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Retired NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 4/Question#33 (reveal difficulty score)
A 12-year-old boy is brought to the physician ...
Inhalant abuse 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +46  upvote downvote
submitted by sympathetikey(1600)
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vynreoeE owh otg sthi qiounets ightr si a ͟■༼■⌐༽ل

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dr_ligma  nFk sarnc +2
j44n  nwpa_epihggt +

Whenever NBME asks about a kid with suspicious face rash and dizziness/grades falling... that kid's huffing glue

+1/- dr_ligma(46)

 +22  upvote downvote
submitted by dr_ligma(46)
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fI ENMB kssa obtua a kid thiw pcssusioui rsha ndure ish enso + delgdbeitedu/hrmha ni s,sacl ttha dsk'i uhginff elug

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abhishek021196  tIanlsnah ttcnoaixnioi euascs n,dnbioisitiih oih,upera errudls tidupbedscehs, re at,ig eridnionita,sto swiionsWtrhr swdaeld. lsdea to iirr,biiltaty hrsop,ydia elpes eetasehacbc ura.idh,nd +4

 +9  upvote downvote
submitted by lsmarshall(465)
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Inlhatna buaes odcul eb noed thiw e,ugl ntiap ine,rhsnt u,efl trunsoi o,exdi ro ylkla lUlasuy ni ohshh-glcoi gdae i.dks nlasaItnh rae d's'ownre os etarwhev tcnniioioatx ftfscee etehr rea ohdlsu be rdtpsesnea and uflyl eerosvl twihin 03 ot a opeucl ruosh. ttaPesin amy kolo rudkn nweh tetidcxinoa twhi hsnntlai,a tbu ulyausl ukcyilq solrev.e A cetitcrahrcsai "gleu sn'eifsrf asrh" rnauod teh noes nda mtuoh is imsosteme enes tearf gonpdeorl sue.

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madamestep  sAlo I nthik NBME awstn su to wkno atth htsi si ni a kdi eucsbae fo eth ecacss Ist' rhad rfo a kdi to etg nico,eac l,ooclha i.oe.rn.h but t'si yesa to teg asoilgen. +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by mousie(272)
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A Teen wtih jiotincen of htbo ntuaojncivc = eedw dcul o lsoa be ainsubg ohret gdrsu Is 12 yrase ldo nda rufo osnmth jtsu too lod dna oto olng of a imet rof ti ot be mpoi?gite I dneorawr ti nowd to eeths wto nad usgdsee utb... I ns'awt esru I could eainletim .ti

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medskool123  I cdikpe goimteip usbacee of eth ogld i.l.tigp.psn I sgseu I tkoo htat as hoyne sduetcr sn.loesi cFk* .BMEN +8
yotsubato  gffinuH logd aspry i.ptan A al eth morhec sfufehr in Mad Mxa +7
subclaviansteele  LOL I ihntk tath hmigt be htwa teyh wree oingg ofr .eher odlG spayr itna.p +3
et-tu-bromocriptine  nynAoe wnok twah may eb cgnsaiu sih gehtwi sslo adn wsnnengliusil to ate? I ghuhtot too cmuh otni ti and put er"cryum pgi"ionsn,o cesin I gutothh hte eyahv tmslae' midbaonla ssymtpom yma eavh aecsdu hmi to not tawn ot at.e _¯/_)(¯ツ +3
covid2019  I'm otn sure btuoa hte iyolospthohaygp e..e.trh uBt I do nowk taht hatnslnia era ppulroa ni scepal hreew te'eshr emextre .peortyv I sntep oesm mtei r,bdoaa adn noe fo the tapntsei was sginu sanhlnait to kaet hte eegd off hte r,hngue so tath esh cloud psnde ehr myoen on dofo for erh dkis .iadntes heS sloa worked no the stserte os I egssu it losa dema ti sieear t,o you o.nkw.. +2

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by syoung07(58)
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eTh lodg plispnigt doulc psilmy be mscloua eud to ryiujn ormf hte inanatlh taht sha sacebbd v.ore orF teahvrwe ansore BEMN veslo ikds gunfi,hf tshi si a scacisl niest.rnaopet

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madamestep  'Im aslo innhktgi a idk nlwudot vaeh tgpomeii rof 4 notmhs nda it eydteinlif donlw'ut scaeu shi dasger to alf.l tBu e'your yver r.hitg BMEN lvoes eeths hufrfse hahah +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by aurelz(1)
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iAptco trmiaidtes: yTpe 1 triissnyeytpiehv xn.r uirtrciP rtoieunp ylmnomoc no skni eerlxfu.s arpsAep no face in iyncfna dna ehtn ni eabaclintut oassf in indrlhec dan ldust.a csdesoiatA wtih ohert cotaip iedesas masa(ht, icerallg istnriih, doof ;lseglari)e .aug rsume gE.I 202(A0F .p 7)47

Iieoptgm: rleaBiact fxin on .snik eVyr pcfsiuelrai nsik .fxni Ulaysul ormf S uarsue ro S .ynegoeps YIGLHH GTUOC.SOAIN Hneyo lrcoeod ncirs.utg 220(FA0 p. 9)47

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