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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 3/Question#25 (reveal difficulty score)
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 +47  upvote downvote
submitted by azibird(279)
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hWo lees amec eerh eaftr tngegit reitgderg by shit sraenw?

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yousif11  ihsT oseqiunt did ont aeg lelw +23
helppls  Im' goign to be natigk Setp whit htsi ogns tkcsu ni my eahd llo +

 +28  upvote downvote
submitted by aneurysmclip(209)
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neynao seel teg siht ogwnr hliew hte urtrnce iraonruvsoc i"pmnadc"e c(ca ot emso r)esocus is feelpipeangnhi ng? alraelall bumd rn

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targetmle  yes suebace i tohhgtu eyht wtno igev seuq on cturenr osariuvcrno usoaiintt os r!ya!le +
adamventure  I htouhgt to eyfslm md"na ti uers dluow eb fkuicn rsuihiaol fi vnrsoiuraCo saw teh awr."s.en srtnu uot it was nad it tw'sna orlshiaui ecins I tgo ti wn.gor +67
asdfjkl  on sqeuto needed ofr dmpaicen myrenoa :( big asd +14
yesa  se!Y tub a,ols avesiurrconso onfte csuea eth mmncoo d,col tno all fo meht aer lalyre !bda oS tihs oy4 girl dcolu arllitlye utjs ehav eth cmnoom dl,co nda eth ornrcuasovi dtoaleis ofmr erh yeklil esdnt'o have peinadmc ip.olatent So hsti eoitquns ahs ontinhg to od thwi the ongiogn cii'sptda-en-m ustj c!cnodeicnie +2
jaramaiha  asW I the ynol oen that tthghou ti aws uesac ti is eleodnvpe nda esyila ?tseryedod llo I itddn' neve trheob whit .rorisdtespc +1
madamestep  cca" ot emos cus"osre ho os gyn.ou.. os envia +
fatboyslim  ahmjaraia@ ogod noe rheet +

 +14  upvote downvote
submitted by tea-cats-biscuits(273)
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uoY okwn si’t na nedlpoeev vsiru ecnsi it s’tdoen dolh pu to dcai ro ibegn rdei.d uYo wkno it cueass a efver nda a chgo,u wlehi fcangeift het x.yarnl yOnl urisv yagoctre that stfi lla tath nofi si the osouirncvar sau(sce R)ASS ormf atth tsil.

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zelderonmorningstar  VBE dsneto’ ueacs feerv dna ch?oug +1
zelderonmorningstar  ow,W jsut cekchde rFsit diA adn ti ’setdno tsil “cuhg”o sa a styommp of BE.V +4
drdoom  VBE si otn a ersotyri“pra r”;isuv s’ti a *B cell svi*.ur Eenv huhgot you igmht aesaostic it hitw het urep“p tiorseayrrp crtta” =ksiisng( sisdeea,) ti dt’oens sceau sopyraitrre iliftmnanmoa siecn athts’ ont tis pe.otr B llces aer sit eotrp! T’aths ywh EBV si epmildtica ni ttrBkiu mapmyh,Lo haryi ikuelkaalop adn hroet olbod E(BV is alos nwkno sa yuocrpphv”lmsy“tiro -- it aws riignlyoal dsoreicdev hdi”i“ng in mpcoyl*esyt*h fo .esmon)ky So, VBE = itnhk B +30
fulminant_life  EBV odse euacs aehlnyrapg adn enaraglyl lnmofiaaimtn gnoal iwht ,evref al,iaesm adn cghou and DLA. ehT oynl gihtn that ndipoet em ayaw ofmr omno and towasdr urvrioncaos asw teh setnapti gea. +8
nbmehelp  Cna moneoes paxeiln ahwt tno ghnilod pu to acid ro bngei eirdd sah to od whti begin odplnee?ve +
yb_26  @ep,ehnbml eth nevpeloe tsssonci fo piopoilhpdshs nda ioptngsroleyc =g;t& h,eta ,dcai tee,retsdgn dnirgy - lal fo thta can slidveos the lidpi ibrylea bmsaeenmr ;gt&= vsuiers liwl sosl etihr vnyiteifitc bs(ueeac ehty need na eonveelp rof tow anosesr - to eocpttr them tsingaa thos iumemn smsey,t adn to achtta to htos sllec auerfcs ni rrdeo to ntfice hetm) +12
lowyield  y_62b@ eosd atht name tath evo-deenplonn seivrsu dohl up etrbet to rcsd/asyneid? +2
rina  sye lepdoeevn veusris are sariee to kill (see otps fmro :repnqsasdtuar h/ew/cs1b/w3pe/.s.wtmmrm2nosne:anw1e1abt/xm6). aosl i ihknt teh newh" r"ddei hmtgi rrfee ot hte tacf htat insaucrvoor is edraps yb ropytsrriae rsdpteol dt'(on nvee dnee ot daer fitsr adi anc utjs rade het ensw ta htsi )nopi!t +4

 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by drdoom(1206)
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VEB si not a siraprt“yoer ”sruiv -- ist’ a B lcel rvuis. tI eifcnts B elscl; nto ralegalny clle.s

Evne ghthou uyo imhtg astecsoia it tiwh eht per“pu astpirorery cta”rt sksngii(= esei,asd) it o’sntde acsue irspayrorte tfmmnialnioa cnies thsat’ nto sit B lslec are sti t!reop T’aths why VEB si tiaipmeldc ni uttBrki ,pamhomyL aihyr lualpioekak and troeh oodlb esccrn.a VBE( si osal knnwo sa uyisvpt”yopr“romhcl -- it saw gyilioalrn oriddesvec ndi”h“ig in yyptlmehsco of o.)msenky ,So VBE = kinht B .leslc Fomr teh MeHS airby:lr

hTe pyte seescpi of RCSUYTOOVMIHLPRPY, smibyulaf IRENPAVRGEEAIMMASH, gtiennicf lcBs-le in uhsanm. It is htutgoh to be eth easvtcuia teang of SUNTFIIOCE IMOLESSOCNUNO and is roglstny dtaioacsse iwht raol ayihr ealuoipkkal (AIKLEKL,PUOA HAYIR),; RTKBUIT LOPHMYMA; dan tehro cinga.lemisan


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 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by staghorn(6)
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oot erla r.n..

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thotcandy  ihrgt? bmne pcgetidinr hte feurtu +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleaspirant2020(9)
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eirntqduana ta moeh ngidru teh nucoarsivor dicenmap nda ensticgel the thrgi weansr as CoanoR uitwoht tkinnhgi ietcw as i seu eth inetiszar to kill steoh lttile bdrtasas wgnknoi yeht rae odewle.oew.npv tahw has ifel mceboe

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procrastinator  oL,l I o'ulncdt eralyl fgeuri hsti nqisutoe otu so I was leki F t.i oCiavrnusro it i.s +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by covid2019(8)
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Hi erh!te iinetrdgPc semo ousinesqt no iemdpascn ni ETS1sP in teh eran u.etufr aSyt udne!t

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by 07chess(3)
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I eikcdp rRovtus,ia ttnsiig in the brraily tiwh a mska on due ot 9DV.1CIO

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by 123ojm(11)
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piifSaellycc 'tdind sohcoe crnsaiorouv ued ot the vecneide taht VIO-9DC1 si arsdep -le.coalarlyf owH dseo it get uhgtrho het GI tactr if it's vtnaeitdica by pH ;tl& 6? naC senoome plaxnie why ym khniting si won?rg

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hello  CV9IDO.-..1 si naedttrmtsi aiv ysrareorpti +4
123ojm  Rigth ubt some creheras ahs eomc uot snyiag t'si osal aedrsp rcealylf-a.lo So mI' dgreoninw what m'I niissgm in hits oesntiq.u +
tyrionwill  Dn'to suttr US CCD ni this Tehy wyalas pawdnydoel eth rt.htu ansiCruvor edos rdpase amiynl by delrt,ops hewn they pod,r yeth nmaittcnaeo eht csr,efua tehn a-ecforlla odclu be a nsdceo tyahap.w egnWair a,ksm licoas intnisgcda ear ohbt ot epvtrne a .otledpr +
boostcap23  I huthgto civdo used ot eb lwo lyide wenh tihs etts saw made and eyth 'ddtni nitomen llicaeh so I 'idtdn pkic it mhs I'm na .ditoi +1

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by rockodude(39)
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tiianleme lacef oral ivrsuse htne eryuo' wnod to BEV dna o.rcano corona si a oiarsretyrp rvu,is ecsond msto omonmc acues of oomnmc d,col dna EBV eusasc om,on tno yaelrl tacsseaodi iwht a ghcuo. tahts ohw I dlkeoo ta ti

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleaspirant2020(9)
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qdainuertan ta oemh ginurd the vnuoocrsrai pmaencid dan stecgieln teh igtrh seawnr as CanRoo utwhoti nthignik wtcei sa i eus eth irizeatns ot klli sehot etlilt srsadtab owkgnni hyet aer no.wdvlewpeeo. wtha ahs elif mcboee

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by theunscrambler(4)
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pvel:oeEn iidLp ylaerbi anudor the pdaisc that tonicans vilar linrspygoceot dna thso llce ieo neTtphrs. enrespec fo teh liidp ebailry aeksm enyral lla nepoeedvl evrsusi aenruebvll ot aridp atnianitvoic yb oganicr svsoetln ..e(g, oh,a)locl entersdg,te and ydr .teah

Where as nndn-oeepleov svuirse era gryelaeln rsnateist to the no.mntnereiv

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 -3  upvote downvote
submitted by madojo(212)
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soieiptv nssee ARN ,suvri ns nwuroc knogcario n rgenaiw rbeo - sdantlciuplceeaeh al virsu - sngralipi droa, lealhci esnzer etisgen dna olwgbin ingk - omomnc ldoc ihtw niroolchb reet no ngki iinonpgt to SRAS dan ldidme aste rtaresorpyi ydoenmrs uatec( iostrinhcb)

hsTi sivru eicesaltpr in hte aomystclp tthas hwy iKgn si esiutod ihs ctlsea ueucsn()l

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j44n  m'I so adgl i tond haev to aetk ptes noe coen hyte veiordsc lla tshi this uoatb teh ewn rcoaon tnsi.ra +

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