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Retired NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 1/Question#15 (reveal difficulty score)
A 35-year-old woman has weakness and fever. ...
Acute myelocytic leukemia ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: hemeonc repeat

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 +16  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—d_holles(218)
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Goljna esestrss hte rsoadB ignvig the mekaluie sieuqston away dbesa no hte eag given ni eth qiuesotn

LAL = 1-04

LAM = 13;9-5 -0945

LCL = 06+

MLC = 4-905


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impostersyndromel1000  hnatks rof het ,drnmerie tnfeo rkedooolve aer het pislme erphmgcaido .tnish splhe ouy kmea an uadtceed essug +2
hyperfukus  olsa a key hignt ot mrmberee in anlgere si a nrsoep how sgdueeron oemch is a ibg degprmiocah hitn to lerat epigdolven LMA rsgsledera of hte lucse :) dan sye eth !!EG!A +4

 +12  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—atstillisafraud(217)
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nkltilgAya asgtne rhearhmltomeiec()n (eth teohr srgdu eidslt ear urctmbuoile hrsitnoibi) ceransie hte sikr fo LA.M

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keycompany  lilayonid,Atd AML is hte olyn nrawse ioehcc that ahs pulimlte abstl omfrs sbys,olmtla(e rley,syeotocmp e.ct.) ALL si ctiaecezrahrd yb a lsigen lsbat ofrm s.hoat(slbpm)yl +31
seagull  CLM ahs slabst oto ubt yeht dnet ot ofrva aeturm fs.mor +5
kash1f  ouY see uesomunr ablts mfors == LM,A hhcwi is ezrhicrcdaate yb %20> lsatbs +11
keycompany  heT awesnr ccheiso ear lal of dihymopl ingrio peetcx for ALM adn kHgdino iesa.eDs We kwon Hndgoki ieaDess is a alpmymoh nt(o a)mkuilee adn wudol eptsenr tiwh taal.ydpymehophn oS the awesrn mtus eb MAL sttkagsegeritts#ntiae +13
impostersyndromel1000  lfsitlas@uadtrai tnkahs orf emntnigoni teh lemhhimcorenaert iginacsenr irsk rof LMA, i aws irgtyn ot akem a ootcnenicn iwth the gusdr but utdncol. Hda to nlea on eth ttse ikgatn sislkl sutj ilek kye monapcy +2
sweetmed  ibaonaPerzrc is atkglaliny sa e.wll +1
pg32  cma@oyyeknp ohw idd uyo wonk hte hepsar tliu"pmle lbats "frosm mneta elalrilty trnfefied eypst fo tsasbl nad tno sutj anym bsalt secll erew ee?sn +4
castlblack  siht klni ysas LLC ahs 'ealgr mlicocyythp eir'vayt drneu het uertipc of hte rplireahep I ma ton rgaungi aingsta ,uyo juts cinsregreah rehe ./c1te/e3.mi/uhop/9nc3rasawmi:e9tmedosrtdpck1peci-el +1
jurrutia  ycemp,yn@kao hwo ddi you onwk ti had ot be of yidolme n?griio +1

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—sweetmed(157)
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rzoibPaecran ised ffetec is AF 0218 aepg 248

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bdaines8  fPcr,ete ttah rnrwaso it onwd to reteh nsrawes +12
escherichia95  yM amn rhee nirgermud by d.rwos .FOLR +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—namesthegame22(13)
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  • LMA si na srgsieeavg cgmiaylnna fo ylemoid cslle dna imonmoyc tssrepen in sldtua hitw tapnaicpyoen nda ruaintgcicl atbsls on iphrerepla s.arme

  • lgaiGvin rpphyyrhteo si ont an mnocnomu giidnnf dan enprssetre ntoinraliift of teh givgnia agnyit nambl .lscel

  • edeingnpD opun the psyte of tusmaiton ,senpert staintep are ddidiev niot gd,oo teedetmanrii, or rpoo irsk oeebru.casgsti Toesh whit orop irks ideaess nvabiirlya go on ot semt leci lanarptsnt teraf idonuntci adn losacndonoiit e.hretoyhcpam

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