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Retired NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 2/Question#7 (reveal difficulty score)
A 75-year-old man with a 10-year history of ...
Hydrostatic pressure in Bowman space 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: renal

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submitted by hvancampen(7)
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ngrcAoidc ot mulen, eht" nsawomB’ aeslupc pseac xertes ithroaydcst srsuepre fo its nwo atth phsesu natgasi hte lolsmr.uegu rcIaseend nwBmaso’ cluepsa cortstiydha reeusspr lilw erscaeed ,RGF while edrcdaees swmaBon’ useplac thacosrtdyi upesesrr wlil rcseiaen F.GR

An xlepmea of htis is a turree ooncutirstb ot hte wlof of rnuie hatt agylalrdu ecusas a fdiul bpudiul thiinw teh ohs.nprne nA ttcuboionrs lilw eansicre the am’onBsw pucalse dichotaryts essprrue dna liwl stnuycoqenel deeaecsr ."FGR


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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by guillo12(58)
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hWy 'ertshe on iarcsene ni tydrtoasiHc sreeprsu ni loraugemrl apslrc?aiiel

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rihan  nBwteee het lrgluesmuo nda Bnmosaw' spcae erteh si a iodhatrctsy rrsspuee iesdghrT tagriedn si lmanyorl eth rluste of a EGRAL rroelluagm yrcioattdsh ereurssp nad a LOW reseupsr ni wmoBns'a asecp hicwh lmnoayrl vasfro i Datriai.gmtofalnr her:e d/pnt2ilol1-ly.rt////g8Fpn0hioaoolp0ueaploh7/mnouwriossptnt-reaG/ nI eth seac of es-oarpntl nsbo,rttoicu ttyriscoahd pserures iedbnh teh akbocedl lwil reis dan inure iwll uxeflr toin the lruasacp paecs dan nerla ustelbu ilhw(e aourmrelgl adchrtysito rrpueess si edct)ffuena yfitfveleec gacriesend teh suseeprr niadgrte hihwc dersceu the itnarfoitl .arte +6
jurrutia  Wyh dluwo an eisnarce in puserrse in bldoo svessle seuac ensidhorrhpo?ys ehT oelmbpr hsa to be in the nheporn e.sfitl +
makingstrides  rjua@irut I khtni thta si einbg taddnstemoer rhe.e I ecpidk amerlulogr aclrleisaip ithnnigk of teh wasrnse w.gorn hTe eutrecri itotunsocrb secasu a pckbua htta ldsea a to a gihh toicsayrdht ssurpere ni het wbnmoa eacsp. heo,ferrTe inrvepgetn oaftinril.t ehT eacus fo teh enral uflerai tac'n eb from hte umroelralg isralcpiale esabceu hte ocbkl int's ibnge secdau er;hte ti is ceadus by oimseghtn tpos etreur ed(idtal )treeu.r +

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submitted by mari17(2)
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ehT orarllgmeu tnitalfior tare ()FGR nddsepe on eth lpreytani of aohiydrttsc dna ocointc spsersure in hte ugeaolmrrl ealipilcasr dna 'Bwnmosa ep.csa hTe FGR ersicasne ihwt ghirhe elgrramulo rtdsiahocyt srpreuse adn acresseed whit cirnsegnia namsoBw' aslcpeu dhsioctaryt sespreru or herghi mlgruroela alirpaylc coctoni rrepess.u uAtec uealrtre nbtoirtcous sarniseec iodstcryhat srsueerp lixormpa to teh Thsi uresresp iser is artmettdins bcka ot eht maBnso'w eps,ac neurlstig in sadreedce F.RG

uS:cero UOLWDR

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by famylife(110)
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Not a lful neaswr tbu 'ist a asrtt (in eht tetconx fo an oobtsr):cuint rob"tsniOuct fo irune lowf elustrs ni na sacenire ni dcythorsiat eeusrprss lmpraoix ot eht stie fo ou.tcisrbotn It is tshi piulbdu of psreeurs atht aedls ot het nyomgciapacn i,pna eth nitentdosi of the gtlccienol tmessy ni het ,idyenk and aveldete lbaantutriur reueprsss ttah aietinit btularu cnfdot.insuy nI teh srfti dasy of cotrsntboui, the tdiaotianl fo the pyrool amctpoinl lecclongit sstemy amy be As the aenrsecid taotcsdhyir serrsuep si sdseeepxr ni het irayurn asecp of hte igrlou,lem ftreurh faitritnlo adcreesse ro sospt tolpec"ye.lm r'siHs(orn,a 2,0e eahtCpr 3)31

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trichotillomaniac  het key heer si eht trme rioodpnchyterh kni.yde itmeyna tehre is ahtt, ehret is a otsp nlaer nsttoiobucr of smoe rs.ot The actf ttha he ash rivresogspe arenl efaurli jtus srtbiconteu ot het daei htat hsi dknsiey vahe nees adgame ebfreo and aer nto labe ot httdaswin eht ueprsser ormf eht bcka up as lw.le I got riteppd pu on isht. heT tmrtnaipo inhgt ot tneo si atht yoedhrsiprnsHo adn dtoniail = akcb pu = sdneeicar in veolmu erssrpeu h)(isydtarotc +6

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submitted by an1(114)
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sikgnA bauot eth EUAS,C ont the snr.soeep heT ausec rof a aildetd teruer is asinerdec .RFG

4 saveul era isePnercd dco isn(sreaec uhsp iont uerter riocdniiPet) nai(ecessr suhp iont π)n boswcam (nisceears ulpl tnio m)wasnπi ob sneseac(ir lupl noti dotenrcii of )etrure

fI rutree si ,eadtldi teh masnowb lpeausc si HNPSGUI uot meor fldui —tg&; eiesndacr FGR ghh(i )cP and uilgnlp ssle lwo( c)π

Gto this grnow ebuscea I ughtoth hyte awedtn ot kown whta the npseeors lduow b...e

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an1  to dad ot ncmomet ^: ,B C, D t’don tffeca F.GR E wuold seaicren RFG btu is ienkyllu ot be eht csaeu e.erh +

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