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Retired NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 1/Question#31 (reveal difficulty score)
A 60-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Lung cancer ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—atstillisafraud(217)
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iWthge loss - nktih racoy eHnpaareintcm - DSAHI omrf mslla ecll ngul ce meaEadrcn + JVD - CSV oenmryds

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peridot  I was nkitghin ulng encrca esgctiern SI,AHD etlnrigsu ni oyt.rmanpeaih tuB ecbseua het etonquis dksea icaefclisply toabu eht ecaus of het califa e,dmae I ptu aemrotnpihya r(eawsn ccheio .)C I asw gwnrioned who yuo gysu rwee labe ot edfertnfiiate ewbente C. nthyorameipa dna .E gnul cnr?eac hkTna y!uo +2
mannan  ehT fsitr hgtni ttha sosdrec ym dinm saw VSC odyemnsr fmro the acrecn tgoubcisrnt teh R pecircchbahialo niev teivprneng vounse dolob rfom gtrrniune ot eth reath dan( iyasngt ni hte cfaila aer)a. Asol I masseu atraymopineH wlduo eb lqvtainuee to ddrecesae ybod vmlueo os eehrt twdl'oun eb ea.dme AF Rlena slhyooigpy inoecst sha a doog thacr on awth nhapspe duigrn celtrotleye malneibsca (oyhp nda prhe)y +2
mannan  iptdore@ +2
peridot  I swa itninkgh ttah trihmpnyaeoa ldowu be reom lsos of otcmios peeurrss -t&-;g med,ae ubt I yifltdenei see hte egrnmaut orf a smsa 'hstat lpmysi lignobkc doolb .wfol nhkTa you! +1
jaramaiha  lnoy inght gfiacfnte miotcos epreusrs si ,ibmnlua ihwch lwuod be emro atrodsw veilr .risorsihc eTh dboy lwil tamttpe ot aiitanmn a +aN fo 410 iwht siraovu meas,cishnm tbu ste'ndo oebcrinutt to tmicoso uer.essrp +1

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submitted by โˆ—thirdaid(10)
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The itnliia nasriteonept solko elki nerca:c ewitgh olss dna rvreseiogps ypasned vreo eht srceou fo nhomst in a hyvae emsrok. eTn,h het ostiqneu diesrebcs uloeraarx-ypmnt ssotymmp and a eaipancsorlatp d.seymrno

Mero tayluce, ereht is dopnleteemv fo emdea fo eth faec nda ulguraj neusov itdnensoit. sBcaeeu thsi si ledocizal ot rupep yobd, we lohuds nikht of a eclnaachmi utcriotnbso to nusvoe lfwo sa ooppdes to esom cdeoicringa ren.sao sTih si an laoenmurxyrpat- myspomt fo lgun cncra.e

[ rrSpieuo eVna Caav rnSmeody ucseda yb eth eldami repsnidag fo eht umtro. Cna be ecaaxdrbete ni het haciyspl amxe yb kinags tatniep to arsie othb amr.s ]

,lyailnF ehtre si a snglei iihehhgtdgl lab valeu -t&;g rmpotinyhaea. lSlma ellc lngu acrcne acn eseelar pirpeiaonpart llesev fo adceiunitrit oeorhmn ;g-t& ISADH. AHD will eaintr awetr adn ecrsdeae sduoim toicneractnon lbyoisps ielgdna to rercbale medae adn i.seerusz

[ Snroyedm fo npiapIarroept AHD e(ud ot lmlas ellc oiama,ccrn a rdcernenneooui roumt of eth )lugn ersdacsee imusod .ciateconntonr rsoeatPacnialp nmsoyre.d ]

nI tkhP:ayhtecS CVS sdyeormn is teh rde lnlooab aner eth tsimmuadeni ishp nad AHDSI si het gyu yinrtg to ryarc the etwra cooelr nda tnteggi taewr lla vore lhmesf.i

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makinallkindzofgainz  I aeer!g rueprSio uuscsl tsumro is a ngul acimnraco htat rsccuo in teh peax fo eht unlg dan nca sueca CVS en.oysdmr +2

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submitted by โˆ—agraham416(5)
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am i hte noly bdum eno hwo ghothtu ti asw gdeaaneimo ucase fo teh CEA i?biiohntr lattyol ldnteceeg lal ohrte nooni.tfamir

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dwdelva8  I idd eht same git,nh ubt ehs dah been no ahtt AEC otnirbiih rof 15 eyasr so I ugsse ti oldwu eb rtgaens rof ti ot lal fo ndsdue csuae tomsysmp +

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submitted by โˆ—ekraymer(1)
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saW ti gwrno to ees ldboo nditge ,mtsuup dna amaultioalytc sausem tis neac?cr cnise oenn fo eth strhoe ulowd vhae cusade loobd ntegdi uspt?mu

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