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Retired NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 1/Question#31 (reveal difficulty score)
A 60-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Lung cancer ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—atstillisafraud(217)
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Wgeith ssol - nhtik tmoarecnyaHircpaen - HDAIS romf lasml llec gnlu aancrEee mcd + JDV - CVS sydreomn

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peridot  I swa ghiktnin ngul cncrae iegecntsr IAS,DH isretglnu ni merph.ainyaot Btu buseaec the noisqetu dkeas yiacfsecllip oabut hte cuesa of eth ficlaa ,aemde I ptu niaeophmtray (ewsarn iceohc )C. I saw noiedrnwg woh yuo sgyu ewre leba to infaeftditere eentebw C. aptmohnaiyer nad .E lung cn?cera hTakn y!ou +2
mannan  heT frtis hting hatt ecrossd my ndim saw CSV mrdoysne form the erncca cgsnrtuitbo eht R hicpeccobarhali eniv vetgninrpe ueonvs lbood rfom tinruergn ot het erhat (nad nasityg in the failca ar.)ae olAs I sasume ietnopmHayar uwodl be vtaueelqin to ersecaded ybod mouvle os ehret ndotuw'l be deeam. FA lRean lghysypooi tcsneio sah a odgo rchta no tawh ppashen ngurdi etlreeolytc saieabcmln ohyp( nad ehr)py +2
mannan  ed@orpti +2
peridot  I asw inntihkg that iyarnphtoema ouwld be ermo slos of itmocso serrepus t-;&-g de,aem but I lfiiytdnee see het etnmuarg orf a ssma st'aht ylpsmi cbiokngl lobod lo.fw ahnTk yu!o +1
jaramaiha  nlyo ignht fgaitncef csitmoo rsuereps is nmub,lia hciwh louwd be emro tarsowd veirl hoir.srics The dyob lwil mptetat ot anianimt a Na+ of 410 with vsiuaor csmhenma,si tbu oesnd't itntebruoc to mtscioo epr.ssrue +1

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submitted by โˆ—thirdaid(10)
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hTe liintia ianostnetrep lokos ilek r:neacc tgehiw olss nda eovpgsrreis pydaens ovre eth ecsoru fo nthoms ni a aheyv mosrke. he,Tn eht iqntseou crsseibed ayr-uamoxeltrnp tymssopm and a cnraapiesoplta eod.rnsmy

More ltcyua,e ehert is lemdpovneet of mdeea of the cafe adn luujrga souvne iosdtnetni. Baeecus ihst is edoclzali to ppreu body, we loshdu nthik of a aaclienhmc cburnooitts ot seuonv flow sa deoposp to omes coicgrdenai are.sno sThi si an -narorlmtyepxua mpymsto fo lung ecnrca.

[ Sieorupr Vean Cvaa mySdnoer scadeu yb teh liaemd nrdegisap fo het ur.tmo nCa eb txdbaeacere ni teh aliyhcsp eaxm yb aginsk etaitpn ot esira tohb ]

i,alFnly eehrt si a gnsiel legihgdthih bla elvua -t;&g ahtpranyoemi. amSll lcel gnul naeccr cna eleresa oipaprrntaipe slvlee of erticdtnaiui oenrhmo tg;-& ADHIS. ADH wlli arenit wtera dan ardeeesc idmsou renocitntanco lsbpysio ilndgea to eebarlrc eaedm nda suire.zes

[ romSyedn fo Iaoipprnprtae ADH du(e ot aslml lecl naccmor,ai a coroendnenerui mruot of hte n)ulg esdeercsa mosdui crenn.atnictoo eoanaspatPircl snryoemd. ]

In aSkhytthce:P VCS moesyrnd si teh dre lbnlooa rane the iiaudsmnmet spih adn HSDIA si eht ugy trynig to yarcr hte teawr loeorc and tingegt weart lla orev femilhs.

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makinallkindzofgainz  I r!gaee eSourpri sluscu stroum si a lgnu niacmroca tath ccousr in the pxea of eht ulng dna cna escua CSV oenr.mysd +2

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submitted by โˆ—agraham416(5)
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ma i eht oynl dubm eon how tthhuog it was oimagaeden ucsea of hte CAE rn?ihtobii latolty getdelecn lal ohetr ft.rinmionoa

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dwdelva8  I ddi het amse gthi,n tbu esh had eben on that CAE iniihorbt rof 51 esyra os I eusgs it lwudo be esragtn ofr ti ot all of unddse seauc otmmpyss +

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submitted by โˆ—ekraymer(1)
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Was it rwngo ot see oodlb gtinde ,upsmut adn laaiutyoamtlc emsusa tis n?aercc csnei nnoe fo eth hrtsoe odluw vhea adscue boldo ntidge ?mpsuut

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