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NBME 22 Answers

 +13  upvote downvote
submitted by its_raining_jimbos(29)
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Nto 0%10 urse no this oen, btu e’ersh hwo I dacpahproe ti: seamtiinh suecas iaarlert tdloniai dca(ee=esdr lrertriaao anis)cee,tsr ubt lal fo atht dbool ash to og hwersmeoe ecisn yuo now aveh rmoe bodlo owlifgn trguohh eth treeasir nda htat esemworeh is eth ilrcespilaa e(ncrsidae ayairlplc soathtricyd )rsesp.eru itmHiaesn casuse iaecrdsne mebiliaretpy of eth psi-alopalryct nvuelse (one of r.D t’rsaSta aofrtiev fastc) os y’udo evha aeecrsdni iclraaylp oiliatnrtf eta.r

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taediggity  alylTot eage,r arerital &iindotlg-a-t; nsesecria odblo wolf into sialceaesr/ealripcnis arcapylli ihtystocrda epssurer + cnarsgieni ayimirpeblte fo eht pailacopts-lry enusv=el resIcndae aipryaCll trFintoial Reta +3
makinallkindzofgainz  I velo uoy lxtapi,noaen utb I dotn' nhtik flrttnaioi rtae is tpeeenddn puno mrapeylibite of het -rpapsiloclayt vesule.n I ikthn hte onalttifri eart si saendicre lmypsi ued ot teh censdraei odlbo o;wfl sith si mrisali ot ohw aednsrcie nreal olobd lofw ilwl nieacres mrearGuoll titlFirnao etaR G)(.FR +13

 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by link981(208)
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sHaitnime sacsue lotraerie naisdoo,ltvai uanisgc a ulipubd of oodlb ni eht ilil.sapreac eTh iecrandes lodbo ni eth cipliaarsle wlli ucsae eth susrerpe eerth to srie. aFontirlti si ndedpeent no repsers,u het grehhi eth resreup,s eht more hte rfinaltit.o

bmeeRrme olbod flwo: evins to eulensv to sllripeaaic to teeolriasr to irtaeres

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yb_26  agere ni a,ll xepect teh doobl wlfo - it si ithrg eth eptpoois [edohaopfuse/rstyttosu:/itlct/] +18
link981  I nadst ercodetcr yb.@_62 raftnarBi entmmo 🙈 +2
rockodude  maol cnigudiln a klni to a oamntaacemtyeh egpa on iscab lodob flow +1
ineedhelpwitmed  LOL +1

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by moneysacs(3)
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amitnesiH scueas a areeesdc in hiysoatdtrc esresurp egt( st,ih tis’ a vtooarsidl)a ubt ethn eucssa na ercienas in ilcayrlap ttoscahiryd seur?reps kO,y(a siht is hwo ti saesuc me,ade I soeD naenyo etg owh iths ualytcla wok?rs

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its_raining_jimbos  Not 00%1 uesr no isth ne,o utb sre’he ohw I opdaearphc :it tahsineim sucase rrteaali inialotd (rsecdaeed eltorrraia ecrt)iseasn, utb all of ttah ooldb ash ot go eewremosh censi you won veha reom dbloo inlogwf uorgthh hte etearsri adn ttah esrweemho is hte ellacasipri dries(aecn aacpyllri sdhaicttryo rur).esesp meinaistH esausc cinsdeare bpartimeyiel fo the pisa-orctayllp eulsenv on(e of .Dr atS’rsat otrafive aftcs) os o’uyd veha decariesn ylarcpail initfraotl +1

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by azibird(279)
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mHiteinas sscreeaed tarolraire ientsar,ecs tbu I usgse nto lcayiparl esritsnc.ea

ΔP = Q × R

In het eerlitr,oa aenessticr ,aeredcsse os flwo nr.eecsasi In eth prlayial,c eestarncis ahs nto erededac,s os het redsaceni lfwo teyh ceeveir arstenastl ot cseeiardn ersersup dan il.ttfinoar

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by alexb(53)
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What tehy aenm by t..l.faitoinr

idFlu sedmiporc of rweta nda cleettyl,eors whit a eryv lsaml notamu fo npoiter nda rheto ,emoacorlcumles naloylrm slevae aclpilresai dna almls copsylailrapt vuleens by a csrpseo ecaldl nitoil.tarf Ftirloitan is ipmiyarrl ndvrei yb eth carliplya stryhacdtoi sesrur,ep adn teh onuamt ifetdler rpe unti mtie si odlildnytiaa nfedinecul yb het eiteirmpalyb fo hte lseves lalw (ehnedmlouit dan emtesabn amn)mree.b hTe dufli ahtt restilf tnoi the iustes lowfs iwihtn eht nitrelllrceua cepsa e(th iserutmtinti) adn most of it si rdbreebaos at the relnavu den fo raciliesalp rheew het dhyttaiscro srusrpee is lrew.o Soem fo hte eietrldf fidlu si kante up yb ptimahcly selessv dna rrdteneu ot teh cno.laitiruc

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by atstillisafraud(217)
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Hamnestii esacus paliclayr riroarealt oiadinlt eecdear(s eesraeictdsren)asc(in srreusep ni het lylipaarc cbeusea etnfrfees naermi hte aesm is)ze iitmsHnae aosl nrascsiee ycialarpl liepytaibmer.

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