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NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 2/Question#41 (reveal difficulty score)
Purified serum antibodies elicited by ...
Proteins X and Y express the same epitopes 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by usmile1(154)
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If yuo oolk at rodwlU oquestin ID 12929 ti ash a dnowfrleu atapenixlon for .sith I f htey hares teh esam p,eetopis ti lliw veha a dorawnwd Ifpels. o tehy hsrae neno of eth smae epto,psie hte elni lilw eb zhnroltaio orssca the rahgp aditngic(ni no cengha as the tmouan fo Y ddead ir)cesneas

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eacv  ogm !Y!ES taknhs Uldowr I tog it !ocetcrr xltayec sthi xq aksde the eacxt potpisoe gtnhi! hHahaa I evodl ti !! +9
pg32  vnEe artfe rgadnie the UrdolW n,inxoelaapt I am tllsi nto reus hwo teh nrsaew that rd,sea nr"ePtoi Y xspseeers lal of the etiepops xeesdspre yb tpeionr ,X ubt rnetipo X esdo n.t."o. is c.ecrtroin adesB no het gprah, I 'todn see a yaw we acn relu tuo ahtt rsnaew ihoecc nda it snodsu rome eklyil tanh hbto X dna Y ighnva het CETAX EASM otip.spee naC onnaey ainlxp?e tWah uwldo eth garph kool ilke fi hte dueqto awersn hiceco saw reo?ccrt +3
69_nbme_420  If yuo emka up na aexempl tihw rens,bum ti rlayel lhsep! “ioPretn Y esrsexesp all fo teh esiptpeo peesdxrse by X, tbu rptnoei X dsoe tno serespx lal fo iespoept pssxreede by oeiPntr ”fYI . ew ysa tpineor Y ahs spieoetp ,1 2, nad .3 Tehn oPentir X ash pepoiset 1 and 3. hnTe we nac clrlyae see hte slprieiathno eht NMUTAO fo Y adedd ivreelta ot X udonb ulowd TON eb eStadt hotaren ayw – ew dene an etleopnxniayl emro nmotua of Y to YLEMPETCLO nudibn X dan horeeretf hreet wudol otn be a neo to noe tdiipoecn ni eth Siamghaprr il ciogl epispal ofr eht ewrasn ccehio thta sasett o"rtnipe X xseeeprss lla fo teh pestioep xpdeeress by otpnrie ,Y tub neproit Y edos not erepsxs lla fo teh oespipet epsersxde by tenipor EX..g. If irtonep Y ash epepotsi 1 dan 2. ndA noipetr X has toppesie ,1 2, and .3 eHer ga,nia ew vahe afiesistd eth easnwr icsehco tiio,ndnco and no tatmre owh ucmh ew ieacrens tprieno Y, ropetni X will stlil heva epieopt 3 dnbou ni ihts ceas. +5
69_nbme_420  tJus to fciyalr ofr hte fitsr cn:orisae We hvae 3 opispeet no ,Y nda 2 esiotppe no X. tTah e,msan simgusan eht ipeostpe rae all esnptre ni euaql ,nusamot fi I dda 003 mgsar fo toripen Y to eth losntiuo - lyno 200 srgma iwll idnb rteinop .X DNA OLNY 200 sgram fo rpniote X can eb dnn.uobu Hpeo eht bsenmur eh!lp +1
fruitkebabs  rFo yoanbdy sltli tkucs no n"eotrPi Y serseespx all of eht speioetp edesrepsx by tiorpen ,X ubt eripnot X dseo o,nt" ahtulhog tsih atntsteme amy eb ute,r trhee si nto ehogun inmaifonrot ni hte nuesoqit ot rvpeo t.ish eW kwno for fcat ttah ceasueb hte ntuAmo fo aedelbl X donbu serache 0, at eth yvre es,lat tnrioep X and Y rspesxe eth easm oietspep sicen ta a canreit tn,acronitceno Y si aelb ot mpyelelcot diecslpa lal X frmo eht e.mytss sThi eds'nto dcleuex eth oispltiisyb atht ehtre yam eb aterx iopepets no ,Y tbu ti t'nesdo eopvr ti th.eire +4

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by amarousis(27)
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so who lduwo eht parhg loko rof rpioetn x xessrsepe all fo the piptesoe pdersexse by tirpone ,y btu trionpe y edso ont sperxes all fo eht sieoppte sdeeerxps yb oieptrn x?

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drw  nteh esmo aiXn-t conant lreeacto ot Y vnee Y si edadd at revhwaet ghih oed.s ta sthi ioonci,tnd the nile nac nvree htcou eth -isaYx. on eht yroa,trcn fi Y epsxres lla piostepe no eth X, btu X does tno sxeespr lal tppoiese on het Y, that smnea smoe Y itseeppo aer ont seen no .X ta this oin,idocnt I dton' knwo hwat wlli be teh nile edookl .leik +1
medbound57  I tkhni tath het sli'en wodanwrd oepls oulwd be eser,tpe sneic Y sha omer tises hatt eht bitnaody odlwu ibdn to. +

why this is wrong- prtoein y has all epitopes of x and protein x does not have some epitope

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submitted by usmleboy(19)
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An ndbytoai acn olny icoezergn a sgeinl pe.opeit ciSen we ese het eorm Y daded aesld ot ssle X oubn,d neth oyu nac oanser yeth aersh het emas nindbig sets,i nda Y is enworpivrego X.

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srmtn  OGM itsh is the aenrso hw!y kanht !!y!uo +
srmtn  tub treeh era taonsbiedi thta cna aitrecnt ithw 01 .e.tespo.elampxipe .gI..M yrosr tog lsto ignaa (: +
chj7  orF anynoe lsitl eilldgwn on sh,it hte soecpsr ethy aklt ubtao ni teh senquoti mtes is sosypbil llonapyloc (uths the sieus of meutplil )pep.oeist +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by rhizopusmucor(1)
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I fuodn ht,si I ntihk ti gesvi adnik fo na al:anoxpeint fI eht rerssignoe of ogl )('AA(/ )1- on gol- B si aniler wthi a slope fo 1-, hnet sthi scdenitia thta eth gnionasamt si oevipttemci dna by ieinondfti teh ointgas adn oanansgtti cat at eth ESAM ioegtcnnior etssi. oS yaiballcs het omre uyo add Y, hte sels X si ,dboun ihcwh emnas hety ahve a mesa atruucsrtl tncooempn toei(pp)e nad sutm cta no hte amse t?ies t'noD wkon fi tshi kmsea ees..n.s


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submitted by stepwarrior(29)
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ihst sqniutoe asw utter B,S tub het yaw I uitjifdes sme"a speoti"ep wsa atth it sadi n"i teh exttcon of -smneuriat ",X .e,.i hhwic etpsoiep ouldw ehav neeb evpedloed ni hte toxctne fo teh etiinsbaod tsp.enre stI' kyelnliu htta n-Xtia sabiotdein wdolu ndbi to espoipte on Y ttah eatnr' on X. Btu you cdlou uarge ehrte rea talteehorci eitseopp on Y ttha odulc be unbdo yb hnaorte dtoinaby taht edno'ts setxi in isth i.soraecn

Vyre drwan uot nad okto me 5 situmne ot tlycaaul egiruf tou on eht s,tet slnoyhet a etsaw fo tmie in my i,oponin ubt heret yuo o.g

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submitted by peachespeaches(2)
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eauceBs it si a rstitgha owdndarw slpo,e ouy anc lsoa tlle ttha Y nda X rea nodbu in lsimrai ysaw yb t.dsaibeino thaW resdeafnttieif eht wo,t etnh, 'ntis oeteipp ngidibn ycipatiab,l tbu teh onn.toantcierc llA sele equal htiw dbninig seit,s roem Y wtih an ghgninnuac otuman fo X llwi edal ot slse X bu,ndo ni a 1:1 e.nrmna

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submitted by ilikecheese(46)
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gihH X is bnuod hwen wlo Y si de,dad nda wlo X si bndou nhwe Y is a.oedddS BEAMY hyte rae cptiomgen ofr het meas nbidign oopepse/ptti deu ot htis seriahpnloti ep(ipe=ot doytbani dnniibg ??? ???ts?i??e?)

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submitted by breis(56)
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oyur sesgu is sa odgo sa ni............e....................................................m.....

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nala_ula  I etpns os lngo no sthi sntioqeu adn .m..ase ahahah +

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submitted by am.cassandre(0)
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Ran crasso a eitsquon ilismar to sith in hnaoter usntioqe .aknb In ttha nsuoeitq, heret wsa no cnghea sa teh ornttcionenca of eht wen porneit was dd,ead ihwhc entma atth the wot norpseti idd tno ehsra rsiialm ei.oeppts In siht soieunt,q eht otiybnad is usjt ytginr to dibn sit tei,poep so igadnd more ro y seamn slse ngbdnii fo tporine x ubceaes teh bnidyaot safvor eht rtpisneo the s.aem

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This question tests the basis of competitive inhibition. if they express the same epitope, they will bind the same receptors. Adding more X will mean less binding of Y, hence the downward slope.

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