I think they are referring to maintenance of GFR and blood pressure relationships. Ergo the mentioning of the renal function. The precapillary resistance is "glomerular" precapillary resistance, so if that increases then GFR remains the same => prevents leakage of proteins and albumin => less edema.
this is the concept of blood flow autuoregulation at the tissue level in response to increasesd arterial pressure via arteiolar remodeling via smooth muscle hyperplasia ....
aaeypllcprri cristenesa = snirgbidec eth et.eorrisal ehs' tgo nmiiaml tropeni ni teh enuri; adn on ul.ibman eht yke saw gypina otainttne to teh ldboo e.epsrsur erseuPrs is gadreuetl by hte etieansrcs slessev sa odrsab sclal ti hiwhc si the elierosrat kaa rypalcrlapie e.asitnsrec
v'eI ebne nigcsaehr orf ym scrueo rof itsh utb antc' mese to difn t.i Hwveoer, hte yaw I tohhgtu autbo ti aws tath aeemd epahpns iva hte iscaellra.pi fI rhtee si irceenads esnaicrste vai teh aryerpapillc pesncrhsit as chmu bdool wun'dolt eb aleb to gte onti eth iiraepasllc. hTe lobdo oudwl ensatdi teg edtunsh iva osssonaemat ot hte v.sine iThs clerati mrfo yoposyc.hvmlcgoi nixslpae ti a tillte :tbeetr VC :ihsPygyolo uisesT Emdea adn aeeGrln Penilrspci fo irnllysarTapca dlFui acnhxgEe
ayMbe hte tnioqeus is ednialg wthi eht ccpnteo of imcnyoge ltrraaeori csovniarosotintc wichh is a rehnaot teadnmai-e enmism.ahc eTh rep pcilalray ipetnschr ortnactc ni ssenerop to a eiars in PB. I tog eht Q owngr baucese I dieckp yilamphct o.lwf Tyeh evlo ot og for the awt"h "else ementel of nya ipcot. I nnatoc fdni ayn rnoase wyh hte hatlcmyip ontpoi lucdo eb ognrw /:
ct/cB.whnrKvilebtwoli//4/bn=.o:5mc?.shogs5p/k4wipn.3srostNa hckeC the ieurgf .41 ehT gManir of tSfeya gtniAsa adEem tranmFooi – Eaedm ySfeta rotcsFa
nI ioantidd ot athw hsa ylerdaa eenb sdia I nihtk na tmapirnto oipnt ni the utseonqi asw ylragteruo nmjtetassdu whchi iosptn more dwotras rroialtare tureagloi.n
nWhe" aaitrelr ruspseer lfla,s oieygmnc tone si dudrece in erilter,soa recaengsid etirh crastesnie to flow dna mingtaaniin aliyclapr urspeesr. eesTh tebsironovsa gsutesg tath lcypralai suserper amy be gautelerd ovre the sema aegnr fo rrupsees hnesagc orve wchih owfl is galoutrdeetau in a engvi rano.g deId,ne mfro eth in:r"eaotl
hwy is pamsal cctiono eprsrsue wngro?
A evry rmasiil tnoqiseu I vhae sene in sQbank lwil kas yhw a tnpeait thiw rigth ahter euilfra osed tno lvpoede eedma adn eht snarwe si eiearncds cphitaylm randagei. I gto hits suintoqe ngorw iolirnlayg aebescu I snraweed angol siht line fo nsagieorn tbu I khtni in hist aesc ti all ahs ot od with WREHE het eaxrt spserure si nmiogc ofm.r In sith ueqnitso hte tp sha liatsciod nnyosierhtep os oyu acn hkint outba eht eupserrs sa minocg wo"rfard" so inictortgsnc eclplrapayri ispsterchn anc etevpnr an eairsecn in psseuerr in eth rilpyclaa .dbe wHoever ofr tigrh eatrh aurifle tshi exrat fludi is cinmgo omrf eth OPPIOTSE ioreicntd (wdkrbacsa rfmo hte ghtri rha)et dna rttcsiognicn ceayparrlilp phcsrsitne nca od gonnthi on( estpoiop isde of ailcyprla )deb - the nlyo awy to nepvrte dmeae is ot enseiarc acpilhmty .ragdniae
tcArio tacisioDl srrsPu ee
roiAtc Syoicslt sPese urr
I laos ikhtn htta hte ptnoi gneib eamd eehr si btoau naem taaeilrr ssrrepeu P(A,)M hwich is hwta uoryaugaltrtoe mssesyt culayatl hncega adseb .on sueecaB he ash irdeceans MPA d(ue to sacneired ,BDP) eht aieilrsclpa lliw cctiontsr to miinanta taontncs e/srflrpeswuo hgrtuho hte aypcarill db.e
i dnt'o hiktn you ened to tnhki lal htta m.hcu kolo at lal hte oinpots adn htink of hwat hapnspe newh hety cneaes.,irA B, ,C D and F lla acn eucas ttiaelstnrii eB.d euamt agnresinic crilelaprypa actnreises eftedniyil o.tdns'e
.1 rticAo tiiloDsac ruesPesr
1. Hihg TRP = hihg D
P 2. Hgih HR = hhig
DP 3. Hhgi SV = hihg PD
2. iorctA ylSctios sPueresr
.1 Hhig tnottcayCilir = ghih PS
.2 higH SV = ighh S
P 3. Low paoCmeincl = ghhi
submitted by ∗ferrero(48)
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A ervy sialmir insueoqt I evah seen ni knsaQb wlli sak yhw a enatpti hitw tgrhi htrae lfiauer esdo nto levpdeo medae adn teh nweras is rdsiecena tlhacimyp idn.rgaae I gto tihs eioutqsn worng iiylaglnro usaeebc I nraseewd ganol this inel fo osernigna ubt I ntkih ni shit saec it lla ahs to do whti WERHE het xetar suesrrpe is mogcin ormf. nI ihts isnouetq teh pt hsa iocsadlit sehynrpeitno os oyu nac kinht aubto hte rsespure sa ncmiog o"rd"fwar os tgrnostncici eprallarypic hpiescstrn nac reepnvt na creinsae ni rssrepeu in the cylaripla d.eb eoewvHr rof hrtgi raeht fruiale iths axter lfidu si ognicm fmro het SOOIEPPT nodetrici sacr(awbkd mrfo teh ihtrg at)rhe adn niscctgntiro rceprylailpa hpntessrci cna od htgnnoi n(o tspioepo sied fo illyarcpa )ebd - eth oynl wya ot tvnpere maeed si ot neecsira tcpmiylha ane.igadr