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NBME 24 Answers

 +21  upvote downvote
submitted by hungrybox(1277)
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I elyalr td’idn nneatdsrud tsih isotnequ vnee ftare dnaegir all eht erwsans eehr so I ldaeemi r.D bldaKenu th(e etx)er!p

ersHe’ twah eh ais:d

hTsi is a esac of tecau tarhe eirflua gwfolionl na aucte icmhecis vente S(T altienove in eiontrar ld)ae.s RSV ersnsiaec esaeubc of orenarumlhou tiv,oticnaa chhiw eslph ot tanminai B.P PCPW nieearscs eubscae utcae HF sacuse lbood to back up ntio het amrnouypl rinoccaulti. dnarIesce puymalonr oldob uveoml sucase lal teh yrolpnmua upssreers to anrie.ces PVR CAERDSESE bseeauc eht mrlopyanu atecauvlrsu ahs a eyrv gihh cmc,lpaonie dan efrheoetr ysvelpasi ntdesids ni orsnspee ot irnaeces hTis isaevps nndseossii saceesred eht P.VR

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motherhen  I ghoutth in dcoengairci khcso, PPCW nca eb esdnearic ro areeeddsc epidnegnd no fi het lobdo si kiabgcn pu ni teh sugln L)H(F ro body RF.()H naC sooeemn cirfayl woh we oknw hihcw si pnhpineag e?hre +1
motherhen  PWP*C +
jsanmiguel415  yTeh say 'sit an ntoe"rira "ISEMT cihwh to me atnem ,V3 4V aak ,ALD whhci ipsepsul eht tfel tvinlcree os irndaeces PWPC. fI WPCP was dasceered it woldu eamn higtr ivrclnete si eitsduprd hihwc si erom CRA nad luodw be II, ,II VAF ro an efrriion deals +4

 +14  upvote downvote
submitted by yb_26(315)
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My lpeism tengnrsdidnau si atth p'st htaer ocnttliacyrit si eersaddce deu to MI &;tg= areht an'tc mpup a lot of oolbd gt;&= nceedrisa cpukba lwfo otin ylpumnaro aalresvctuu =gt;& iasceernd CW.PP

Mreo dbloo ni mypolanur ursceatlauv ;=t&g eyth will ldeait ni rdoer ot sjtu pkee lal hsete oldbo ;&g=t dseracede ponuamrly urlacsav cesinasret

edDresace cidcara tptuuo &t=;g ealhpiprre soicnocottsaivrn gt&=; sdnecriea sesicytm scvlaaru eatecsinsr

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susyars  heT tnqiseuo says TS“ inlveoeta in eht etonriar ae“sld ,os in mseo awy I asw kinngith of the tmso eraitnor rpta of eth thare whhic si eht ithgr ienvtc,lre adn not het etfl .eon +4
makinallkindzofgainz  riretnoA MSEIT = TS eloeanvits ni ,V3 V4 chhiw is sppdluei tolmsy yb hte D.AL RV is ytlosm eppisdul by eht C,RA ihchw wuold oshw pu no an EGK iwht scichmei haengsc in II, I,II nda avF +7
qiss  wtB eernsdcia CWPP atnisdice ricndesea obold ni het etfl uimr,ta otn saylceinser caesnired dloob in eth amrnoypul avlacsutreu see eher. +

 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by keycompany(351)
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wsdenAer ym wno nt.oeiqsu arneIdsce esrtss fomr a ISMTE lliw etacvita the chyttaiepsm ruevson ystsme -- Pyrolnmua isio.atalovdn

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pathogen7  Jtus ot dda, NOICRCH atreh ulaifer si a sauce of ryamonlpu peotysie.hnrn oS in eht caetu segttn,i pryamluon eaedm sdael ot edacsedre VRP, ielwh in teh cinorch ,tnetsgi it nca aeld to daeeirncs VPR, I nkti?h +
hungrybox  Tihs os'tnde kaem s.seen cvnigtatAi eht istchytpmea osnruve etsyms louwd euasc tcoadiinolbnohr v(ai β)2 tub sit' elcruan ot em rhwthee it ldowu itrcotncs the dbloo sessvle (aiv )α-1 or edltia mhet avi( 2)β. +1

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by mousie(272)
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fi oruy OC lfsla ... owlndt'u thta eusac csiiosrtovcnaton ni het nulg r?aecsluatuv hxiaopy eidcudn sotanoi?onvtccsir

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ug123  yM akte no -s-htHsii-- pstnrsaioeir rae /-h2ath-gt2imi-hn lilw seauc 20c ow--hsasuto- luctalay nlug ahs ighh nyleonrmyua-g--opx aatislnvooi.d tDon okwn fi sit .rghit +5
usmleuser007  My gnneutraisdnd is tath teh pmurynoal rtiionucalc csghane very letitl in smrte of an eactu M.I tI si cb/ rmoylaunp niuccotrlia has a olt mero rmoo to llif wthi doobl humc elki teh leepsn ni tserm fo odlbo citaumcloa.un Wtih hghire oemlvu of bdool ni opmlryuna nc,iicalutor emro dlobo selesvs are bale ot be uctrredei cayseipll eht a.pxe Whti rmoe rtdiruece oldbo veelsss = ucrdeed uperress t/d nticoralcui ni aalllrep +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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yM rddnansiugnte is hatt hte onmruplay rnucoaiclti agncshe yrve littel ni smret of an catue .IM

tI is cb/ puamornly utoiccnailr has a tol omre oomr ot ifll thiw obldo chmu klei teh sneple ni tersm fo obold auotclam.ucin

itWh irhehg euovml of oolbd in lrymonpau c,oinltrauci oerm oldbo eessslv ear lbae to eb reridtceu ylcelpsia the axp.e

tWih reom cueredtri oobdl sveless = ecruded prsuseer dt/ irniatuoccl ni aellralp

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sheska  y,se in rsabdo dan nydboe eh nxlpeia learexotvarl le=vsses risaetre nad ev,ins aleolaratrniv .eieicsslaelvarspls= aarlclespii wlil craensei aiscnteser beecsua will aevh meor boldo rmfo bapkuc fo teh eftl mraiut dan wlli gte gdmeuds &;t=g scraeine CWPP eersaitr adn esvni twih rmoe ldobo lliw npoe emro nad thsu ceeaesdr pnlomyaru clurasav atens.iesrc +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by diplococci(1)
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I aws ufcsndeo eecabsu UW 90182 ysas arulnopym erayrt stcilosy urseepsr illw eb dnrieasce to iatnimna oradfwr etmevmno fo bod.ol owH edos htis otn leda ot rpyamolun aaslrvuc einsstraec iebng scdiaee?nr

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boostcap23  rsPesrue snet'do syeacrlsien aluqe nerecasdi lcaavusr ncai.strees ryPloanmu enessrcati toanuilger myianl escesnira in seara fo yoax,hip adn eederascs ni ldeoegnxael-wty ser'aa ot send olobd to lwel vatieetndl res,aa ighnnto to od iwht na cauet .IM In fact ni IM erhte si ativsnadoilo fo apcali ipeaaslcilr dna eht /QV iarto illw haprpcao 1 to cotmamacdoe the rexat o.oldb nI sthi itanep,t oyu can ese sih itescmys lbdoo psresure si wol tey ihs cisteyms vcslarau eitsrsanec is ighh ude( to pscmitythae riocntsicton of seselsv in srsneope ot wlo ).CO I utjs hhtgtou fo ti ikle how in ormanl snetrig steat otltniavnie si etadsw ta hte aepx so in a umvloe leevdaoodr estta taht raxte lodbo could og pu ot het xea.p +1

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by keycompany(351)
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naC msbdoeoy owh drtsadnune ywh VRP ersdseeac hwti a d-dfieetSL ficrant aspeel leietnghn m.e I olwdu oasl etpiaacpre ti fi uyo cuold aeltre it to tigrh sdedi erath efulair oto e(.i. ohw uodlw ti ah)ng.ce

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sajaqua1  I veiebel thta asomcykey'np neswar ceoms the .soctsle In na M,I sndiocer it sa niecaogridc .hckso eTh rthea is a pump, nad it is niagifl ot veom odbol tuo of eht harte nda otni euutrvsaalc. ihsT is ywh PCPW snseaiecr. aecsBeu fo ifinsifnucte tp,tuuo the body sah a phsmaytctie s.eosrpen eTh atlsnmacecieho then uaecs tansoiotcvrscnio in ireaeplrph crevasulaut ot eepk doobl eeprurss up and enunocit fl,ow ngelida to nsiedrcae S.RV lhiaenw,Me teh yecpmtihsta esnespro escaus avloatdsonii ni eht sgu;ln htsi doluw eb an apiarepoprt teougyrroaautl enopr,ses easbuec het doyb si rngiyt to eekp pu the olfw of ngoexy ohghuttrou eht tmyses. ishT eecrdesas 1t.oi:r/gn5p5.itnl/wme hcRn Pw C.c w7MivV.4spa//stcP/./hmb5l8 sI a ytretp odgo lirctae on h.its fO oerscu hte ignbndi of smtlnitehoeacac secgnha edpgdnein on uarsntoait and hte eespnosr is tno tycpferle dsurn.odteo +13
usmleuser007  yM dantnudgienrs is taht the nymplrauo rnoacutilic hscnage yevr etltli in mtser of an tcuea .IM It is cb/ panmlyoru iritlcnoauc sha a tlo rmeo orom ot ilfl whit loobd umhc ilek hte enslep in ermts of lobdo atcimu.aWclhint ou hrgehi luevom of bdolo ni rmnloupay ,icalrntcoui emor lbood esselvs rae beal ot be erduertci yiasclpel the a.pxe Wthi mroe dcetrerui oblod elvsses = eecrdud suerespr d/t urntlaiocic ni l.pelaalr +2

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by kevintkim4(4)
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rrAinoet elda IM nldeagi to oircegdicna shcko hwit esderdeac LV rocytntc.iltai

VRS resis ni cceiiogrdna kohcs as masorpctyneo eresopsn to owl O.C PPWC ierss sauecbe in rretaion IM h'seret ecaeddser yacittrlntoic nad ldboo bkacs up noit AL.

aTth eelsva one rnesaw ntipoo fo high SVR adn hhig PWPC nda oyu d'otn vnee aevh ot htnki buato PVR );

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by jurrutia(47)
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taWn's sreu atobu RPV, tbu SRV dna WPCP edf go up. hTta ylon eavlse 1 w.nrase

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 -2  upvote downvote
submitted by louisville(12)
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Ars:ewn SRV ;cirenaesd RPV ds;acreeed PCPW niae.dersc

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kcyanide101  LEPESA E:NTO If hits suqieton swa an IM ni hte ,ARC teh PPCW is dce.erdu +

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