ehT aldndeuo munle da(n cacitrnpae sopaseert eilk TYP)NOMYHCISR si the seti ewerh anprteicca snmezye “epdtes(sadipe)on” acelve lrage etylipoppsde tino mlrlsae tisb tieidept)p=tdpe.(ieipss,dr tI si ta eth URSBH ROBDRE wehre the steamlls dikns of deptpies )irdepipitt,eesidpdpst(e rea okrbne wndo noti retih moain ,disac hwhic ylalnif nac be tsnoaeotrdrcp- wthi Na+ noit het neansttiil lce.l
I ikhnt btuoa ti thsi y:aw
enO fo eht oDorcts in ginTirna vediso atlekd aoubt sbirtopaon fo stt,nnueri nad ifeilcyspalc mdoinenet tath sddeptpiie dna ttpieipdres rae ntrrtsceooadp with hoygnder oint hte tnsiaIentl malscou lelcs ielhw lengsi sAA are prrnsodteacot tiwh +aN. So not ynol do stidepiped nad rpipeidstte ekma ti ntio eht aitltisnen caumso ebreof bgeni rbkneo wdo,n hyte lyclauat teg ni srafet naht ilgsen AsA o.d
:eM I am rosry ot ysa btu sbecuae of eht nuceeeqscons of ruyo MD ew illw have ot teaupatm your itgeetnla: P ky,oa tub I ahve noe uoqietsn :eM tt:eny?ase iP is csoetfru nrebok nwod ni tinaesnlti emlnu or nianliestt euaMm?c os: e.tPtai:...n. .:e.M ... I khnti its eniatsltin uemnl
hsiT toqiusen reokb em remo tnha eht stdieep.p
yhW is aenudold ulnme rtocicr?ne I hhuotgt rapncticae seyenzm tryys(mc,pohni pyxprecaiabo)tsde ulodw be dcateol ehr.e
erehts a nazki radc ni the GI kcde ofmr noctzsao gniohsw lmaliun sdie +de/tidppHie and etppHei+irdt/ er.rpn-sttocosra Tnhe ideisn hte anttienlis asmcou, eht di dna eisptiepdtr rea nborek wdno itno omnia cisad wrehe a slaba side atpnorrtser sput hetm noti hte odblo rtsaem
reHse a ilnk wgnhios atht:
-Di dna riT- tppseied nac teren into estercoetny iav pT1Pe trroerpsnsat dna be kberon wond to amion isdac within het osteyc.retne ecHne hwy eth enmlu si nto the sbte asernw
ehT eisntmcsa of tshi seiuotnq dmea me tomiv o.dblo
At aslet neo yad a taitpne iwll okol me ni teh syee dan ska " wreeh are eisertpidt nboerk dnwo ta." I will eslim at meth adn sya e"th slitntaeni cmsuoa nad not eht ouu"d.dnem ylTleh' msiel kcab and tenh l'li nhte ill' aklw ayaw dan nhtik of htsi notemm sa I mjup from het dinwow.
submitted by ∗seagull(1933)
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ehT estcminas fo shti entiqsuo emad me itomv ooldb.
eOn yda a eaniptt illw olok em in hte yees dna a,sk r"eeWh era eedipirtts kbnreo n?o"dw I lliw selmi at mhet dna sy,a t"he elatnintis ucaoms dna nto the .m"uoudnde eTlh'yl limes akcb dan l'Il kwal ayaw nda ktnih of siht entmom as I mpju rfmo the wo.nidw