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Retired NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 1/Question#31 (reveal difficulty score)
A 60-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Lung cancer ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—atstillisafraud(217)
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ehigWt olss - nhtik p ciretaromneHnyaac - IADSH rfom lsmla lelc gnul d eccemEraan + DJV - CSV rdenmsyo

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peridot  I aws gnikhtni lgun ncarce resietcgn ,IDASH tisnruegl ni eaiomprnthay. But sueceab hte qseuinot desak sycaciiflple touab teh sceau fo hte fcaali ema,de I tup mnipyarthoae we(arns ohccie )C. I was gorwdinne woh you ugys ewer leab to trfinadfeeite neebetw C. eiaomyrpthan dna E. ngul rccn?ae naThk uyo! +2
mannan  The tfrsi htign tath cresdso ym dnmi was SVC semrodny omfr hte raeccn sobctrntigu hte R irehoalbcpcaihc nvie tgpenvnrie onvuse lbodo romf gniurentr to het etahr na(d syntiga in eth faacli aar.)e lAso I eaumss oypimHrantae ldouw be teeilunavq ot drceadees dbyo elmuvo os tehre t'lwodnu eb m.deea FA naRle olygyhospi csenito ash a ogod craht no athw ehpnsap idngur rocyetleetl aimcsnlbea ohpy( dan peh)ry +2
mannan  ordtp@ei +2
peridot  I wsa hkntgnii htat hrnaopyieamt uwodl be roem slos of ooscitm rsrpseue -;>- ,daeme tub I eelidyinft ees teh gamrteun fro a mass ttash' spimly cklbnogi odlob fo.wl nTakh !uyo +1
jaramaiha  ylno itgnh ganicteff tmcsioo eprseusr is lub,nmai ihwch dlowu eb omre dwsorta vrlie .sicirrsho hTe dboy lliw ttmapte to niiamant a +aN of 401 whit risuavo seanmhc,mis tbu endot's tbioctrenu ot ooismtc ruees.psr +1

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submitted by โˆ—thirdaid(10)
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hTe ianitli tistreaopenn soolk klie rceac:n ewtgih slos and vosrpgsiere psedyan over eht cusroe of hsmtno ni a ayevh osrmke. e,nTh eht nqetsuoi bssereidc rxmaoeayltru-pn stopsmym and a aplroeantascpi rsm.endyo

Mroe clate,uy ehtre is ptmovdleeen of edame fo the ecaf adn ljurgau vsonue ttsdoinein. ecseuaB iths is elldiocaz to erpup od,by ew dslouh tnkhi of a amheaiclnc osbrnttouci ot senvuo olwf sa ospepod ot osme ncciadgeiro saern.o hTsi si an umnry-axoeptlra syomtpm of gunl

[ orriepuS enVa avaC ydornmeS uedsca by hte ldimae gnaiedspr of eth u.tomr Can be btxaecereda in the liapsych axme yb sgnaik tenaitp ot iaers othb .asmr ]

lilnFy,a htere si a niesgl hdihiggtleh alb lavue >-; yirnatehapmo. alSlm lcle gnul crcnae cna sereale apoinrprtiepa eslelv of urdntiiaetci rhnemoo ;&t-g HSDIA. HAD wlli itnrea ewtra adn eadecers simduo tcnaoeoctnnir ibslsyop naiglde to cebarrel adeem dan erssuie.z

[ roySnedm of aepinpotprIar DAH (due to almsl clel a,mccarion a neieodrounncre tuorm fo eth lung) casresede msuiod cnintr.eocanto arlcpaeonaitPs domynsr.e ]

In hyPkta:eSthc CVS nomsredy si eth erd blloona nrae the ammduetniis shpi nad DAHIS is eht yug ntrigy to crayr eth ewatr oocrel and titgeng rtwea all orve lm.fhise

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makinallkindzofgainz  I !eearg irrpeuoS slsuuc mtuosr si a ulgn maccniora hatt ocursc in eth xape of teh nulg and acn ascue SVC dy.osemnr +2

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submitted by โˆ—agraham416(5)
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ma i eth loyn mbud oen ohw hhtotug ti wsa doeaaienmg ausce of the CAE h?rtnbioii toyltal nectedgle lla oreth oo.fintinmra

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dwdelva8  I ddi the meas ,tnghi tub hes adh eebn on htat AEC obniihtri ofr 51 yaesr os I susge ti uolwd be ertgasn ofr it ot lla of edsdun ucaes opmtmssy +

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submitted by โˆ—ekraymer(1)
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Wsa ti nrogw ot see odbol ngetid mtsuu,p dan ayicttmaulola suemas tis c?cenar eicns enon of the orthse wolud vahe desuac odlbo igednt ms?uptu

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