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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 3/Question#25 (reveal difficulty score)
An investigator is studying a new virus ...
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 +47  upvote downvote
submitted by azibird(279)
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ohW slee meac erhe afrte gtgeint rgegrdiet by stih swarn?e

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yousif11  ihsT tneisuqo ddi nto aeg llwe +23
helppls  Im' gnigo ot be iatngk etpS iwth sith ngos tksuc in my head llo +

 +28  upvote downvote
submitted by aneurysmclip(209)
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noeany slee teg itsh nrogw wlhei eht eucrnrt rocanuivosr edanmc""ip cc(a ot semo ous)recs si iegneipnlehang fp? laelarall mdbu nr

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targetmle  yse bcseeau i thghuto htey wont iegv ques on uecrnrt oivarrucosn ioutsanti os !ear!yl +
adamventure  I uthtgho ot flsmye adm"n it seur duwlo eb cikfnu rslaiuohi fi Civoaursnor was hte .w."esnra trnsu tuo it wsa dna ti stn'aw ilrohisau ecisn I tog ti grw.on +67
asdfjkl  no etsoqu edeend fro ipmnecad aornmye :( gib dsa +14
yesa  eYs! ubt lsao, roasvunicsreo eoftn csuae teh momnoc lod,c ton lla of emth rea ralley !abd oS itsh 4yo irlg lcdou yariltlle tujs vhea eth mnoocm ,cldo dan eth rrcaonsivuo stoeldia mrof rhe lklyie dtneos' haev pimceand nitpta.loe So sith tueisqno ash ntonhig ot do twhi hte nioogng 'nicae-i-smdpt usjt idnieecnoc!c +2
jaramaiha  sWa I hte loyn noe ttha tuhhgto ti was euasc ti is pdeeeonvl nad iaysel te?dserody lol I d'tind evne hrtebo itwh +1
madamestep  cac" to esom cue"rsso ho os nguoy... os aievn +
fatboyslim  ajahma@ira good eno reteh +

 +14  upvote downvote
submitted by tea-cats-biscuits(273)
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Yuo kwon ’tsi na dvonpleee suriv inecs it tsendo’ odlh up to cdia or ibegn uYo nkow ti seasuc a revfe dan a hg,uco ehliw cgatifefn eth .yalrxn Oyln suriv gotacrye htta fsit lla taht ionf si teh anrsvuooicr ssu(eca ASS)R ofrm taht

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zelderonmorningstar  EBV s’doent aesuc refve nda uco?hg +1
zelderonmorningstar  Wo,w tujs ckeedch srtiF iAd nda it ’notdes tisl ugh“o”c as a mmyospt of .BVE +4
drdoom  EVB si ton a “tposiryraer viru”s; si’t a *B llce ru*.isv vEne uhthgo oyu gtmih stesaocai ti tiwh het epp“ur parseyrirot c”atrt =ni(sgsik a)se,ised ti ’todnse acsue retsoapirry iaaiftlnmmon cinse ths’ta ont its .tepro B escll rae ist e!orpt htsTa’ hwy VBE si edmcipitla in ttBurki yLohm,pma hiyra eulakolikpa and othre obldo nc.resca EV(B is oals ownnk as h”vmpro“cyyplrtuios -- ti asw lgoyiilnra soeidvcder “ini”hdg ni sptlco*he*ymy of mo).sknye ,So VBE = ihtnk B csell. +30
fulminant_life  BVE seod ueasc gnpyaralhe dan nygelrala aammltinionf lnaog hiwt e,fevr aiemlsa, dan chuog dan LA.D hTe lyno ngiht that iepndot me yawa fmor mnoo and orstwad oorvsauricn aws eht etntpsia ge.a +8
nbmehelp  anC eemnsoo ixnepal athw ont oihgldn up ot cdai ro egbin rddie hsa to do htwi igneb o?evendlpe +
yb_26  e,mlehp@bn eth npeoleve snostcis of hppiosopildhs dan etocopgrlsniy t&g;= het,a aid,c ens,tdgrete dgniry - lla of thta nac ovessldi hte dpili riayebl mmsabreen ;=tg& ursvsie will sslo erhti ycetifnviit ceesbu(a yhet deen an evoenepl fro owt osansre - ot ttcepro hmet aigsatn oths iemnmu yem,sst nad to thtcaa ot hsto lsecl uarcesf in oredr to inftce eht)m +12
lowyield  by6@2_ esod hatt emna ahtt lneopoenvnd-e seisvur odhl up etrbet ot cys/s?drnaeid +2
rina  sey leevponde uirsvse are esiaer to klil ese( psto omfr udrtea:rpsnasq tawcs/:11e6wsrmbbot.eemp/ans/ex/.n13mw2/hnmw.) also i tnhki eht nhw"e i"dedr mitgh ferer to eth cfat ahtt suacrvnrioo si dpaers yb yertrasoipr ospreldt 'ndo(t neve dnee ot drea sritf dia nac ujst eard the eswn at tshi !oni)pt +4

 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by drdoom(1206)
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BVE is ton a p“tayoerirsr r”ivus -- its’ a B lecl rsviu. It fesntci B lcsle; not lgayranel l.secl

eEnv ghhotu yuo ithmg satiscaeo ti ithw eht ruep“p yraporriets trt”ac iigsk=s(n ,ie)essda ti d’otnse ausce ryptorriaes onmtafnailmi sniec atsh’t ont ist po.tre B ellcs are tis otep!r htaT’s yhw EBV is adeipcmtli in Btirktu a,mphmyoL ahriy loklpiekuaa nad rtohe lodbo scnacre. VBE( si aslo onwkn sa ”pytrooul“ivhspycrm -- ti saw griaonilyl orecvdseid ndi“g”hi ni ecymhstylop fo ).snemyok o,S VEB = nikth B escl.l From the SMeH ialrrb:y

heT etpy icpeses of VTYOYOHSLPUPRMICR, yambluisf ASANREIRHPVGEIMEMA, cinnitgef -slBecl in usanmh. tI si ugohtth to be teh csiaetvau tnage of ITCIEFSOUN MNSOCNILEUSOO nda is sogtrnly aecstsdiao ithw rola raihy eaakkillpou (LO,KEKPILAUA YIHAR);, TKUIRTB AHYPLOMM; adn herot mninla.eacigs


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 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by staghorn(6)
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too alre ...rn

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thotcandy  irhgt? bmne gdrptiicen hte reuuft +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleaspirant2020(9)
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aaqteirnudn ta hemo dnigru hte ousivornarc cmdepian dan eteslngci teh hitrg asnewr sa oaonRC ttuhowi kniinght wietc as i sue het naziiesrt ot llki eosht eltitl traassdb konngwi tehy rea oeow.vwedpe.ln hatw hsa flie mceeob

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procrastinator  olL, I dcu'ltno aerlly urgfie this tesouiqn out so I aws klei F i.t iavoConrsru ti s.i +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by covid2019(8)
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Hi eher!t tegdPrnici eoms usnstiqeo on apmidensc ni T1sEPS in eht aner Syta et!dun

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by 07chess(3)
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I keicpd Rrsiou,avt gsittin ni teh arylrbi tiwh a amsk on ude ot OIC9D1V.

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by 123ojm(11)
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liecpacfilSy ddni't ehoocs roircnvuaos due ot hte iecnvede htta IDV9CO-1 is aedsrp .lalclyoafr-e wHo soed ti gte utrhgoh eth GI atcrt fi t'is vitnetdcaia yb pH lt&; 6? nCa msnoeeo nxpilea why ym nkinithg is ?rgown

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hello  I-.VC1.9.DO is rtetdtmsain iav esirytoarrp .rsoltdep +4
123ojm  gRiht ubt eoms scraeerh has emco uot ynasig 'tis losa prsdae l-raocyll.fae oS 'mI niegowdnr twha Im' singmis ni thsi un.sieqot +
tyrionwill  D'tno rstut SU CDC ni tish d.aeimpnc yehT lwyaas owddypelan the t.uhrt vosCianrur deos esprda aymiln yb tedors,pl ehnw eyht dpro, etyh mticoaatnen het acusrfe, nteh elaafl-rco lcoud eb a nscedo ytpaa.wh eagiWnr k,sma casilo cadisntign are hotb ot rpetven a dprleto. +
boostcap23  I htoutgh vdico uesd to eb owl eyild hnew siht stet asw adme dna teyh dti'nd metnoin lahlcie os I id'ndt pcik ti hms Im' an tid.oi +1

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by rockodude(39)
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anteilemi lfeca alro ivrsuse neht y'reuo wndo ot BEV and n.rocao ocorna si a ireyaprrsot u,isvr odcsen stom mocmno sueac of omncom d,loc nda VEB uessac no,om otn lylrae cdoisaesat thwi a gu.hco thast ohw I okdelo at it

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleaspirant2020(9)
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atraieudnnq ta heom irdugn eth nvrrocsoaui inpamcde and sgeneictl eth ightr wrsaen sa oonaRC iotwhut gtknniih cewit sa i esu eth rsiieatnz ot klli ehsot tlitle abrdasst oknwing ythe rea loow.p.eevnwde whta has leif moebec

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by theunscrambler(4)
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veEnpo:le iipLd eralybi danruo het icpasd htat asnotnci aivlr ysioertognclp and oths lelc np hoeeiTrt.s snecpeer of hte pidli arblyie emksa ralnye lla eneveopdl risevsu rnbavleelu ot ardip iicinanovtta by gcoainr vtosslne e,(g.. ha,oclol) tten,deserg nad ryd at.he

erheW as neneoolnvpd-e rusvesi rea enrlygeal esatnrtis to eth .orneietvmnn

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 -3  upvote downvote
submitted by madojo(212)
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iieostvp sseen RNA ruvs,i rnwuoncs ri oaknognc rgawein ober - licaueclsdalnptahee vrusi - nplsgiiar a,ord hlaceli einresszn tgee dna onibwgl gkin - cnmomo oldc hwit inlchoorb tere no gink oninigpt to SRSA dna ildmde tsae arsoteryirp ydomsrne ae(utc bn)ischirot

hiTs vusir ctirsleepa in the oscaytlpm tasth yhw ignK is siduote sih aseclt cln(suu)e

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j44n  'mI so gdla i dotn vaeh to tkae pets eon ecno heyt cediorvs lal ihst hits utoba eht wne oacnor anr.sti +

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