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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 3/Question#25 (reveal difficulty score)
An investigator is studying a new virus ...
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 +47  upvote downvote
submitted by azibird(279)
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Woh lsee emca eher ferat inegttg idggerret yb hist rnas?we

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yousif11  Thsi otsuqein ddi tno age lwle +23
helppls  'mI oiggn to eb gtinak tSep ithw hits snog cutks in ym eadh lol +

 +28  upvote downvote
submitted by aneurysmclip(209)
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eyanon eels teg sith ognwr elihw het cnrtuer oaivrsocunr dmicne""pa c(ca ot msoe ru)ossce si p?fngni iegelaenhp alrllaela umbd rn

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targetmle  esy eeucasb i hhgutto ehty nwto iveg qesu on rutcenr scourovairn iistatuno os aye!r!l +
adamventure  I hgtohut ot ymlsfe mnd"a it sure duwlo be iknfcu srlahiuoi if ioonarsCuvr asw eht .wse.ra"n nutrs out ti was dan ti wn'tsa iuhsiroal csnei I tgo ti onrg.w +67
asdfjkl  no osuqet eddeen rfo cedimapn renymoa (: bgi sda +14
yesa  Y!es tbu aso,l rcsvuaesnrooi fonet saecu teh cmonom ,cldo ton all fo ehmt aer yrelal a!bd oS tsih yo4 igrl cluod arlelltyi tjsu heav eth oocmnm ,codl nda hte sarovnoricu eaditlos romf hre lilyek densto' haev dncpaemi oeplitna.t So shti inuqseto sah nhgtoin to do wthi the goonngi ipdanie-'smtc- usjt eicdneconic! +2
jaramaiha  aWs I eth yoln eno thta hhgttuo it aws eucas it si epevdneol nda sialey rdtodesey? llo I dd'tin neve obetrh hitw srro.stipdce +1
madamestep  "acc to esom e"osucrs ho so .uyn.go. os invae +
fatboyslim  iajamh@aar dgoo neo eterh +

 +14  upvote downvote
submitted by tea-cats-biscuits(273)
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uYo nwok ’ist na enlpeevdo vursi inces it tosdne’ ldho up ot iacd or nbegi drie.d You nkow ti escsua a efvre adn a ugoch, hlwie efaftincg eht n.yxrla Oyln risvu egaytcor atth tfis all htta foin si eth nvcoouasrri usceas( SSAR) mfro ttha lits.

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zelderonmorningstar  EBV n’dotse sueca rfeev dna h?gcou +1
zelderonmorningstar  wo,W ujts dheccke srtiF Adi nda it odsnet’ itsl ugoc“”h as a spotmym of .BVE +4
drdoom  EBV is tno a rser“oytiarp suri”;v sti’ a *B lcle vsuri*. Enve hhtgou uoy mhgti stcaoseia it thwi eht urpe“p reyotirsrap cttra” isskng(i= edsai)s,e ti ot’nsde useca rptisroryae itflaamomnni cnesi tas’ht not ist p.rote B cllse era its oe!ptr sh’Tta yhw EVB is lmedipciat ni urtiktB oaLpy,hmm yrahi epkoukliaal dan otehr lodob er.nacsc EV(B si losa nwnok sa “o”yyrliutomhpsprvc -- ti saw ngyoiirall esdodricev hd”iin“g in cslmyo*yphet* of keo)mnsy. o,S BVE = hinkt B lclse. +30
fulminant_life  VEB dsoe aesuc haepralnyg nda galylrnea taomfmiianln gonal ithw evfre, ila,smae adn cohug dan LAD. ehT only nihtg htta enopdti me aayw rfmo moon nda tarodws crniuaovsor was eht tietnsap ga.e +8
nbmehelp  naC onsoeme niaxepl wtha ton noigdlh pu to icad ro bgnei rdide sah to od iwht genbi e?epldoevn +
yb_26  e@helmnp,b eht pnevleeo sicntsso fo oipphlphisdso nad nogypcrltoies g&;=t et,ha cd,ia ,restteegdn yndgri - lla of ttah cna sevslido het idilp liyearb membesnar &tg;= isuvers iwll sslo hreit civttefyini u(ecabse thye ende na penvloee ofr owt soanres - to eptctor ethm inatsga shot mimune e,ymsts dan ot ctaath to htos eclsl usfacre ni orerd to ficent hm)et +12
lowyield  b2@_6y sode tath anem taht ovodeeenlnp-n suevsri ohld up rttebe to aniceysrdds?/ +2
rina  eys eledonvep usriesv are iserea to ikll e(es ostp rfom :rsrnsaqadpteu w//mcee/3npww.etx1bnm:/ aosl i ikhnt eht ne"wh r"idde himtg rfere to eht aftc hatt rvuasoocnir is draesp yb yreirtarpos etplrods (ntd'o evne dnee ot read rsfit adi can utsj drae het wsne ta hits tp!n)io +4

 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by drdoom(1206)
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VBE is otn a aitpreyro“rs ”usvri -- s’ti a B cell viurs. It fctsnie B lcsle; otn lealgryan ec.lls

evEn ohutgh yuo ihmgt aoaesctis ti thwi het pr“eup prersoaiyrt ”ctart s=nk(igsi d)se,asie ti sden’to eusac aetprisyror iatimmfnanlo scein ’hastt tno its erpot. B selcl ear sti !eport ’aTsth yhw VEB is iilaetcdmp in tkiturB yohLpmam, hiary koapillukae nda tehro oodlb racnse.c V(BE si lsao wnkon as roiycm”rltupvsp“yho -- ti was iilarolgny ivresddoce “dh”inig ni ylsypomecth fo skne).yom ,oS VBE = hitkn B llsce. omrF teh MeSH birryl:a

heT etpy eepissc fo PHTRRYVOICPMYSUOL, iysuafmbl ARPEAIERHASMMNIEGV, ecnfnigit sleB-lc in .smhanu It si ughhott ot be hte seticavua tange of NFITSUEOCI UMLOOICOSNESN dna si nglyorts ssaedactio tiwh oral yihar oukaaikepll (LIOKEUAK,PLA IYAHR;,) TRIBKUT LPMAYHMO; adn htore lgnaniaim.sce


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 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by staghorn(6)
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oot arle r.n..

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thotcandy  ?igrht enbm ctripgenid eht ueftur +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleaspirant2020(9)
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arandqeunit ta hmoe urgind eht avrcruonois ciepdanm nda ilgsnecte het hgrti enarws sa onaCRo htiwotu tghiinnk iwcte sa i esu eth tzinrisea ot lkli ohset llteit tsdbsraa gkownni ehty are lowveo.needpw. atwh hsa fiel beecom

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procrastinator  oL,l I lodtcun' lyrale urigfe shit qeoitusn tou so I swa elki F .ti soornvCarui it s.i +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by covid2019(8)
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iH eher!t ietrPgicdn eoms untoqsies no nsmeidapc ni Ts1PSE ni the aren utre.fu atSy untde!

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by 07chess(3)
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I dkecpi t,iRvsroua tntgiis ni hte ialyrrb htwi a kams no ued ot DC1.9VOI

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by 123ojm(11)
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iepyfcllSaci dndti' hceoos oainourrvsc due ot het ecedinev ttah -OVICD19 si psedra eraal-yl.clfo oHw oeds it get hhgutor het IG cttar fi its' avniitectad by Hp t&l; ?6 Cna soenome ieapnlx wyh my kthingin si ?orgwn

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hello  .1I-D9C..VO is itdemnratts iav raietrysrop pserdlo.t +4
123ojm  tgRhi tub emos chesrrea ash ecom uot nagiys i'ts osla dpsaer f-cl.olyarlea So m'I diwnornge tahw mI' nisigsm ni isht itesu.nqo +
tyrionwill  D'nto uttrs SU CDC in this en.amidpc yehT awaysl opdnewlday eht .thrtu srrvnoCaui dseo pdasre ynlmai by eltordps, wneh ehty po,rd etyh aonmtnictea the freau,cs nhte loaear-lfc dlocu eb a oscden ap.atwhy ianWerg kmas, oscail itsginndac are bhot to vetnerp a droepl.t +
boostcap23  I tuhgtho vocid deus ot eb low idyel hnwe this sett aws amed nad yeht di'ntd emtnoni ihlacel os I tnddi' pkci ti msh 'Im an itio.d +1

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by rockodude(39)
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ienmitlea faelc orla eisvsur neht yuor'e ndwo to EBV and co.naor noroac is a aeorpyrsrti ivr,us onescd tmso nmcomo uesca fo omncom l,cod adn VEB suseac o,mon tno llarey stoicaeads twih a ucgoh. tatsh who I keoldo ta it

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleaspirant2020(9)
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araennduqti ta omeh ndruig eth orsovcrniau pndiecma dna cigesnlet the ithgr ewsnar sa oRoanC towiuth ihnkntig wietc as i use hte asneiizrt ot lkil ehtso telilt rsbadsta oigknwn teyh are twah hsa lfei mbceoe

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by theunscrambler(4)
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lEo:vpnee iidpL baireyl onurad the discpa that otnscnai lavri gonyleoctirsp nad thso clel p. hoeeristnT repesnce fo teh ldiip yaeibrl ekams elnray all elpvendeo sreivus elnvrbealu ot irdap tnvcnioaiati by cnoraig ntoslsev g(.e,. lcl,)oaoh egt,erdsnte dna dry th.ea

hWeer as noeepnlon-edv vriseus era enlraeylg stirtnsea ot eth ve.imeortnnn

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 -3  upvote downvote
submitted by madojo(212)
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iipsvteo eenss RNA ,rvuis oncrswu n kric gnoaon ginarwe roeb - luaedcahli seletpanc vsrui - sarnligip dra,o ihcleal isrnezsgeenet dna wioblng igkn - oncmmo olcd hwit hoolbncir reet no nkig pinognit to ARSS dan edimld east raersotriyp erymdson c(euta ctoii)nsrbh

iTsh rvius ecaltespir in het mtlpoyacs atsth wyh gniK is odietus ish talecs luc()eusn

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j44n  'mI os lgda i dotn aveh ot atek tsep eon cone teyh ovserdic all ihts this aotub eht enw orcano niarst. +

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