it d'teosn say sie"ceran n"i, it tsju yass ty"guelrora netsdjausmt i."n +1

 -3  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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1. otrciA aitscioDl rruseseP .1 higH PRT = hghi DP 2. hiHg HR = hhig P D .3 higH VS = hihg PD .2 iotAcr oytcSils uresPsre .1 hiHg crytotitCilna = hgih P S 2. ihgH VS = ighh PS 3. oLw Capomnleic = hihg P S
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yex  /t10aMt/yiclhuochsm.or/isrovliMpcic:tocgnpy/o2 shTi shepl eh,moows the sfrti tpra utabo calylpari spr.ereus +
usmlelol  tha'st het epx a:p:tr hTe gevreaa yilarcpal sttrochiday erusepsr is meierddtne by erlratia adn usenvo erssrusep AP( dna )VP, adn yb eht aoirt fo yep-ttcppsarrloo-lia issaentcrse R/R)(AV. nA nicarese in trheie atelriar ro snvueo espuerrs lwil eiesrcna ylpacrlia sperre;su reohevw, a vngie gnhcae ni AP is ylon oubta otffinhe- as fevceetfi in agnihgcn PC sa eth amse salebtou hnecga in PV. Bucesae vsunoe riteeasscn is rletleiyva ,low hancseg ni VP are rdiaeyl nsrtttadmie back ot het arylapcil, nad y,rvcolense suabece tiaarrel esnesiarct is ivlerlatye i,hhg ghseanc ni AP era plryoo sdiarttment retwnsodam to the a.plailcyr +1

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