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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 1/Question#38 (reveal difficulty score)
A 47-year-old woman with aplastic anemia is ...
Amphotericin B ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: pharm micro

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 +12  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—et-tu-bromocriptine(140)
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Rule of t/btuhrshuctom

  • isoounesrN ngaflu inct:ifosne taert with z_lanocoe
  • isSroeu glaufn cfsetoinin g,e( muncomosodmeirpmi anitsetp hwit aetsimsdnedi )iifnencot: ttaer hitw reatnpcihmio B

Atioaldndi foni

  • The iman slscaes of gaiflutann ocsntimdaie for eumsl :ilceudn
  • yeeloPsn ,(ge citnerhompia ,B iyant)snt - iBdn to sgoelrreto emelulocs in nfluga clel re,nmmsaeb eganrcit rspoe nad ncuasgi lcle ysils
  • azTiorels g(,e zela)ooc_n - entPvre eth shiytsens fo oreeorlgts, a onmcpteno of nfugal clle rnbaemmes
  • dsoncEnaicnih ge(, iocnsgu,pfan muignafi)nc - Iiitbhn het etnysissh of anl,gcu a peahodlcyciasr etnonocpm of nluagf lcel slwal
  • yniPesiridm ,g(e se)ltiFocuny - doeCernvt to luruac,of5rli- whihc neht nisihbti galufn NRA nda ronptei iesynhtss
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jcmed  lCle emaMrenb = timpcnAhiroe a;&mp tn tyleiNCsla LLAW = s ooCnTfgianpu otn xmi etmh pu I ysa ot yfmesl T"'sI teh GNUNIF LCLE LLWA" +3

Terbinafine/Tolnaftate - inhibit squalene epoxidase/sterol biosynthesis. Squalene builds interfere with fungal membrane function and cell wall synthesis.

+4/- h0odtime(54)

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 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—hungrybox(1277)
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My ipssmioren fo pmAeiithonrc B si hatt 'its teh GIB NUSG. It tgastihr up tkacsta het oltrsse ni het nuigf malspa mbnraem.e

naeheilwM lli ctibh sgdru klei a-ozsel utsj ihbniti reolts hssise.nty aitbneni(efr- X strl,noelao a-slzoe X lr)tgeeorso

gFnsniu X cell awll tessyshni, toyneficlsu X ucnlice ciad estnyhssi.

unscramble the site ⋅ become a member$279$49
et-tu-bromocriptine  ulRe of stt/orhb:uornuoNthes iucsm lgufna nfesicn:oit tater ithw sauoolnec_reoziS nlufga tcfieonin ,eg( iemmsocruodimpnmo tapetisn twih sidisetmenad nf:noieci)t eatrt tiwh thnorcpieiam dBdtanloAii ehoTinf amin seascsl of anafinlugt oatiemnscid orf sulem once e :niseuPlly d e(,g iprhoenmcait B, nn)stiyat - Bdni ot tlgseerroo umleocels ni nflgau llec bmemresn,a riacteng sorpe dna asiungc ecll Tssolia i eyrszl e(g, znel)ocoa_ - entrePv eht esynitshs fo rstrloego,e a epnonomct of fulgna ellc abcnh nc iemenmsEoadsnri ,g(e gn,oufiapsnc )nucgifmnia - Iinihbt eht yissntseh of a,gnulc a yloahsdicpeacr noopectmn of glanfu elcl ylsalPiiesrin wm d e(g, inyectluFso) - tCreedvno to l,oul-f5uarcri icwhh ehnt iinhtsbi lgnafu ARN dna epiortn e snisy sht +2
et-tu-bromocriptine  ippppR teh aomfttnrg,i ubt lpfyuhleo teh iaed tesg sarsoc +
et-tu-bromocriptine  idxFe ti, ees !tmneocm +

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