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Retired NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 2/Question#27 (reveal difficulty score)
A 50-year-old man who has smoked 2 packs of ...
Increased blood HCO3โˆ’ ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—armymed88(49)
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aemhyespm dlsea ot O2C grptnpai glienda ot renesaic OCp2a in hte oolb,d iwhch sievg yuo a paorytesirr iaisscod P porer rlena eicnnotpaosm will seianecr idracb raesb dan aecderse xcrie-neto giginv oyu rinacsede barcib in hte bodol

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meningitis  rnaesIecd lbood HC3O cuold heav yliase eebn edrpiteentr sa raeidcesn bolod pH le.wlas ilgwOnloF uyro oipxnetana,l nseci eht pt adh osdcai,is teh cnreasdie CH3O illw jsut aekm ti a lranmo nhp trA.eo H awy ot inkht of eth iuosteqn is: fi eehrt is esedrdcae ehaianlxto due to COPD ->- idascrene O2C >-- edacesnir O2C rsaoteptdrn in odolb by grntneei eth B'sRC ihtw bCcornai hredsanyA nad 3CHO si reseaeld noti loobd re.mast So caeenirds O2C >- craeednsi 3COH eniges as isth ypet of C2O raoprntts si 07% fo tloat CO2 otntcne ni lbdo.o +27
drmohandes  I hutgtoh yuo could nevre ullfy ps,toeecnam so yrou Hp lilw evnre rmePrriala.nom izy opblerm = rptrayreois adiocssi โ†’ Hp wl.o aestorynComp iatbomcle sloaaslik lliw scearnie lodbo C,3-HO ubt ton ehungo ot inzaorlem H,p ti iwll tjsu be sse''l wo,l tub tslli na sicsoaid. +7
mtkilimanjaro  I saol htkin dcedraees lodob CPO2 and redcnasei oldbo Hp are yerv masrlii (essl OC2 ni eth odlob masne sels ,ccidai pH docul go p)u rhreoefte I reudl htbo of hemt out ustj orfm htta +1
brise  Aka ihts si teh Brho tc!eeff +2

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submitted by โˆ—waterloo(126)
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if uoy soal ki,hnt enhw eoesnmo ash enrsdeaic O2C (sa in sith t)aiptne heyt avhe poyrisrreat ACIOSSDI canidrsee lodob pH anncot eb teh ihtgr .aswenr

solA, oacsnyoptrme msmeacihn rfo rtapioseryr siscioad ehpansp ni hetre .sawy

  • C:EF rheew ued ot msas atcnio eaesncri fo CO2 lased ot naicerse in +H dna HO-3C (btu isth is imnmlai - leki 3%)
  • :CIF otsm of teh rfgbnuief shnpaep ehre tihw C2O oigng ntio eth .clel
  • i:endyK tnhe voer eomsim,et teehr liwl eb eosm rnale mcoontiesnap otn( t)croncoeir ehrew teh yidekn lwli trtas to elt og of H+ nad baoerrsb new 3OCH to help tasudj Hp odstarw .amrnlo
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submitted by usmlehulk(7)
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can oaneyn eelpsa aenplix why otinop E chhiw is isdeaernc ni ynarriU pH is not teh erotcrc ew.nars uesaecb nehdorgy tsngaiw is lsao a omrf fo ocrenrictg sprreratoiy ssc.iioad

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wfma888  g-hrti uyo wlil asrecnie noreticxe of ptorons wchhi wlil LRWOE the H!p +2
an1  โ†‘ neiru exnriotce fo O3CH eesesnpr(tr het linlaake p/H rhgieh pH) nad โ†‘ eniru Hp rea het emas thin.g e,sY uoy yma nwedro wno hyw eht โ†‘ bodlo C3HO td'ndi asuce an okialslsa utb sh'tta baecues teh RRPAIMY tceeff asw eth ionettenr fo 2OC ldeangi ot ereaescdd oobdl Hp +
an1  HCO3 is linkalea cpoderma ot H si thaw I eamnt to say ^ +

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submitted by medjay7(5)
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Teh tisseae way I khint fo to see this s:i)1 ouY rea artiiengn a tol fo C2O 2) Teh rpanpilic wya ni wchih ew difn 2OC in dlobo si sa 3 OC3)H oYu hvae a lto fo OC3H

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