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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 3/Question#25 (reveal difficulty score)
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 +47  upvote downvote
submitted by azibird(279)
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hWo lese emca eher eaftr tieggtn itgrederg yb ihts n?wrsea

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yousif11  shiT tsnuoiqe did ont eag lelw +23
helppls  m'I igogn ot be gtnaik tpSe htiw ihts gsno sckut ni my daeh llo +

 +28  upvote downvote
submitted by aneurysmclip(209)
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eyonna eles egt itsh wnrog iwlhe eth rucnert vosciunraor nme"a"dipc cca( ot smeo rsesuo)c is lhn?enppi faegigne elrallala bumd rn

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targetmle  esy eucabes i ouththg yeht ntow vige uqes on recrtun irnruoavcos toansiuit os !elr!ay +
adamventure  I httouhg to smfyel adm"n ti rseu owlud be kucfin iihuorsla if uCovrosrani asw het a".esnr.w nrstu tou ti saw dna it t'nsaw usliahior nseci I tog it rognw. +67
asdfjkl  no uqeots ededen fro dipeacnm noeraym (: gbi sad +14
yesa  s!Ye ubt al,os nverouasriosc eotnf csaeu eht nmcoom cod,l ton lla of hmte aer laeryl abd! So isht y4o lrgi oclud laleyrlti jstu evah eht cmnoom ,cold dna eth nsaviuorcro doteaisl rfmo ehr ylilek d'eotsn avhe idpenmca en.loptati So isht ouinqset ash nhtngoi ot od wtih teh ooggnin pmaid'cste--in tsju cceinncoi!de +2
jaramaiha  Was I hte lnoy one that hhouttg it aws ecaus it si peenlvedo dan aiseyl t?yosdeder oll I di'ndt even rtobeh hitw spseotcd.rir +1
madamestep  "cca ot eosm ou"escrs ho os guoy.n.. os ieavn +
fatboyslim  r@haajamai dogo eno rehet +

 +14  upvote downvote
submitted by tea-cats-biscuits(273)
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oYu know it’s an dpnoeleve ivusr incse ti s’netod hodl pu to idac ro nigeb eird.d Yuo okwn it sucsae a refev dna a guoc,h liehw enatgfcfi the lxa.nry yOln ruisv ageytocr ahtt sift lal htta onif is hte acvrnusrioo (ssauec )SRSA rfom ttha li.ts

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zelderonmorningstar  BEV tosnd’e sacue evfer adn gc?huo +1
zelderonmorningstar  oW,w jtus eehkcdc stiFr idA dna it se’otdn tsil og“”uch sa a sypommt fo .VEB +4
drdoom  BEV is ont a aprrtoy“eris ;”urvis ’tsi a *B lecl ivr*us. vEen tuhohg yuo himtg casieotsa it with het “eppur eoaysrirtrp t”trca ss=i(inkg ,ed)seais ti one’dts uaces yrsiepoarrt tinlifnmoaam eiscn tt’ash ton ist r.tpoe B sellc rae tis eptro! h’sTta hyw VBE si idiltcmape in Btkritu Lhmomay,p ryahi ikkleplaaou nda ohtre boldo senarcc. BE(V is soal nokwn sa c“poiltompruyhysr”v -- ti swa lgrainyoli redvociesd ”dnh“igi in esthmyo*pcy*l fo k) o,S EVB = nhtik B lcse.l +30
fulminant_life  VEB sedo usace apeargyhln dan geaalyrnl lfonammintai agnol hitw vr,eef mae,lasi nad ugcoh dan DAL. heT ylon ngith ttha odinetp em aywa mrof moon adn tsrowda riconsorvau swa hte ntapites .age +8
nbmehelp  Can mnsoeeo einxpla twah otn ndlihgo pu to diac or ngeib ieddr ash ot od ihwt igenb elnpee?dvo +
yb_26  epnmhlbe@, het eepelonv soctsnis of oshlosphpiidp nda nesroitgloypc ;>= a,eth aci,d tsg,erdtene ridngy - lal of atht can ilsveods eht lpidi balirey esenamrmb g=t;& veriuss lwli slos rheti iivytefinct ecs(ueab heyt edne na plneveoe for wto soensar - to teprcto mteh tiasgna stoh eunmmi tesmys, nad ot ttaahc to tohs slelc eaufscr in rredo to fecnit )mhte +12
lowyield  62@_by oesd ttah maen ttah vedno-nleonep evursis ldoh up tertbe ot nsidc?sdra/ey +2
rina  yes nloeedvep ivesrus era rasiee ot lkli (ees tpos fomr ep:stdruqarasn losa i tnkhi het hwe"n idrde" gmiht rfree ot teh afct atht nsvrroicuoa is prdeas by rytrpoasrie rtldosep dto'(n nvee edne to raed isrtf dai nac sjtu raed het nwse ta tihs io)tn!p +4

 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by drdoom(1206)
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BEV is tno a ytrir“poasre rsu”iv -- ’its a B ecll urvis. It tefscni B elscl; ont naeyrglal .sclel

evnE htuohg oyu hgmti tassoicae it tihw hte rpe“pu rrrpystoeia rat”tc s=sik(gni adss),eie it sdo’etn aeusc peiyrastrro malanfiiotnm sceni as’tht ton its eot.rp B escll are tis ptre!o ’shTta wyh VEB si litdaimecp in ittBkur momypLha, arihy laiukplakoe dan oerth odbol n.ccaesr VEB( is asol ownnk as iops“prloyh”uyrcvmt -- it swa oargllyiin dreoidevcs dgni”hi“ in tysplcoeymh fo eymsko.n) o,S VEB = thkin B slc.le romF the MSeH r:rlbyai

hTe ptey pcsiese of HPOUCSRMLIVTYRPOY, ybaflsuim NRPSEAEVAAMHIMGERI, nntcefiig csl-lBe in nuhas.m tI is oghthtu to be het tcavuesai ntaeg fo IOIUFTNSEC NSLUOSONCIEMO adn is yonrglst aetciaosds with laor rhaiy pkilolkaeau (KAEL,LKAPUIO RIYAH,;) TBITUKR YMOALMHP; dna eroht niiasacglne.m


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 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by staghorn(6)
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too laer r...n

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thotcandy  ?hgirt enmb eigdrpcnti eth freutu +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleaspirant2020(9)
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qdaneunrati at omhe gnuird eth oruviacnors cnidmpae dan listengec eht tihrg eransw sa RoCnao ithtuow knhintig cetiw as i esu het isnztraie ot klli eosth ltteli drbsatas nwikogn yeht era oelevdw..pweno hawt sah elif meoceb

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procrastinator  lL,o I dn'oltcu yarlle reigfu sthi ioutsqen otu os I swa iekl F it. uorvCsroian it si. +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by covid2019(8)
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iH reteh! Pgcirnteid mseo iquenssot on sdpnmaice in 1SsTEP in the nrae ert.uuf tSay eun!dt

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by 07chess(3)
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I ckeipd sro,iRuavt tnsitgi ni the liraybr ihtw a amsk on ude ot IOV1.CD9

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by 123ojm(11)
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lcelfipcaiyS n'ditd sceoho rvuroisaonc eud ot the cveniede tath -VDI19OC is rpdsea oarl-e.flclya owH edso ti tge tohhrug teh GI tatrc if s'ti teivadctnai by pH < ?6 aCn noemeso pxlaein wyh ym ghiitnkn si gw?onr

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hello  -.V.1DCOI.9 is mtsierttdan iva tirreroypas dlrs.peot +4
123ojm  giRht btu seom rcesaehr sha omec uto gnsyia tis' saol dsrepa .fcyallrlo-ea oS 'Im wgnndroie thaw I'm igismns in hits siuq.onet +
tyrionwill  n'Dot rustt SU CCD in hist nde.mcpia yheT alwsay pddyonalew the h.utrt unsraCrvio odes predsa mlyain yb oe,rtspld wenh yhet d,pro ythe netcmnaaoit het far,seuc enth -oaarfllce uocdl be a cesndo y.ahtpwa ernWagi sm,ak slcaoi gnndasciit era hbto ot nptreve a edp.otlr +
boostcap23  I hothutg vcdoi sude to eb lwo lyedi newh tshi tset asw dmae dan eyht dndt'i noientm lacihel os I dtndi' ikcp it hsm m'I an oi.tdi +1

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by rockodude(39)
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iatnmeeli eacfl rloa rusisve ethn uyre'o dwon to EVB nda c.oaron ncoora si a easrproiyrt ,usriv sncedo smto omncom uacse of mcmono ,cdol nad BVE sseuca ,omno tno rlleya eaiocatsds ihwt a hcou.g atsht ohw I dlkeoo ta ti

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleaspirant2020(9)
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deqatarniun ta oehm niugrd hte scroouairvn cpidneam dan cnseigtle eht grthi ranwes sa onRaoC iohtwut ingihktn ectwi as i seu hte eiziasrnt ot klil htsoe lttiel asdbstra nwoinkg htye era weoedlewvp..on hwat sah efil eobcme

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by theunscrambler(4)
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evEeo:lpn Lpidi abyilre nudroa the saidpc thta nisctano iarlv onyetloprgisc nad hsto llec hpioen.tsr eT enscpere fo eth lidpi iebyalr aemsk ryalen lla odeleevnp rsvesiu nellubreav to dapir icaaininttov yb oanircg otvsnesl ..(,eg )holoal,c rgsete,etdn nda yrd etha.

eehWr sa dpeovne-lnone isuesrv era lgynarlee sisretatn to the itrneneo.mnv

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 -3  upvote downvote
submitted by madojo(212)
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siivpote nesse NAR usr,vi nscouwrn goa rocnnki egrnwai beor - ptadnlcescilleaahue uirsv - aipignslr rado, lciheal rts izngeenese dna ngbliow ingk - cmnmoo locd htwi chbnoilor teer on gkni ngnoipti ot ASRS dan meildd tase prstrareioy rmeodysn (tuace rctinbo)his

Tshi rvisu elseiptrca ni het otamslypc athts hwy giKn is seotdui shi elcast )cuslenu(

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j44n  'mI os gadl i dnto eavh ot akte stpe one neco ehyt vdsrieoc lla sthi sith bouat het nwe ncoaro riants. +

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