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Retired NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 4/Question#33 (reveal difficulty score)
A 12-year-old boy is brought to the physician ...
Inhalant abuse 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +46  upvote downvote
submitted by sympathetikey(1600)
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novereEy who tgo this nuisoetq thrgi is a o.cp ⌐■༽■ل͟༼

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dr_ligma  Fnk sarcn +2
j44n  ghtpewpinag_ +

Whenever NBME asks about a kid with suspicious face rash and dizziness/grades falling... that kid's huffing glue

+1/- dr_ligma(46)

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submitted by dr_ligma(46)
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fI BNEM ssak uotab a kid tiwh ussoiscpui rash rednu ish oesn + rhued/ghdlaemdibte ni sls,ac thta ksi'd ugfihnf glue

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abhishek021196  Ialnnstah ciniaxttonoi cseuas inni,ibihstdoi phueario, lresrud uephie,tdrsd ecbs agi,t neadiitto,siorn wa do.siWswtlinrhdesr asdel ot ,iatrilrtiiyb sdioy,rpah lespe dsabe,dcuheaharcntie. +4

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 +9  upvote downvote
submitted by lsmarshall(465)
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nnlIaaht bsuea coudl eb dnoe whti e,glu iantp nsner,iht euf,l nirotsu oixd,e or lalyk sriti.etn uayslUl in osochlhhgi- edga .sdik hanItasln era rdse'on'w so etehvrwa oitnaicntoxi tceeffs reeth era hodlus be rdpasstene dan lulfy rleeosv htniwi 30 in.m ot a cpeulo rohsu. natsPite yam loko nrdku hwen eioitxdntac with hai,atnlns tub ylulsau lcikqyu srlvoe.e A sihrceiracattc "eugl rfsnsif'e shra" rdoanu hte osne and ouhtm si ssoeetmmi esen tarfe ldrpongeo .ues

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madamestep  olAs I knhit MBEN wsatn us ot wnok hatt shti si in a ikd bcuseae of eht scasec .usies stI' drah for a ikd to gte n,ceiaco ,llooahc .nieo.h.r tub 'tis esay ot tge in.logsae +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by mousie(272)
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A neTe hitw nneitiocj of tboh ucnjncaitvo = edwe o ludc salo be nabuigs rtheo sdrug Is 21 easry lod adn frou nhmtos tusj oto odl dna too nglo of a mite fro ti ot eb iogpem?it I rrdanowe ti wodn to htsee wot nad segused u.b..t I a'nwts ures I ludco litaneime t.i

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medskool123  I eipdkc iompgtie saueecb of teh glod si.gitpln..p I gessu I otok thta as onyhe crsudte lso.inse F*kc EBMN. +8
yotsubato  iffnugH dlog srapy itpn.a A la eht ecomrh ferhsfu ni aMd xMa +7
subclaviansteele  LOL I ktnhi atht hgmit be athw thye erew niggo ofr eehr. odlG ayrps aitpn. +3
et-tu-bromocriptine  Aoynen nwko ahtw amy be ancigsu sih wghtie olss and nnulgwinesils ot a?et I guothth oot uhcm noit it dan utp rye"mcru ,snpi"ngooi cinse I gttuhho the yeavh 'eslmat aomadinlb osytpmsm yam aehv dcaseu mhi ot not awtn to tae. )(_/ツ¯_¯ +3
covid2019  Im' otn sreu batou eth shlpayoohpyoigt uBt I od wokn taht ltahisann rae apulrop ni aspcle eehrw tserhe' etmxere yo.pevrt I tsnpe mseo tmei dboara, and eno fo eht etsiptan was inugs ntiahnsla to take the deeg ffo eth egn,ruh os taht seh udclo ensdp ehr yeonm no ofod ofr rhe kisd niaedst. ehS olsa eworkd no eth ssteter so I ugsse it olas daem ti earies ,to oyu kow..n. +2

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submitted by syoung07(58)
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heT dogl piilgtnps dcolu pysmli eb lcomsau ude to njiyru morf eht tlnnihaa that hsa dabcbse .veor For aetrhvew onaser BMEN evsol kisd finhg,fu tihs is a lcaissc .peoraeitsntn

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madamestep  Im' olas knhtiign a kid tlwnudo vaeh tmoeiigp fro 4 hntsom dna it yeitfedlin unt'oldw uasec sih eradgs ot llf.a But y'oeur ryev NEBM lsove sehte ufhsref hhaha +

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submitted by aurelz(1)
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cpiAto smitiaredt: yTpe 1 sinryyetthvsiipe nx.r Prrictiu retoipnu cnmmyolo on skni ruefxs.le psraAep on ecaf ni yicfnan dan neth in ultieabctan ofass in increldh dan ua.ltds aoesdtsAic hwit toreh ctiaop dsseeia ah,tams( clgilrea rs,nihtii odof eliasrgel;) .gau mrsue EgI. 02A(F02 p. 74)7

tIiepmgo: cBtrealia xfni no sink. Vrye iicalrpufes iksn f.ixn slauUyl morf S easuur or S g.pyoesne LHIYGH .GOTNAISUCO yoHen orldoec A20F(20 .p )497

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