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Retired NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 4/Question#44 (reveal difficulty score)
A 71-year-old woman with non-Hodgkin lymphoma ...
Leucovorin ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: oncology pharm

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 +16  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—sajaqua1(607)
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sTih rwasen sesrt on hte feceerindf wetbeen otFlae adn uvcero.oLin rtalhaIcetn etmxoehtreat si negvi to cblok idloayerotdfh tdauceers H(DRF) fmor nkamig ilfco cida noit ,FHD dna nhet gnntrui htta HDF noit HF.T Tshi si endo ot enrvpet hte uoitcpornd fo sewoadtmnrn srtodcup csneaseyr orf emomsbital igidcnnlu DNA sei.sthnys ucvernLoio l(sao elacld F-)loym-5rTHf acn be udes to desipest iths uodrtpc by enigb upt tino apyl nem.ardtwso eeS het amdriga her:e aeu.orcfhrtere/ca-mmsit-c:dno--neiwg-nmaidgadohyd-t-/dlwom/-towlh.ii/pota.f elatFo is esildt sa Foicl Ad,ci ehrttexamote rtfrseiene hwti HFR,D nda eocrniovuL is .-5fr-olmyFHT Teher is alos rhfetur piosintdrce e:erh :.gt1crw/.hwbDrgk0wp0/aBstdauu//n8d5s

Why sedo hist nto symlip unod teh atoinc fo hrmtexaeeot?t hsTi is sebceua ymna nccsear od otn ahve het ecderud tloafe caerrir. oS het eaccrns pkci up alefot dan eeromtthaxt,e and iethr NDA tsyesisnh is ure.ecdd nleiMweha treho teylhha elcls nac kipc pu teh reLcnvuoio nda avest ffo esom fo het owstr eftce.sf ,mRebemer vriueocnol nctona be nigev r.yceltaiahtnl


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 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—pfebo(13)
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Eseira ayw to hrocpapa etn.qusio oLok ta het nieriatecn euavl ti is ,tvdleaee rMahetxtotee is anlelyr treceexd os ew nac epvirwe na cenerisa in esevll deu ot pdearimi ralne nxtociree ihchw leasd to mxey.iictohtco revoocuLin si a omcmon earetconhottmpc edus ot diova taeeetxroMt o.ixtistice

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—medstruggle(21)
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Why od you iegv VI euivocnolr itwh rctlthaiena t?amtrxteeoeh dtnโ€™uolW MXT eols sit fceicayf ecnsi ucenovroli esersevr hte feefstc of T?XM

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colonelred_  MXT illw tslil kwro tub eys eoms pnii/undyiiprmeer entsshsyi can tilsl uc.orc uoY feton egiv orunvcioel to rceasede veresad ffecest fo XT.M +
welpdedelp  ko I vahe a nseiq,tou cilnourevo si the easm as cfiol codsa...i hyw ivge oen orve eth oe?hrt +2
lsmarshall  iLrecn,vouo fnolici i,cad is a fdodmiie oivrsne of HTF dan ntree folate oiltebsmam erehw FHT ,is tfaer eht ipotn erhwe texroeatthem katse sit eftf.ce I ahev a a.mhpr ardc thta says toxc"i etesffc on rloamn elcsl amy be eruedcd by daimritntsaion of fiiclon adic k..(a.a orovulcine ro vtciruoomr oc,)frta wihch si *rlepnitealr*yfe knaet up by larmon lecsl uervss romut*ll"* +15
jj375  dpe@plwdele I salo esurtlggd wtih htta nda heocs the ownrg no,e tub hten I remebderem thegnisom mrof icoemhb ahtt I ktihn is elI:ulfph htikn eth good tghin tuoba loevricnuo si atth it sen'tdo ende ot be iaevatcdt yb teydoholfidra r.aeedtcsu ttexeheoartM si dcytleri loikgncb aodfDeiytlroh ruaeetdcs, so eltafo ca'tn be iatatdevc ot p,elh btu ovrelunoci dsteon edne eht nota,tvaiic ti si rntdeu onti featraleodryoTht nad ssceeur the !clel +2

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—agurl1000(5)
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I tjsu nedwat ot add a toen rehe. I swa ecfusndo on yhw you douwl evgi eth pianett ecolnvouri tihw eth .TXM ehT rseoan is hatt ti s"eruc"se teh lnarmo ellsc fmro ,etgae/ddahma nda lawsol het MXT to tctkaa onyl het acnrce scl.el

oAsl ehornat itcnneoocn we aym ende ot nwok is hatt if coeunovrli thiw UF-5 ti maske ti eorm ot/fecxeteivcfi ta gliiknl ccaren lslce!

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