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Retired NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 1/Question#31 (reveal difficulty score)
A 60-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Lung cancer ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—atstillisafraud(217)
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thWieg lsso - htikn ca mcoHeaprnnrtyaei - ADSIH mfro malls cell lung aEce mearndc + DVJ - CVS yrosendm

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peridot  I wsa gtnikinh lgnu arecnc egtesnicr ,HSAID gusnliret ni en.ahomrptiay uBt ebaceus het neisotqu aesdk cieilsylpfca outba eht cusea of het faaicl ma,ede I tup ionamaeytrhp wersa(n eihocc .)C I was geonndirw owh ouy usgy reew ealb ot erftadfeiinet enetwbe .C eonhtaiymrpa nad .E glnu c?ncrae anhkT uoy! +2
mannan  heT ritsf ithgn ttha oedcsrs my dmin was VCS omsrneyd rfmo het cenarc nbtgturosci hte R crbhiceaplhiaco vine rngitepevn noveus dolbo fomr ertnniurg to hte ehrat (and antiygs in eht ailfca .r)eaa lAso I usaems mneHityaarop wuold be qnliteeuva ot eesdedcra dboy lovmue so rhtee dtnowul' be .ademe FA Rlaen oyglspiohy eontcsi hsa a oodg rthac no what phsaenp ndriug telercelyot nsbamcaeil op(hy dna prh)ye +2
mannan  d@pitero +2
peridot  I aws gnihtink taht mrnaopaetihy olwud eb ermo osls fo osoitmc rresueps ;t--g& eam,de btu I fnydeiilet see hte utgnamre rof a ssam sht'at mliysp lbcinkog dolbo .fwol Tanhk !uyo +1
jaramaiha  only htgin tnfafecig cstiomo serspure is bum,nlai hcihw uowld eb orem otarwsd ilvre .rrochissi heT yobd llwi mtpetta to atnaimni a +Na fo 104 hwit oraiusv s,csimheamn but tsdn'oe utireocbtn ot simcoot +1

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submitted by โˆ—thirdaid(10)
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ehT iltinia eointnaseprt skool elik a:ecncr ethwgi ossl and esiprvoersg enspdya ovre the srceou of tohsmn in a eyavh okrems. ,heTn teh eunsotiq sirsedebc ouar-txpeynamrl myspsotm nad a npaoatarsepilc dmernoys.

reMo cealut,y heetr is eepetlnvdmo fo edema of teh face adn ulruagj oeunvs noisnttdie. suceeaB sthi si lzoliacde to rpuep d,byo we lusdoh nhtki of a chclmniaea tostunircbo ot nouesv wolf sa pposdoe to osme ircodecinga orasne. siTh si na umanyp-rrlextoa mptsmyo of lgnu

[ epSiroru aVen avCa nyoerSmd dceaus yb eth melaid npisdrega of het m.utor aCn be ebxcredaeat in het lpasyhic aemx by sngaki apiettn ot israe tohb ram.s ]

ynl,Fila ehtre si a inlegs ghihgdehitl bal evaul g;-t& neyrpoamtahi. llmSa ellc ugnl canrec nca eeserla paeonrippiart llseev fo iuracitdteni nheormo ;g-&t ASIHD. DHA liwl inarte ewrta dna dsrceeae omdisu rncaicoetnnto losibpys lagnide to lbrecare emaed dan iesreszu.

[ orSenmdy fo prnateIpaopri ADH due( ot slmla cell ,cmnarcoai a nrnineerocdueo turmo of eht lnu)g rsdeseeca mdsiuo ototn.naireccn coPpaesrtnlaia d.nrsyeom ]

nI SPct:khteayh VCS nremdsoy si eht der ooalbnl nrae eth amitsmdiuen sihp and DIHAS is the yug iyrgtn to crrya teh wtare clooer nad getngti earwt lal rove eh.ilfsm

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makinallkindzofgainz  I agere! uorpSeir cusslu roustm si a nlug aricoancm ttha rcusco ni teh pexa of het lugn dna acn aecus VSC +2

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submitted by โˆ—agraham416(5)
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ma i het lony dbmu oen ohw tohguth it aws geeanomdia usaec of teh ACE oitihn?bir yloltta deeglncte lal htero iomoi.tfannr

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dwdelva8  I idd eht sema ,hgnti ubt she ahd eben no tath CAE nitbrhiio for 15 raesy so I ssegu ti wodlu eb grnsaet rof it ot lal of udesdn caseu stsoympm +

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submitted by โˆ—ekraymer(1)
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Wsa it wnogr to ese lbdoo endgti ,pmutus nad mayutiacollat esmsau its a?rccne iescn neno of eth rhetos ulowd ahve scdaue oblod gdeitn u?umpts

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