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 +21  upvote downvote
submitted by yotsubato(1208)
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leWl sthta a rlaley cdreu ayw to rcesne for

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champagnesupernova3  ehrs'eT lealyr on rteoh yaw ot ays it tthiuow nisug emimhuspes +4
drdoom  ouY tcna’ uelr otu lcuadsii thugosht via ifceneer.n +
drdoom  RWYELA: Did you sak hte nttapei fi hse was ?dicusail CTOO:RD l,Wle m,u ,on tno yalcetx — btu, I a,men seh mseede akoy .. +
drdoom  :EAWYRL ,oS a tnptiea klwas toni uryo ciof,fe uoy scstuep sopt trapum ssroeneidp — a ssadognii ithw knwon seiudic irsk — dna you 'dintd kas if ehs asw auli?csid +
drdoom  COR:OTD lupg +
beetbox  mdo@rod oww ok nwo tihs ilwl csikt ot me oevf.rre swlAay ska uroy iptenat so I nca vdaio iwsus!atl +1

NBME tends to focus on these rules for ethics questions: 1) ALWAYS acknowledge the pt's problem, distress, situation, etc. 2) NEVER ask the pt to lie 3) NEVER be a dick. The answer may sound robotic, but should never be mean. In this case, there's nothing more robotic than going directly from "I'm concerned" to "Have you considered suicide?" 4) NEVER refer the patient to another resource (in this case, the nurse, but could also be risk management, therapist, etc.) 5) COMMUNICATE with other clinicians/experts, etc. to resolve issues. Basically instead of referring the patient, you go to the resource yourself.

+4/- anjum(36)

 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by consuela_salon(27)
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what I tog rmof isht tquneois: VENRE 9%9( of eht )emit frere a piatetn to ese eoynan

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madojo  I saw eodnncvic tshi eno asw hte ocipetxen, but geuss tn,o VREEN RFREE! +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by neonem(629)
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hiTs is a uprttaspmo doom cisnrd,bueat a teprty mnocom oserrddi that sah ot haev na tosen wthini 4 ekesw of ievelrdy to be dertme sa hucs. Prtsupoamt blseu si eht osmt i,dlm htwi a %508-5 ncedicnei aert (per FA 80,)21 uuallsy vlseoser tiiwnh 10 ydas nad taetternm si only ieropvpstu but eedn ot foup-lwlo ot esasss fro lpiesosb tpaumopstr n.odssrepei utPrptosam rdensseoip = -1105% atre, eitrcheacadzr yb deseprsed cfft,ae ntai,exy opro eotncrtncinao fro rergeat ahnt 2 ewkes nad esdne ot eb ettadre /w TCB + SRI.S I hktni het ieonqust si teggint ta enensrcig fro hsti and a tpoyiltnlea ermo coblmeiarpt oomlcpiia,nct posmuraptt iysopcs.hs

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thisisfine   dFuon this lfuidiftc besauec AF zrasthciarece tghs"otuh of mhgiran yabb or le"sf as tpmpruasto hipscsoys - chhwi is seupr rrae, dan dtne'so tif tihs ol,sA BTC si rsfit line nmtaertet ofr trmaotupsp oirdpeness - os I lltsi liek teh ofefr to rrfee ot a prihtstea as teh tseb oie.hcc +11
d_holles  Saem h.iistn@sefi +2
chandlerbas  i ees awth rouey yisang but ew udlsho ekma user ttah eht hmteor si eavli rof us to rerfe ot a reberemm if sehs llgniwi to ramh efselrh tmso kllyei aosl gllwnii to mhar hte teh lttlie teuci .saby...ob sakngi fro iucdials gtsuhoth neressc rfo reogpnroiss to psto autprm psiyssohc wthi het ima ot penvtre the nleestin nvte:e mahr to eth bbya +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by drzed(332)
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SCPSEIGA iearicr:t )(1 liegfen eoepwer,elv/dmhewy 2)( iuteitl,aii/rbtyagifr 3)( haieoan,dn (4) ffdtilcyiu ,eelsgnip ()5 "I efel l..tuyi,."g ofr a oeprdi fo 6 kswee = smtee teh critiaer rof a predsiseve sip,oeed nda ecsni stih swa ni het ospt tpumra o,derpi yma eb psto uamtrp dr.isopesen

Next setb step si ot srecen fro lasucidi /odoiugtethhaitsn fo rmiangh het l.cdhi

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by bbr(58)
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asH" ti cemo sa a srpeusri ot uoy how ahrd atinrgnpe ?si nayM ppeoel efle ttha wa y"I. tod'n khtni sthi lavtsdaei rieht ei,fgsnle adn ti wduol amek mooense fele blady fi oyu isda hye" yonveere lades tihw siht .t"ihs Aols tshi wnaers ofsudec no a,epintgrn trrhea ntah eht ciraitcshyp nneorcc tpouspmta(r rsnsidpe.)oe

m"i conerendc atbou hwo bad 'oeuvy eebn egliefn ltey.a"l I kthni shit dseo ognweklaced thire gnelsfi,e adn eosd shwo atth eht ihcyisapn si aed.engg ,seY its b.untl tuB at its t,wsro tis llsit omer peotlecm ntha eht ohetr oens.

hTogu itoeqnus besad on r'uoye raiengd yles.t

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drdoom  if a eiaedss ro omdyesrn ahs nnwok srki fo iued,csi adn uoy lfia to assess fro ,ti stt'ha ngiclneeeg hbaort (i“f ouy ,cuestps uoy smtu c!r)e”ttop +1

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by an_improved_me(91)
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I tllaoyt teg owh ignsak tuaob e,idscui adn ikgnsa aotbu ti iyrdlcet si rotiamp.nt But ym noofncius si hwo hist waresn sdeo'tn eodrpvi any doog I tnwe htiw h"as ti mcoe sa a"s cbeusae i ieugfrd htta luodw deln fseilt ncliye to the npieatt noengip p.u hnWe i eefl it is tarppai,pier i wdulo neth irgbn up teh eoircvtsoann abuot rahse,f-ml ganhirm teh ba,by dna c.siduei tuB sa sit ettinrw, hte intetpa lselt ouy ythe feel h,tytsi nda eht icyaisphn reyv lyidtcre says wo"w ouy lefe ertpyt tth.ys"i msSee yrve ietnssniiev and not toalmpi rof enhost tiimmoo.cnunac

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an_improved_me  solA, hwlie i rhae omes loeppe agsyin hatt gmkina ti mese klie rhe oelrmpbs eartn' i.u..euqn wlle shtat latlauyc eth noipt in a otl of otoseinvrnsac hwti itet-p-san kmgani hemt flee not oa.enl I ntdo' htkni i dowlu leef trgae gnonkwi ttha lal horte taresnp talsnntiy voel hietr dksi, nad vaeh no epormlbs angikt caer fo the.m neI,tasd 'Id nawt ot lefe ielk twaeverh mi' elgfnie tn'is naalbmor adn rtan.nluau " I efel leik a bad ta";rnpe t"ta'sh ar,er msto peploe flee ekil trgea s"apnetr s"tknah dc".o Ye.sik +1

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