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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 1/Question#17 (reveal difficulty score)
A 7-year-old girl is brought to a clinic in a ...
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 +28  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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If uyo udoc'ltn mmrbreee hhiwc were nie;lasste then tenrevatial owldu ahve ebne to aelierz that gwrngoi hnldrice dene sclle to iTsh uierserq ADN eltonpricia nda lao.nasttinr fO chihw hte leiuccn dica iehmty si r.tmopinta It rereqsui a lteymh stfe.rnar

isTh si hewre iheetnmnoi emocs n.i Moithnieen ebmicnos with ATP to fomr ASM (a htlyem onro)d

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whossayin  haT’st a rgeydlean tpnxnaailoe. hknasT d!ued +
makinallkindzofgainz  shTi is yexctla hwo I ldoesv i!t I mbmredeeer ttha tenoeiMnih si lessaeitn fro hetmly fensat,rrs and yuo udowl ndee that in ivngiidd wr(ogng)i tBu nwo Il'l sujt mbrmeeer VTP MIT aLHL oot ): +2

 +15  upvote downvote
submitted by nosancuck(102)
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Yo dwag we lal aotbu PTV TIM HLaL

el,Pnheannyail aniV,le rKNyAoDtT,p ehoT,ernni cnulIiee,os ti,neneoiMh tHdeiins,i ueLcnei Lisney

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meningitis  I dtn'o snnautedrd tawh the esinoqut si acn esmonoe aseelp nipexla it to m? eiPe t tna ntoeds ate ptr,oeni shes uy.cbhb htaW sdoe mieheintno evha ot od ihtw shi?t +4
charcot_bouchard  Just llscabiay ianksg ihwch si esasenilt omina .cdasi +4
usmleuser007  nseEtlsai ioman dsaci nshmgei(ot i eacm pu 1t) wh i. eeThr" HLA fsan will try h t m"ae . nrnTeehoi = erheT . b iesditHni; ieAnn;rgi Lisney = H .AcL nePyenlnhlaia = d. fs na Vli;ena ;sencIoliue ueeiLnc = i.l wel oryaTptnph = yr t .f eeithoiMnn = h etm +4
nala_ula  heeyTr' gyinas rteeh is a klac fo odgo lauityq prteion &-;tg ihgslt tiilunaotnr yf.cdnieeic hSe may hvea dcueaqir tgiweh utb st'i otn eacsebu of .nriopte So eeyh'tr lsyiaeflpcic nisakg wtah aiomn caid seh himtg eb msiisng ude to ehr ruspab tied. ecSni nssieaetl noima sdcai rea hoets atht eht ybdo tcanno meka etils,f uto off tseho d,sitle onntmeiieh is het atielssne anmio cdi.a st'I no pega 18 fo AF 19.20 +11
nala_ula  certcor me if m'I nwgro ealspe ): +
hello  orF ennoay nocudefs irygtn to olowfl ss0lsuer'm@0eu7 mtnemoc h-syt-lgi l eodsieminaEsl dift moain diacs neoncimm Ah," rThee nafs lwil tyr em"th h A = inegirn,a itnserhihiedT e = rsheaoi FnTenn h()pnsa= aPenllinlnaiyV he lilW( -- meGnar cncaet ripgnunonco hglsniE ordw l'ilw') = ,vanile oeuinlei,cs neli,uec Trenily sy = Mptahntoypht er = nMhneeioti +2
pg32  yWh oesd @lohle nad u@uese00s7rlm ecimmnno noacnti ig?aenirn taTh s'tni in the TPV TMI LaHL ncmneimo orf liasseten onmai a.icds.. +
paperbackwriter  g2@p3 niranieg si imenaetlse-si.s It is leeasisnt in rrpetme iasftnn hwo nctaon syzesethni ti ciles:?ievhh%cD3cei3/0m06/tat5pi4orsr8wd/.c5ipbS0i09na.cit/icwuwe/e0nc0/71et2s +
ankigravity  sIt' loas entileass ni tesmi fo opviiets oginenrt bacalen ,..ei( ginrgwo skdodi) +

 +9  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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.1 Thr"ee ALH fans wlil ryt "ethm
    a. eirenhnoT = eTreh 
    .b snHidtiei; ienr;nAgi inyesL = LHA
    c. nlhleeyanPnai = sn
fa    .d Vaeiln; iI;nuocesel ecineuL = il
lw    e. ohnpTrpaty = r
ty    f. inoMeneith = mh
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pparalpha  nasTkh! Godo neminmco +1
b1ackcoffee  esbt meiocnnm +

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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lstieasen nAmoi aidcs ()AA

)1 ldAuts eqiruer 9 AA)( = laeb to keam rinaeng iav eaur l c)yc2e neridlCh reruqei 01 )AA( = hyet rae slitl lgp) eeovdin3 ihtW PUK estiyorn eemobsc etisalnes in bhto dlstau dna hnircedl

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 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by drzed(332)
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ts'Le sya uyo id'dtn nokw ntmieoneih saw lts.eiasen

)(A linAane -- ouy anc raceet anleina morf teh yeenzm LTA linea(an emesnt)af,nosairar tshu hits enezmy tncano be atenliess

B)( Aestrtapa -- oyu anc teerca tesaarpta omfr eth zemnye STA ea(paatstr )eiset,ananafsorrm tush sthi mnyeze tnanco be esanitles

()C nlGiecy -- this eon si owl ,iyled utb ti si aedm fmro eniers rse(ine + HTF ;&-gt OC2 + HFM-eT + gli.e)cyn fI uoy dn'dit onkw tabou st,hi yuo dha a /0055 otsh

E() yoTisnre -- uoy can tcreea esritnoy mfor epanynilenhal nle(ssu fo urcose uoy veah il,kho)nynaeretpu dan usth isht oancnt eb isnts.elea

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by hello(429)
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oFr anoney nfuesdoc grityn to lwolof '@usu0rse0l7mes mceotnm

hStylgil edifomid

elitsnasE nomia dcsai imennomc Ah," eheTr snaf wlil try hhtm"ete

Ah = ei,nirnga idhniitse

ehTer = noieTnher

nFas (hp)=nas aielPleannhyn

lVli (lilw -- Gnearm cenatc onigponcurn sinEhgl owrd "l)wi"l = lveani, e,eioulincs eeil,ncu eyilsn

yTr = tprohtapny

ehtM = ohneiiMnte

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by mrglass(47)
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Teh awy I breermme the ssaeilnte aonim sdiac si yb eeienrgrncf teh ioanm idasc uogprs I daleyar nkw.o oS het sseneilta onmai diacs :ear

  1. ehT rdanbche cahin naomi ascdi: cusenieolI, cniuLe,e nad leVian

  2. The ergdin oimna cdasi TXEEPC nrosTiey (iwhhc becosme nleiastes ni soteh iwht :PK)U hrpnTpy,ato ,ieiistdHn inPhenaalnyle

  3. Teh urulsf naiotnicgn mnaoi ia:sdc tyeisCen and itisHedni ouY( liwl ese tbedea veor thehwer eesytnCi qialefsui as eiaentsls or )otn

  4. ehT wto uyo utjs aehv to :eimrzmoe hnrnoTeie dan neLsyi

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mrglass  I tanem to ysa nesCyiet nda i*oniMthene +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by saqeer(6)
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a ielltt gdielsmnai rhe rensciea ni htwegi mdea ti smee as fi ehs hda wlo hditroy rohonme nda netoiyrs si a eopsr.urcr

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b1ackcoffee  tub hstpidyroyhmio uldwo eeacsrde het +

 -3  upvote downvote
submitted by codyluvr95(6)
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2B1 secom mfor enioprt nda si a esaeyrscn foccrato rfo nneotiehim woL B12 = owl emn.hineiot

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 -3  upvote downvote
submitted by mcl(670)
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hteMnenioi is an eslnsteai aoinm caid. lAl rosteh ltside aer .tno

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scalpelofthenorth  Pg 81 oiTesrny si edtlis sa an saseintle A.A uhoSld be tproayhtnp rfo ehtos woh tgo hsit grwno lkei me. +
neonem  tBu etsriyno nca emco rmfo lyahnan,ieelpn os 'tsi not aerlly nseiltaes ht?igr +1
gh889  in 0A92F,1 ti si teslid sa pynrTtpoa,h otn oTeyn.rsi thTa aws err.tdcoec +16
usmleuser007  oNet: eyTrosin si YONL tlaissnee ihwt UPK in nhedirlc +
niboonsh  bor 1082FA slsti rteynios sa an steileans .AA hTey eplday .su +1

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