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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 1/Question#39 (reveal difficulty score)
A 33-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Genital herpes ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +35  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—madojo(212)
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Know ryuo T'sSD abby ;-) ggni(o othhgru veeyr rothe coehci no thsi inote:squ)

  • arialctBe gaosnviis ucased by eeagdnrlrla sigalvilan. Se a ,nthi ffo hiewt gdhairces dna hisfy llsem hisf( in teh )a.drgne sreeTh' no imamlnftoani aLb isfdingn: pH tareegr ahnt 54. t(usj ikel ontsoamii,srh)ci adn a tsevoiip hffwi etts iwht HKO. Stme ilwl ysa smeoginht utoba radusomool grhdecais nad sohw eth uasfnmoi UECL LSCLE if we rea ukcl.y Nto het wrensa for ihts oqensuit yuobsiovl buaecse we owdul nto cexetp iecsvels twih sith aeilrcatb esisa.ed

  • nssiadiiCda si ggnio ot be royu chkit agttoce eheecs racgheids, hitw t.imfmnailnao oalmnr pH ees syhua.epdhepo reaTt hiwt pitoacl aitstnny, ro lroa olazcfueoln luessn ou'eyr gtpnaner htan use .ialrotCemolz iAagn nto ioggn ot see yna ilee.scvs

  • hnadCciro epr orludw is soatdsiace whit hpisuoeHlam yderuci ouy llwi heva a Dpee upnrlute pluifan ruecl htiw iruupvaspet msely.aiditnph ilWl eb ltod ttah eapntit sha uinalfp liagiunn ensod, teher mya be lemlpitu edpe eslurc tihw g-ylolawyre dteae.xu uYo do yrc twih .H duYRiC sTih ltdo'wnu eb reut orf hwat ruo inettpa has ni sthi sontquie beseacu we a'tren tlod of yan anglniui a link ot a aoccihrdn ADV

  • mCdhyaail riathtsomac eusacs armllhnuoamygpo ereuenmv hhiwc is lalsm lsaohwl scel,ru apsiesln, btu hnte eth rgeal ulpianf oacledcse gnuailni ylhmp noeds aka BESUBO. aredpmoC wthi eonorngha the aehgridsc is emor enhnitr dan yw.tera Aagni tno the ecsa eerh sa ist ilnfaup and no tnmnioe of ayn BSOUOBE.S ehT rhaicsgde in orharogne si mero cehr.kit thoB edla to DI,P eartt fro ohbt ebasceu focintneoc si mmn.ooc htWi ohbt ateitpn amy have osme ostr of niap ro urgnnib senatisno npou a.iiutonrn tireSel uiyapr tughho orf .othb

  • mloaynoCd auuimamncct is a oisnaiefmttan fo VPH 6 + 11 ntea(lig wa.rts) eThy ookl liek big swcfrl.aeoilu Tish is ni toatsrcn to Comloynad tala ahtt yuo see ni iyslphsil wihhc is sujt a ltatrfe lteat wborn onoglki

  • laGetin seHpre (eth swnare ot eht snuetqio) will ptnerse hwit tluimpel unfaipl eplirscfuia eevcssli or rstcnioelua itwh ntcitantuloois poystmsm ver(e,f iseaml)a Jsut ifts ebrett hnat lal teh roeth cscohie I ran hhogt.ur

  • iSylislph is eth pleaissn henrcc.a UW esdcirbes ti sa a selg,in daniuertd ewll cmbcieircurds ,luecr hwit a nlcea as.eb eSe ccrrwkeos ragomisns on DF ciooys.prmc eKep in inmd rhote ispenlsa relcsu rae panymllurohmgoa eeumvrne fo laacdimy tb(u het beuosb aer whats panuifl not eht uce),rl nda aagormuln inulgaine osiao(sdvnno - eablellksi tumra)oasglin btu shtaw ahrlamlk atobu ihst noe is ttah sti silpasne ouiwtth hympadelotyhanp

nI rsth,o eb faes.

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drdoom  hsit iw-erptu is WESEMAO ... ubt it slao made me to.imv +1
b1ackcoffee  ihTs si seoame,w pt,ewuri tno eht d.tss +1
lovebug  FA 9201 pg 1. I84 usdemm up @jodams'o tcesto! immhn inpteta hvae m,pltielu" endetr csiselev and l.andcu"re acnts aanlvig rA.hci )gadse Bilateacr vgsanisoi ;gt-& ON scevlie ;-> or/) B adsiaCidnsi &g-t; NO sicvele &-;tg r/ )oC cCahindro t-;&g udlosh haev Ilanguni dyAnehopat ;&tg- /or D) C. rtoashmtiac g&;-t ahve gearL luapifn aingnuli LN &t;g- /orE ) aCnyloodm niauamcat -&;gt Big iuoeawlrfCl &;tg- orF/) nGalte psereh ;-t&g !S!Y )E!G oahonerGr g;-&t NO ielcs,Ve eaycmr lpnuter crgeidash g;-t& )orH / .C stoamacrthi ginaa a(esm as D) gt-&; o)r/ I iplhySis -> liepsnas ncaerhc g-&t; r )o/J ssrToahmiionic -gt;& yswraerrbt v,xirec oemtli ni tew pper &;t-g rhoatk/sn d@amjoo! +
homersimpson  Gotta elvo eth USBOBE +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by gabstep(15)
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AF 1902 gp48:1 anitelG hspeer spnsteer itwh plaiunf vrvula or lavrecic iecsvsel adn rclesu; anc sueca ysecmist mmspotsy scuh as evfre, chdaa,ehe gamliay

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sam.l  hte oniuesqt mets ssetta a "a cnset igvnlaa hadscerg"i si atht a darocrstit in eht .qetinsuo +
kentuckyfan  cSn"ta" amnes veyr tti.ell +1

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—tissue creep(133)
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If onabyyd hsa a good awy of hngrgmiii/idubsmieegentrsn lal teh netiedfrf snitsaeotnerp ofr lageitn os,res 'Id tceepiapar het phle.

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hungrybox  sPl stop sa a tepeaasr opts adn not a tnemcmo ot tish .hot heT rniftmatog for etshe mmsentco xsu +1
whossayin  sniuAsmg u haev oWU,rld jsut ytpe leuayxls trtseimdnat octnf.isn.ei htat ebalt si hte tbse OMI +
lumd  hkanT oyu os umhc rfo het p!it 'tdinD kown atht oyu cna ascreh rfo csieficp topsci ni WU. +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—yotsubato(1208)
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yhW si tshi NOT charo?nicd eheTsr nhngito hree ttah lersu it .uot

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drachenx  acCinhdor is dseecdibr sa na ecru..l swlhti in hist ieountsq heyt nntdomeie cs.vels""ei ePtryt hmcu nloy reepsh si aevucislr +6
whoissaad  ehTy ednetonmi cuerls oot. I sehco rcaiondhc sa le,wl utnlocd' fndi a eulc to leur it .out lAos htogtuh gda""iehcsr aws goinintp uyo dorstwa a rcaaebitl icift.oenn utB ussge mI' wrgno :) +
emmy2k21  I kihtn EMMSNLEUB/ irrswet amke eht smaunpiost het ntiatep si ni mAareic lsnuse icefdpesi ir.weethso drcnhaoCi is ont mcmoon in eth .US fI teh sunoqeit semt enomnist a gdneliovpe untyr,oc thne anocihrcd cna mkea uyro nileadefitfr t.isl +1
selectuw  rfo nc,hdaocir eethr amy be a teoinmn of nilgnuia pmyyhtnoehpaald +2
samsam3711  olsA with aohnircdc sesnuotqi etyh twna yuo to rfeeteiatnfid it wteeneb rnaidohcc and ,shiyipls .eg( inPlauf .vs essail)pn and si ylsuaul ecddrsibe as a uhcm glaerr cuerl atth is fplnaiu ont( rulvcsiea sa in hsti itn)oeusq +
suckitnbme  solA iblevee that roicdnhca deso not tnsreesp hiwt tssemicy tsspymom keil ni itsh igv.entet +

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