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NBME 23 Answers

nbme23/Block 4/Question#33 (reveal difficulty score)
A 16-year-old girl with bulimia nervosa is ...
Potassium: decreased;
Chloride: increased;
Bicarbonate: decreased
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 +13  upvote downvote
submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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I tiallrlye utjs rdizeeal why isht noqsutie ofudsenc me os cumh and( v'Ie ertdi ot uefgri ti tuo a eouclp fo stime, ).llo I lte eth cqliullooa idinotinfe fo liaimbu .ie(. itigv)omn icskt ni my i,dmn htat I froogt het ctlaau lacedim iidotienfn = rmoaln IBM 1)t;&(g8 + iengb enitga nad rpgiung hee(wr ugrigpn lucdo be diuencd ivmnotig or ietcidru esu ro elxatiav esu orn/ad vxcesiese rx.)esecei oS rlaely, twah hsit esqiount was nkasig is ylismp hatw is het yecoltrltee ecbanal fo svxeciese radraeih? E!GZE I amde ti os muhc aredhr in ym dahe hewn yntgri ot sarenw it aiygi.orlnl

Drhraaei sasecu nooin-nna pag .(.ie hirerlephcc)omy cemiaotlb doi.scias otolS roypntiaemdnl saontnci H-OC3 dan K,+ os cxvsiseee rdaehrai = essivxcee ossl fo OCH3- adn K.+ dlhoeirC seevll ni eth usmer lwli eb saenidecr edu ot the rmaoln -OCl3CH/- ,uirqubeimli so sa nvtegeai rchaeg tspiasside deu to lsos of ,C3HO- l-C iwll anreecsi goecntricr the -pnna.aoig

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drdoom  liaumiB csoem frmo rkeGe a"neousvr "eg;nhru hte etrm si a ltirale teonnctaincoa fo hte srdwo for ox s)b(ou + ngrehu m)islo.( So, in ee,krG aimubil-o is lelilryta o"x g"nrue,h chwhi is a dno to owh eht rwod si seud in mecienid = eurppaelt and atnibelsai aeptteip fro dofo ht(e vyer "pe"potsio fo +5
abhishek021196  I arege ihtw uroy eigsarnno btu teh icsscla ecas tsiircdnepo of miaBlu litss cltleoyeter rdibauncste of HOai,kypmela l,ieorOpyhHacm dna bcoltaeiM Aiaosl,kls olnga wthi hotre tigshn lkei aordtpi roeytyhhrpp dan saodlr dnha salucesl eud to eht ndecdui vinm.otig I dtreppi up th.eer :/AF 02 gP 657 +
llamastep1  ekaT heom :lssoen nnrsioage &;gt igmnirzmoe +3
lulumomovicky  I hgtthou ermo fo it by hte fiwog:nllo the taieptn osels 3HOC in eth ostlso nda hsti ahdiearr suceas the boMcaeilt .dcaoiiss eBcause maornl C3OCHl/ umeuiiilbqr husldo be nminedaa,it ihlercod lvelse ni remus og pu to cpeeotnams eth sols fo sA teh ptinaet is aols CVIHLOPYMOE ude ot BP fo 869/1, hnet RSAA .ttcavesai oAonestrdle wlli isaneerc Na adn etawr oparirtnbose ot pkee vaeliom dan K wlli eb tercexde )a.olmeyaphik( slAo eTPsA-aH ni het taacerdlneti ecsll of eth igntlceolc ctud iwll be ticaedvat by denetol,raso tuerhrf tpaniopggar the teilcabom socaiis.d +1

bulimia ≠ purging  Bulimia comes from Greek “ravenous hunger”; literally “ox hunger” = ox (bous) + hunger (limos).

+5/- drdoom(1206)

N.B., there are many ways to “purge”; the method of purge determines the observed electrolyte disturbance. A nice description of bulimia nervosa from MeSH:

BULIMIA NERVOSA. An eating disorder that is characterized by a cycle of binge eating (BULIMIA or bingeing) followed by inappropriate acts (purging) to avert weight gain. Purging methods often include self-induced VOMITING, use of LAXATIVES or DIURETICS, excessive exercise, and FASTING.

+1/- drdoom(1206)

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by brookly_(1)
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I thotguh ablmiiu gvei rsei ot bcaiteolm lksioslaa c..a.n emenoso beotarlea ?

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drdoom  mrRme,bee blumaii eftils eosd not anem i“”g;rgunp ti naesm “gxoheun-r”. tI si pnggiur .g(,.e lienintntao ogivn,imt leaxtvia bsa,ue uideritc bae,us sevceixes ecxri,ese or merxtee )igftsan which rtcesae ilaotbemc ubtic.rndesa The peyt of etndisrbuac esdnedp on oury rpeferrde tueor fo itx”“.e +2

 -3  upvote downvote
submitted by dr.xx(176)
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bsAeu fo avaisxtle &t;g= ulausly recaseded emurs sput.asmio sA ot icredolh nda cabr,ib htta ded.pnse eyTh odluc eb dnisrecea ro decdreae.s


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 -4  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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atreT hsti iekl a aVmoPI Wyarte( aaerrdhi, ayrhroalcdhi = dcdreue HCl ni teh u,mlen &m;pa iykoaampl)eh

tshi iwll ldae to ocibamlte adcosisi /dt lsso fo brciab ni olost

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btl_nyc  hiCedlro si cneresdai hough.t +
maxillarythirdmolar  Tshi mctenmo is old.g y@bn_lt,c ihts is ycautall cec.uta you odlwu etpxce la mrecrehhioyp/:KihshkN.ibomwBw0b/8c.t697lsgw5vn.nn.//p/oot +1

 -4  upvote downvote
submitted by maxillarythirdmolar(45)
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teBs mtnmeoc i dera saw to terat hist elki st'i a VPI.aom Yuo wudol tge all eethr et/clblrityetoeelacom uedabsirntsc.


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