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Retired NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 2/Question#41 (reveal difficulty score)
A 56-year-old man who is admitted to the ...
Determine whether the patient has decision-making capacity ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—m-ice(370)
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ntyAuoom is eht mtso itpmoatnr shtice cpireinpl ahtt erpeedssus lla esorh.t Hov,eewr ti is ipdpael noly ni tisaniusot in hciwh a taenpit doestsnrtema igdoancknmie-si yt.cpciaa nI iths u,atistoni a tptniea wiht eddcnvaa aeessid elynluik to be erdcu si rfesgniu tretna,tme hhwic is hsi ritgh eundr teh enpcpirli fo oymantu.o ovHwere, shi oscnmemt oabtu eunir"tgnr ni 6 nmhtso faetr igcrnu ahristri"t rae unbeatlos,iqe nda taanwrr irimeengndt fi eh has snioecid imnkag pcit.ayca tI si ilebsspo tath eh ,sdeo chhwi is wyh any iesochc of iofgrnc rfurteh tnrteemta on imh are .ricorcent

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hungrybox  hseeT shecit ssouentqi sseme so imslpe adn yte oshomew I laways get emth .onrwg I egsus peed dnwo I'm utjs a g.sabmcu +20
mutteringly  eyH s'teehr wsaaly ltande oolcsh +5
hungrybox  etigl daem me oll, atnshk orf atth +1
jurrutia  Also, teh tpateni is !loudsleani eH stihnk h'se ggion to ecur shtiaitr.r uoY to'nd vahe sicendoi mgikan cyacitap when y'ouer .ryacz +1
madamestep  l,ycaAtlu yuo btolsulaye nca haev dneoacsm-iiknig apacctiy whne ureo'y Yuo tjsu dnee ot vhae a loacgil esrnao for uory odinsiec for siht noe is.oedcni Aslo ti dpeends no eth n:eiscdoi eoonsme hwit DA gtmih ont veha sdenoiic iankmg yaaitcpc orf ihtre glno mrte traetmnte ro nuhgios sdee,n btu hyet ihgmt vhea osndecii anigmk apacyitc webteen two rdgu ciscohe gienb re.eoncedmmd +

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submitted by โˆ—marypoppins(1)
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Wyh cn'at it eb coiech ?E I smedaus the ipetant had o.rblpia

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submitted by โˆ—beetbox(6)
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naC moosene elapnix rmoe on owh to kealct heste epyts of se?sqtouni I kscu at tsehe sseuqinto fro To m,e eh desnoud tptery snae nad abeanlrose eosd( ont wshi to asetw oerth se'lppeo mony)e. euSr eh htgim be unrde gisthl rsidsenpoe dggiujn owh eh ahs a mtnieral lesnsli nda shi tmesentta on how dynboo acesr rof im.h uBt senlsu he si nnitrehceo ro inlpsigdya mgicala kig,ntihn snsgi fo ssol of ormmey ,tec. hyw dolhsu eh eb evtdlaeua on iia-oskmgdnienc acpaytci?

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drdoom  ni ieacldm paeral,nc you nac eb os dsprdeese that 'oyeru tcaayull egvyclionti dim.paeir thsi si konnw as esepdndoutmea.i s,hut oyu eedn ot firegu ou:t โ€œis tsih ugy os edspredse ew anc dmee ihm eceimnottnp to emak sโ€oicesndi? +
rockodude  he asys eh sha na tovnneiin ot rceu hriartist ni 6 hotnms el'hl eb .bc.ak ont maolnr at talse rof tshi iutsenoq thsta teh ieln htta dmae me kthin seod iths neosrp ehav ticpaayc +

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