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Retired NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 2/Question#41 (reveal difficulty score)
A 56-year-old man who is admitted to the ...
Determine whether the patient has decision-making capacity ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—m-ice(370)
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tmAnyouo si the smot aitpnrtom ictehs rcppeilni atht sresseupde all ehrs.ot rov,eeHw ti is apepdli ylno ni tistasnoiu in hhwci a itpetna mssteendator iigeoamdniscn-k ayptcc.ia In ihst iuasion,tt a titnpae htwi dcvdnaae isseeda kneiulyl ot be erudc si suinfger m,teeantrt hchiw si sih rigth nerud the plcierpni of oo.yatunm vorwHee, ihs mcmsteon uotab egtr"nrnui ni 6 tnsomh frtae cgirnu atrsi"thir aer bntuaqo,eelis nda rwtrnaa nmreiingdet fi eh ahs cesoniid nagkim yai.capct It si essbilpo ahtt he e,osd hcwih si hyw yna csoiehc fo origfnc fehurrt tnrettaem on ihm ear tc.iocerrn

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hungrybox  eThes cseiht eitqnusso meess os ilmsep dan tey mohowse I wlasya egt tmhe ro.wgn I gsseu dpee ndow m'I tujs a gbum.sac +20
mutteringly  yeH eser'ht wslaay aendtl osolhc +5
hungrybox  getli edam me ,lol tnksha for ahtt +1
jurrutia  ,sloA teh ntpeiat si a!eiuldosln eH tkshni sh'e gnigo to ceur ihtsrarti. oYu dn'ot vahe icinsedo mgnika ypitacca nhew oe'yru y.razc +1
madamestep  aluc,tAly oyu lysbeoulta nca aehv ocegidmin-sknai ytaaccip nehw ur'yeo c.yarz ouY tjus ened ot eahv a gcaloil nrseoa orf uyor edioscin rof this eon nc.oeiids oAls it ddenesp on eth :oecinids nmoesoe hitw DA ighmt ont evah ceiondis agnmki apticayc rfo rhite nlgo trme earntmtte ro oughsin ees,dn ubt yhte gmthi heva iniodesc kgmian tycacaip bteeenw otw urgd scieohc gbnie nmodecrmede. +

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submitted by โˆ—marypoppins(1)
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yhW antc' ti be occehi ?E I aeussdm teh tpetain dha pli.oarb

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submitted by โˆ—beetbox(6)
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naC sneemoo iaexlnp orem no ohw to eclkta eesht tyspe of euts?iqosn I scku at htees squtniseo orf ...alre To e,m he uesodnd etrpty eans adn aenobsreal (osed ton wish ot wstae hrote eepposl' .nmye)o Seru eh mihtg be rduen thglsi erdssepoin injgugd hwo eh hsa a ritmlnae nliesls nda ihs attetnesm no hwo dbynoo sreac ofr .imh Btu sunles he is noecrtihne or gpdyasnlii icagmal ihktign,n nsisg fo lsso of rommye c,.et hyw dsluoh eh be lvduaaeet on iomsiiegdn-knac citaay?pc

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drdoom  in ildcmae ralanpc,e uoy acn be os srepsddee ttha ru'eoy aylacltu ioncgletiyv de.miriap isth si onkwn sa mosadndte.eeupi t,suh uyo ened ot ifugre out: isโ€œ shti uyg os ssreddeep we anc edme imh centipmteon ot make โ€eidsc?niso +
rockodude  eh asys eh ahs an oeintnnvi to eruc rtastiihr in 6 tnmosh elh'l eb .c.kab not mraoln ta tlase ofr ihst ituensqo tstah the lien htat dmea em tinhk sdoe stih eporsn vhae capyacti +

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