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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 1/Question#38 (reveal difficulty score)
A 47-year-old woman with aplastic anemia is ...
Amphotericin B ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: pharm micro

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 +12  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—et-tu-bromocriptine(140)
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uleR of sucttbtmohuhr/

  • oosrnuesNi nufalg fiics:oennt ratet wiht aooel_znc
  • uirSsoe agnulf ioestnficn ,(eg mmmmcdrnpeouiisoo istpneta itwh tsniedidmsea ften)onci:i attre hwti iphatomeicrn B

noidAalitd iofn

  • hTe nima eclssas of natfnguail siondeicmta rof ulmes :iuncdel
  • sPeeyoln eg,( iarhometipcn B, tantysni) - nBid ot rsoegeolrt seolmceul in faguln elcl rem,ebnmsa nctregai esorp nda ausgcni elcl sisly
  • eroaTzsli e(,g _noelcza)o - Pteernv eht sshsnytie of osrleoegrt, a nemnpcoot fo nlgfau ellc mebnasmer
  • ciacnidhoEnsn e(g, ioag,pscfnnu nmfiagnci)u - inbIhit teh tsseyihsn of cl,anug a rdislcepchayoa meotnnocp of aunfgl clle wlals
  • eindiryPsmi ,e(g itn)oFsculye - vtoenderC to fu,ulorrci-5al whhci neht sbinhiit nuafgl ANR nda toenrip nsshiyste
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jcmed  eCll Meerambn = itpenrcmAohi ;m&ap taCtynNe lils WLAL = nTogfaoin uCps nto xim mhte up I say to sfylme I"sT' teh FNIUNG ECLL "WLLA +3

Terbinafine/Tolnaftate - inhibit squalene epoxidase/sterol biosynthesis. Squalene builds interfere with fungal membrane function and cell wall synthesis.

+4/- h0odtime(54)

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 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—hungrybox(1277)
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My isniropmse fo rhAtcnomiipe B is tath i'st eht IBG NSGU. tI hsgtriat pu atskact het esorslt ni hte ufnig lmaaps bermea.nm

ienhMelaw lli hcitb srdug ielk aoszel- usjt ithbiin ltoser e.hnstyiss ni-infera(tbe X ,ooesltlnra l-zaose X oesrrelgt)o

nnguisF X llec llwa n,estssyih ucniletyfos X eicclnu iadc hs.sesiytn

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et-tu-bromocriptine  lueR of oieubt/st :orchhNnutsmrosu angflu :cetoinnsif attre wthi o aioezrnSc_euosl nalfgu fcioetnin ge(, cmenuodirmismoomp tniapset with stdieasnmeid ienco:tifn) eratt twhi ctephmaoniri niddiBAlato e oTfnhi naim csessal of iutaanflng detamcioisn rof lmseu s :io delycluPen en (eg, aiierphotmnc ,B ynanistt) - iBdn ot oerregsolt coleuesml ni nuafgl ecll aernsmmbe, teincgar esopr nad uagsnic ellc szsi eysl oairlT g(e, z_eo)nolac - vtrPene the esyisnsth fo orel,rtegso a ompoecnnt fo flnaug lcel nibmchmconsn erads nEiea e,g( osf,cuniagpn i)nmifncagu - tibiIhn eht tneihsyss of ulang,c a pcarysidhceoal tnopmceon fo nugalf lecl lwsimPynda i rlies (ge, oluFti)cnsey - oterdnevC to -fic5rolu,rlua hwich nhet tnihibis gfulna RNA adn tnoipre eshyn t ssi +2
et-tu-bromocriptine  ippRpp eht ro,itngafmt ubt helfluoyp hte eida steg rcsaso +
et-tu-bromocriptine  Fedxi i,t ees tomme!nc +

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