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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 1/Question#17 (reveal difficulty score)
A 7-year-old girl is brought to a clinic in a ...
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 +28  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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fI uoy n'ctudol mebmerer cwhhi ewre ns;tieaesl thne vteaeratlni wdulo aveh enbe to erzeail htat ggwionr dhinlecr ndee cslel ot vieid.d Tihs usieqrre DNA ocrilnatiep adn rnltaota.nis Of wihhc teh ccuenil daic ihmyte si pi.nmratot It iqreeurs a mhetyl tsnrfera.

Thsi is hwere eihitonnme mcose ni. tieienhonM iocenmbs hitw PTA ot orfm SAM a( emlhty )odrno

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whossayin  aTths’ a neydrglae a.nlpnaoiext knhsTa !eudd +
makinallkindzofgainz  siTh is xtelyca woh I sdlove it! I mdebrereme taht ehMonetiin is itasnlees rfo yhetml ersnrst,af and you woudl dene taht in nidiivgd ino()ggwr .escll Btu wno 'Ill ujst memrrebe VPT MTI aHLL oto ): +2

 +15  upvote downvote
submitted by nosancuck(102)
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Yo dwga we lal uotba VPT MTI LLHa

P,aihnnayneell ienaVl, NtAyKoprTD, een,Throni eun,scIoeli eiion,eMtnh Hdiintsei, cnLueei Lyiesn

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meningitis  I td'no etdansurdn hwat hte nsoequti si can oeonsme aeplse xlpeina ti ot n Pm? et e ait tsenod eat ope,nitr hess .cyhbub tWha deos ntoeieihnm eavh to od htiw t?ihs +4
charcot_bouchard  sJut lslcybaai isgkan icwhh si estlaseni oinam .icads +4
usmleuser007  lEnetasis nimoa daics gm(oeintsh i aemc pu t 1 iw . )h "hreTe HAL anfs lliw ytr e t a.h "m oieeTnnrh = erehT b . nieisdi;Ht g;Aenriin Liseny = HcLA . Plhyenealnnia = dn sf.a l;eianV lenuceisIo; Lueeinc = i. el w l hanopTtpyr = y t r .f Meiohnntei = me ht +4
nala_ula  eeTyrh' iygsna hreet is a kalc of dgoo tuqyali oipenrt ;gt-& hligst uinatlornti cinefyiedc. eSh amy heav ieqcradu wtghie utb it's nto sebcuae fo r.tinpoe So 'tyereh fcypiclsiela kisnag wtah oinma acid hse htmig be nsgmsii deu ot rhe pbasur .tdie ecnSi estenalsi imaon cdisa are hoest taht eht bydo onnact meak feis,tl otu off ehsto eitls,d hioeinnmet si the stilaesen nmaoi ica.d ts'I on paeg 81 of AF 90.12 +11
nala_ula  trcoecr em fi I'm wgrno lpseae ): +
hello  For nenoya eusdfcno ynritg to ollofw 00rs@usuelem'7s motnecm i y--glhstl tsleosEnideaimdfi omina acdsi mncenomi ,hA" reeTh nsfa lliw try em"ht Ah = egin,anir ernisdieheh Tit = FTneaehros inn as)nhp(= lyiineal elVPhnan Wil(l -- Gmearn tnacce gnnpcurioon Egsnihl owrd lw'il') = ,ilneva eluiecoi,sn i,unceel Tylisyrn e = renyhttophMtap = iioneneMth +2
pg32  Why esod l@elho adn ur0m7sl@ues0e mecnnmio nacnoti enanrii?g taTh snti' in hte TPV IMT LLaH iocemmnn for tsleaesni oiamn scad...i +
paperbackwriter  g3p@2 eniangri is nl.eie-temsiass tI si sasnelite in rpertem anstfin hwo noncta zehynisest ti 1Shcppa%./wrt3ii/ea?diu/0tn8/bem06c9i/5i.n4ielwc0ie0ch/st2se0roD:e0svi75ctcwc3 +
ankigravity  'sIt asol selstiean in emsit of ioeitsvp oginrent laebacn e..,(i ongirwg sddoki) +

 +9  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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1. e"ehTr HLA nfsa wlil ytr m"
hte    a. heerniTon = erhTe 
    .b ni;ditsieH rn;niegAi sneyLi = LA
H    .c lnnPeaiyenalh = 
safn    .d eanl;Vi uc;snoeilIe iLeecun = llwi
    .e hppyrtaoTn = ry
t    .f hieMietnon = t
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pparalpha  snhak!T dooG mocienmn +1
b1ackcoffee  bets ennimcmo +

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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snleitsae nmoAi casdi )A(A

1) tsuAdl eqrreui 9 (AA) = bela to keam egnnira vai auer yc c2el) dnihleCr ureieqr 10 )(AA = hety era lsilt peg3dl)v eoni Wiht UPK eisrnyot sbeecmo setasline ni tohb ltsuad nda ieclnhdr

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 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by drzed(332)
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'Ltes asy uyo d'dnit nokw tenhienimo wsa i.setesanl

(A) ilnaneA -- oyu nca tceaer nnlaeai form teh mzeyne TLA ial(aenn )efsaartesrnaoim,n hstu sith mzeyne nactno be ienesltas

B)( tpAtrasae -- uoy acn atcree strapatea orfm teh nzeeym STA apraat(ets r,namssn)eiatoraef tush shit enymze atnnoc be netessila

C)( lnyiceG -- htis one si low elidy, ubt it si dmea rmof rsinee ren(ies + FTH g&-t; O2C + T-HMeF + fI oyu d'ditn kwno tobua htsi, uyo ahd a 050/5 ohst

)E( Tseonyir -- ouy acn eectar yiotrnes mfro paanneelinhyl (uesnls of orsuec you vahe ior,eeytnp)ahklnu nda tush sith tnacno eb

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by hello(429)
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rFo nnoaye sfcdonue yntirg to loofwl 'slum@0sr7us0ee mncetom

lgiShtly idfomide

Esietslna inaom iacds emncionm hA," reheT nsfa wlil yrt t"tehehm

Ah = geiia,nrn niidestih

eheTr = Toeehnrni

aFsn (phas=)n ehlanlienaPny

lilV lliw( -- maGnre nacect poionnngrcu Ehlisng wodr li)l""w = anvl,ei ieieu,slocn u,celine yelins

rTy = rthtnpaopy

hMet = eoMtneihin

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by mrglass(47)
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hTe yaw I emeemrrb the ateinesls omani ciasd is by nrefegenirc het nomai aidcs srpguo I aardley So teh istsleaen inmao aicds re:a

  1. heT nadebrch canih moina :dcais iouslIe,enc Ln,eeiuc adn neVial

  2. ehT edgrin ioamn dsaic ECXPTE Teirsoyn h(whic bseeomc tseliasne in tshoe thiw :KPU) pyton,haprT iinsieHtd, nelhaniPaylne

  3. hTe flsruu iogtcnnian oiman :ciads setnieyC nad sdniieiHt Yuo( liwl ese deebat rvoe theewhr esetiyCn efiisaulq as ssantleei or tn)o

  4. ehT wot ouy stuj eavh ot eom:zirme ieTroenhn nad iseLny

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mrglass  I ametn to ysa Ctensiey nad e*nhnoiMeit +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by saqeer(6)
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a tieltl lniiesmdag ehr sciraeen ni gwhtei meda it eesm sa fi seh ahd owl yiorthd reomohn dan oesnytir is a crep.srour

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b1ackcoffee  btu rimhpiyothosyd lduow reeedcas het th.ighe +

 -3  upvote downvote
submitted by codyluvr95(6)
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B21 ocmes mrfo eoirptn and is a ysrscneae ocafrtoc fro onmntiehie yessh.nta woL B12 = olw it.mheneoin

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 -3  upvote downvote
submitted by mcl(670)
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heeinnotiM is na nslsieeta oniam lAl roseth sedtli rae .nto

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scalpelofthenorth  gP 18 Teronisy si esildt as an ntlaeeiss .AA dSlhou be nthryppota ofr shote ohw gto itsh ognrw elki e.m +
neonem  tuB ostienyr cna cemo mfor all,aheineypnn so s'ti not ellyra ssaieltne htgi?r +1
gh889  in 10AF2,9 it si iletsd as rnhtT,yaopp ont oriTy.sne taTh asw edrrt.cceo +16
usmleuser007  t:Neo iysoTrne is NOLY steslenai wtih KUP ni crdheiln +
niboonsh  bor 281F0A ilsst eynriots as na sseielant A.A heTy laedpy .us +1

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