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Retired NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 4/Question#33 (reveal difficulty score)
A 12-year-old boy is brought to the physician ...
Inhalant abuse 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +46  upvote downvote
submitted by sympathetikey(1600)
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nEeyrevo ohw ogt isht qestuoni grtih si a c.op ༼■⌐͟■༽ل

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dr_ligma  knF csanr +2
j44n  gt_pieahnwgp +

Whenever NBME asks about a kid with suspicious face rash and dizziness/grades falling... that kid's huffing glue

+1/- dr_ligma(46)

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 +22  upvote downvote
submitted by dr_ligma(46)
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If BMNE sask uatbo a idk whti sicpssuoui sahr eudnr his osne + emtgbulirde/dedhha in alcs,s tath dk'is ffgiuhn ugle

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abhishek021196  lhnIansat iaoocitntnxi acuess s,inthibdoiiin hoprae,iu rerdlus euehpc ,sdsrebdti ,gtia nito,soteidarin Wliw.sodrwhis tnsrdea dlesa to tibi,laiyrtri ordhapiy,s lseep ahd, ds.intceehabucrea +4

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 +9  upvote downvote
submitted by lsmarshall(465)
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antalnhI aeubs dlcuo be ndoe itwh eulg, tinap ihr,ntnse le,uf turoins dex,oi or alkly i.rseitnt laylUsu ni hl-ghohcois aegd sik.d anhlansIt aer ne'srd'ow os whraveet aoinctoxntii ctfseef ehret rea oudslh be rspsanedet and lylfu rlevoes tihwni 30 .mni ot a celuop ourhs. eisPtant aym okol nrudk enhw oaxiettcind thiw tahasin,nl tub uasyull iuckyql A ahscciiattrerc "eulg isrfnes'f srah" duonra eth oesn dna humot is esostmmie sene rftea dlgeporon

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madamestep  lAso I kthni MNEB wntsa us ot wokn tath tsih is in a dik ucabese of teh easscc us.ies tIs' drha orf a kdi to teg accn,oei lh,oclao ubt is't yeas ot teg snagi.oel +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by mousie(272)
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A nTee twih iiocnetnj fo tohb nvicacutnjo = dwee ocu dl asol be nsabugi heort sdurg Is 21 sreya odl nad uorf nmhost tujs too odl nda oot goln of a miet for it to eb iie?gpmot I noedrrwa ti dnwo ot esthe owt nad sgeedsu t..u.b I tn'saw esur I luodc aineitlme .ti

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medskool123  I icepkd piogmeti usabeec fo eht dlgo .slg.p.iiptn I gesus I tkoo htta sa enohy rsdteuc .ssoneli Fkc* .ENMB +8
yotsubato  ffuniHg ogld arpsy tnaip. A la het mochre fhfeusr in dMa Mxa +7
subclaviansteele  LLO I ithkn hatt mhtgi eb htwa eyht erwe oggin orf e.her oGdl rayps +3
et-tu-bromocriptine  oeAnyn onwk htaw aym eb iacnsug his gwtieh slos dna nuginnlisewsl ot ?tea I othgthu oot hmuc iotn it nda tup rmyeu"rc on"ngsoi,pi encis I ouhghtt het hveay as'mtle alnobaidm ymstopms may veha ucdeas mih to not watn ot ae.t (¯)_/ツ_¯ +3
covid2019  I'm otn esru utoba teh ohyalohigptpsoy te..rhe. tuB I do wnok atht asnntahli are plaporu ni saclpe erewh re'seth xerteme oprte.yv I tnpse oesm mite dor,baa adn eno fo eht epntasit asw isnug talhnnsai ot ekat eth edeg fof eht gnrheu, so taht esh uoldc ndpes reh omnye on odof orf rhe sidk isenad.t ehS lsao rodkew no eth seertst os I gsseu it lsoa dmea it eeirsa ,ot yuo +2

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submitted by syoung07(58)
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hTe lgdo iinpgltsp cudlo silymp eb oslcuam ude ot yuirjn ofrm the ananilht htat ash asbcedb ver.o roF taeewrvh asoern MEBN oelvs sikd nug,ihff hist si a lasicsc ea.sinonrptet

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madamestep  'Im laos iihngnkt a dki owtdunl heav potegmii orf 4 otmsnh dna ti lidfetniey wutln'od casue shi sgadre ot uBt ry'oue ervy itrg.h MNBE evlos ethse ffsuher hahah +

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submitted by aurelz(1)
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tipcAo dstmiiarte: pyTe 1 tseyrintpyshiiev rn.x uriciPtr ruoeiptn oylconmm on ksni luxf.esre pAaeprs on cfae in cyifnan and hent ni tlbeitaaucn asfso ni ncerldih adn utsad.l editAaocss whit other apcoti eidsesa a,hsmat( erlacigl ,ihinistr food ea;igslr)le ag.u esmru .gEI 2A0F20( p. 77)4

mgepoitI: atiBlarec fnix no skin. Vyer lefpraiiucs iksn nxif. lualsUy rfmo S reuuas ro S ygos.pene IHYHGL ASNO.IOUTCG oneyH dcleoor us.cnrtgi FA(2002 .p 947)

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