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Retired NBME 21 Answers

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submitted by yotsubato(1208)
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Wlel astht a llraye eucrd yaw ot seencr fro

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champagnesupernova3  Tee'hsr lryale no reoht way ot say ti whtiout gsniu ssmuepiehm +4
drdoom  You ctna’ elur otu lidusica uhgstoth avi eecenrni.f +
drdoom  EY:RAWL dDi uyo ask the atnietp if she asw csiailu?d C:RTOOD l,elW ,um ,on ont clatxye — ut,b I maen, ehs esdeme ayok .. +
drdoom  RWYAEL: ,So a etapnit ksalw noit oryu c,ofief uoy epsustc spot mrtpau ernedssiop — a sgniadosi twhi nwnko dcisieu risk — and yuo tdn'id ska fi hse asw l?aidcusi +
drdoom  OOR:DTC glpu +
beetbox  d@moodr wow ok wno shti liwl itcsk ot em efvrer.o lwsyAa ask ruyo iapnett os I nca doiav lustswi!a +1

NBME tends to focus on these rules for ethics questions: 1) ALWAYS acknowledge the pt's problem, distress, situation, etc. 2) NEVER ask the pt to lie 3) NEVER be a dick. The answer may sound robotic, but should never be mean. In this case, there's nothing more robotic than going directly from "I'm concerned" to "Have you considered suicide?" 4) NEVER refer the patient to another resource (in this case, the nurse, but could also be risk management, therapist, etc.) 5) COMMUNICATE with other clinicians/experts, etc. to resolve issues. Basically instead of referring the patient, you go to the resource yourself.

+4/- anjum(36)

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 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by consuela_salon(28)
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htwa I tog mrfo hits :etousqin RNEVE 9(%9 of teh e)mit eerfr a pnetati ot ese oennya

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madojo  I swa ncodcveni sthi neo aws eht eiop,ctexn btu ugsse ,tno NVERE E!EFRR +

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submitted by neonem(629)
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This si a tsroppuatm odom rn,ucdtesiba a etyprt mmocno irddorse atth ahs ot haev an steon iwniht 4 sweek fo revdelyi to eb redmte sa h.csu rtostPapmu lubes si hte smot ld,mi iwht a 5-%805 niceeicdn etra (per AF 8),012 uulaysl vsselreo hnwtii 01 syda adn mrttaneet is lnoy upptvsoeri but dene to -wpluofol ot asssse ofr pelssobi sptutraomp orepsednis. stauotmPpr seirdpseno = 150%-1 a,ert aeacdrhtericz by srpesddee ,ftcfea nx,yteai roop noiactentocrn for tgreaer tahn 2 eskew dna esned ot eb dateetr /w CTB + R.SIS I hnitk eht eoqtusni si ntgtieg ta iegscnner for siht nda a yaepitlnolt mero lieatmocbrp lctioimcan,op pttpruomsa iyspo.hssc

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thisisfine   nuFod hsit fluitdcif bsaeecu AF cicahzerersta hthutsg"o of irmnagh bayb or e"fls sa arttopumps scpsiyohs - hciwh si rsuep er,ra dan s'notde tfi sith loA,s BTC is tsfir inel mtnteetar rof stmoprtuap sinedporse - os I lislt liek hte frofe to ferer ot a pthsrieta as eth sbet hocec.i +11
d_holles  Sema iith@sein.fs +2
chandlerbas  i ese hwat oeury ansgiy utb ew uodhls meka urse ahtt teh othmer si alvei orf us ot eerfr to a tepsra.ith ebmmeerr fi essh iwnglil to ahrm lhserfe sotm kliely aols wiilgnl ot hmra hte hte iletlt eiuct ybab..os.. nsagik rof diuslaic htsgtuho scneers rof rprgeoosnis to tops tpmuar iocsspsyh ihtw hte ami ot rvtpnee het siteelnn tee:nv mhra to eht abyb +

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by drzed(332)
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ESASPCIG trcriie:a )1( lenefgi eepewhlewove/r,dym (2) iitrtigbeyir/ailufa,t 3() einnha,dao 4() iflticudfy epleig,ns ()5 I" lefe t",.i orf a dporie of 6 eswek = temse the ririatec ofr a eisdvsrepe sidpoe,e adn icnes htsi aws ni hte tpso pamutr de,orip amy eb tpso uamprt essinp.rdoe

Netx tbes spet is ot ncsree ofr usldacii ooiiea/tdtnhusght of mhngair the dci.hl

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submitted by bbr(58)
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sa"H ti eocm as a ipssuerr ot uoy hwo rdha gnrnietap s?i ynaM popeel elef tath yw "a.I dotn' ihtkn ihst atsealdiv iehrt l,feesngi adn it ulodw eakm seeoomn lfee albyd if you said "yeh oryvneee deasl with this t.sih" Aols this nseraw educosf no n,ngpieart hetrra hant teh iactpchriys onecncr a(mpuotrspt reod)snsepi.

i"m needccorn oautb woh adb y'euov bnee inefegl lly".aet I tihkn itsh dose wkeagcndleo treih nlie,fegs and odse swho taht teh nihcapsyi is gngdee.a ,Yse ist bu.ltn tuB ta sti rtswo, ist tlsil reom clptmoee anht hte hroet .eosn

Tugoh uietnoqs abdes no reyu'o adringe yt.lse

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drdoom  if a iessaed or ynrsmoed ash nokwn iskr of us,idcei nda you ifla to ssessa rfo ti, 'httas lnegegenci atbohr “i(f yuo sus,pect yuo usmt )c”rpoe!tt +1

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submitted by an_improved_me(91)
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I toatlyl etg hwo iakgns atoub icuides, nad iansgk tbuoa ti rictdely is mao.ttripn utB ym onuicnfso si hwo htsi newrsa tdneo's vripoed any good s.ugee I newt itwh s"ha ti moec sa a uessp..r.r"i usebcea i feugdri tath dwulo neld tsefil icnlye to the pteatni engnpoi pu. nWhe i eelf it si p,tpapireiar i uowdl hetn igrbn pu het troesacnonvi utoab haefr,-mls rianmhg teh b,bya dna s.ecidui uBt sa its tn,tewir teh pntitae stell uyo htye elfe ,isttyh dan het iphisaycn vyer dtcilyer yass w"ow you leef rytept h"t.isyt esemS vrye essiinvniet adn nto oimptla fro osetnh tonomimac.nuic

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an_improved_me  lo,sA hweli i raeh semo peopel iasnyg atht mngiak ti seem eikl rhe olprbsme nre'at n.u.iqeu. wlel sttha ucatlyal eth itpon ni a tol fo ocosrestnnvia ihtw tpt--enasi gamkin tmhe eefl otn n.aelo I n'dot nikth i dlwuo flee aetrg gnknoiw htat lla otreh sartpen tnlniyats leov irthe i,ksd dan aveh on osprlbem tkiagn reca of tednIs,a dI' tawn ot elfe kile weeavrth 'mi efiegln nsi't aarnmobl adn laautun.rn I" efle ielk a adb nea";prt hs"'tta ,aerr mtso lepepo elef elik taerg aerpns"t nhtask" od".c .iYkse +1

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