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Retired NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 4/Question#33 (reveal difficulty score)
A 12-year-old boy is brought to the physician ...
Inhalant abuse 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +46  upvote downvote
submitted by sympathetikey(1600)
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rnEeyveo who gto stih nqeiusot thrgi si a pc.o ༼■༽⌐͟■ل

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dr_ligma  kFn sarcn +2
j44n  gwpe_pgthnai +

Whenever NBME asks about a kid with suspicious face rash and dizziness/grades falling... that kid's huffing glue

+1/- dr_ligma(46)

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 +22  upvote downvote
submitted by dr_ligma(46)
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fI MBEN sksa baout a kdi thiw osucsiipus rhas ndrue hsi noes + mgdehihdbedlea/tur ni asl,cs tath kdsi' ihnugff glue

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abhishek021196  asIhantnl oitntxocaini saucse nh,itiioisndib paohieru, dursler uspe ddsebrhict,e i,agt onitriena,iodst t ssidawwl.rreisodhnW asdle ot ltri,tyiriaib psharyd,io lepse sdencedatruh bhica,.ea +4

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 +9  upvote downvote
submitted by lsmarshall(465)
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nlIanath uaseb culod eb oedn tiwh luge, nptia isntehnr, ul,fe rnosuti ,dxieo or alykl e.tnstiri lulyUsa ni sgochh-hiol adge .skid aaIsnlnht era e'od'nwrs so tahevwre tonoaxictiin fteefsc trehe ear suhdlo be pesdaetrns dna ullfy elsrveo iiwnth 03 nmi. ot a lpueoc srohu. tPisatne mya oolk durnk hewn tnitdeoiaxc thwi a,istnhlna utb alusyul qyulkci A iccrharsticeta "elgu sfsinrf'e hsra" oadunr het eosn dna ouhtm si esmitmseo nsee ferat nropolged sue.

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madamestep  loAs I htnki MNEB anwst su to know atht hits is ni a dki ebacuse of the ssccae sesiu. 'stI dhar orf a idk to tge cnoecai, clhoa,ol ubt 'ist aeys ot gte seonigal. +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by mousie(272)
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A eTen hiwt otnijceni fo ohtb jiucatcnnov = deew doluc saol be sbaungi oehrt rudgs sI 12 ryeas old nad fuor hmtson juts too dlo nda oot nlog of a etmi rof ti to be om?itgiep I nwreoadr it dwon to these tow and dsgesue ut...b I taws'n rsue I lcodu lieamtein it.

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medskool123  I cekpid teoiipmg cusebae of het dgol inp.lpig.s.t I esugs I ookt htta as enyoh sdteruc nsisol.e Fc*k .BNEM +8
yotsubato  iufHnfg dglo pyasr ai.tpn A la het ormceh hrfsefu ni dMa axM +7
subclaviansteele  OLL I hknit thta imhgt be wath hyet were ggino rfo rehe. doGl rpyas pi.tan +3
et-tu-bromocriptine  nAoyne nowk htwa yma eb cngsuai ihs getwhi olss dna iisgsullnwenn ot t?ae I hhuttgo oto hcum into it dna tup mcurrye" onpn,"isigo cines I ottughh eth havye ltaes'm oainlbmad ytsmmops yma have edscau him ot ton ntaw ot tea. __()/ツ¯¯ +3
covid2019  Im' otn uers utbao hte ylotoahpiopyhgs utB I do wonk ahtt nalitsanh ear olupapr in cesapl erwhe trehs'e eetxemr ypote.vr I snetp oems time ao,adrb adn eon of eht ptnieast aws niugs ahilstnan ot aket teh eedg fof teh h,neugr so ttha she cludo enspd rhe nmyoe on fdoo rfo rhe iksd nes.dtia hSe lsao dkweor no teh rteetss os I eugss ti lsao dmae it saeeri t,o oyu ..kow.n +2

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submitted by syoung07(58)
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ehT dgol tgsnpipli doluc pilsym be aclmuos ude to uynjri mrfo het alihtann atth has sbdbeca vro.e rFo earhetwv nrsaoe BEMN slevo disk ngu,hfif sith is a cisascl petianntreo.s

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madamestep  m'I olsa knnhtigi a kdi dwoutnl aveh toigimpe rof 4 otmhns nda ti tnydiliefe wlodnt'u scuae ish sreadg to llf.a tBu r'euyo vyre tg.hri NMEB elsov tseeh rsuheff hahha +

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submitted by aurelz(1)
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tpoAci aimttiersd: Tpey 1 eeipinthsvytiysr .xnr rcuiPrti inutorpe cnmoylom no nski e.fxeulsr eArpsap no cefa ni fnycain nda ethn ni ltneiaucatb asosf ni cdhlrien nad atlud.s cisdAtoaes ithw eorht atoipc esedisa (,amahst iglelcar sti,nhrii oodf s;li)eraegl gu.a umser .EIg (220F0A .p 74)7

Igomtipe: lcatrBeia nfxi no knis. eyrV rsfieauclip skin n.fxi yUllasu omrf S ruuaes ro S og.yseepn LYHGIH USGTAOOICN. oHyne lordoec r.gutcisn 22(F0A0 p. 794)

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