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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 2/Question#6 (reveal difficulty score)
A 52-year-old man is brought to the emergency ...
4 Months ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—welpdedelp(270)
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tI aws sjtu iganks hte eilsfapn fo RBCs 201( ayds)

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haliburton  If 'mI giadern shti rhi,tg htsi si tsuj a ikcyrt cikyd tuisoneq. I tnkih CO sdbni 0x20 toegsnrr ntha 2.O tBu fi na 2O ccyesl rhthogu bgidnni / dnbigunin 002 isetm eferbo a OC gset keikdc o,ff ihts lhsodu slilt lcaer eht OC morf ttha lelc sneoro ro relat. gaenrst to itkhn ti si 1. lyseistalen apmynetlnre rpdepta in a lc,el nda 2. tsod'ne klil ouy and acn be eatdter whit O2 to rolstoinue ihitwn a ewf osruh or a .day Tyeh tsum stju eb ihign,ktn liunt thta stal BRC ei,sd 'ovyeu ogt irngoial CO ni a itilcragucn lecl. utb usjt a iorctanf (baseceu uoy 'dndti edi.) tno rues how ttha OC nist' tujs despsa no rgdnui cynei,rgcl ebsda no hits lein fo itkihngn. +8
link981  ehT qiotsnue iwleh yilsdupt wtine,rt kass who glno teh Cs'BR ttah cryar teh OC atke to be edromve rmfo eht tccoin,lirua nto how glon the OC keats ot eb mdeorev omrf het CBR. suJt asigkn eth senfipla of BRsC ni na sulidpyt idecmcotpla w.ay sA ew k,now B'RCs lfie npsa si boatu 012 syda nda hnte yhet are emrevod morf rou lctuoia.icnr 102 sayd si butao 4 stonmh. tNex mite eyht wlil aployrbb ksa wekse or ni so,hru owh w?oksn hsm +12
baja_blast  If 'astth hwta 'rhteye ilgkono rof yhw anct eth MBNE pelepo stuj ksa "oHw nolg eods it tkea ofr sRBC ot rtun ?orve" su.duiiRlco +2
chaosawaits  cefrPet emxpale fo how 'mI a marts mdsuabs :eehr I asw starm hoguen ot egcnzoier ttha het squoniet swa kngisa obtua RCB sil.enafp I aws tbuoa ot iclkc 4 hn,mtos tub nhet I was ahtt eht cbmxerhoiyaglnobo ornntcnoetcia saw 4%.0 I okot 4%0 fo 100 ydsa ot eb 40 sa,yd hhwic is uabot a h.mton dAn htta eseemd yloattl ailgloc ot em ta hte .meti FML +1

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submitted by iviax94(7)
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I udrfgie ythe ewer itgrny to etg ta teh flie ncpyteaecx fo na ,CRB tbu โ€™wultnod lmeapuelspnt O2 ylchclaenit rpaclee teh OC ndoub to B?CsR AF eenv motsnine ttha CO bdsin eyptlimvicoet to B,sRC nda iโ€™tsn atht eth olehw ioptn of igivgn %rh0c/ireay10bp 2?O

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nc1992  Fisrt iad sha a lot fo rreors +
yotsubato  haTst tno an oerrr h.htugo saTht hte ctlaua narsoe nhbeid igving icyrpeahrtb O2 ofr CO onn.s.pgioi. +12
mumenrider4ever  hTe oqenitsu ska woh glno it stkea to oeermv all eht COnri-rcgay CRB os I kihnt rt'eyeh ilgypnim ttha teclahotieryl tno rvyee nsgeil rcCiO-nygra BCR luwdo eb relcpeda itwh gyoxne mfro hte pleeastupnlm 2O nda moes wluod ied ffo alnlryuat +2

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—link981(208)
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ehT iuqontse iwehl usiydplt ti,rwnte sska hwo nglo teh 'sBCR taht rycra hte OC aekt ot eb ereomdv from eht cr,clnaiotiu ton how glon the CO eksta ot be evmdreo morf het B.CR usJt skiang eht enfpials of BCsR in an lpstyudi tocpemcadli a.wy As we kw,on RBC's elfi psna is ubota 210 sayd dna ehnt ehty rae edomver fmor oru orclt.uiaicn 021 aysd si uotab 4 h.omsnt xeNt eitm ehty will rpblybao kas eth RBC fliensap in eeswk ro ni o,uhsr owh wn?sok hms

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submitted by ivypoison(6)
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gyenOx nac opemcte OC to bnid Hb tbu i khitn tno lal OHb-C cna be rde.oemv toiNce " LAL" eth nnb0diigC- RBC so go htwi -bCHO RBC .ide ohhgut i netsp a tlo of mtie for ihts qtnuiseo too

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