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Retired NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 2/Question#27 (reveal difficulty score)
A 50-year-old man who has smoked 2 packs of ...
Increased blood HCO3โˆ’ ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—armymed88(49)
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ahmpmysee adlse to 2OC aprngtpi igldena ot rcsnieae C2Opa ni the ob,old chwih eisvg oyu a aeisyrtporr adisiosc rPp ore rlena mcopeanontsi lliw seiaecnr bradci earsb dna erseedac enxiorte-c giingv uyo secnradie rabbic in het oodbl

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meningitis  cenredaIs olobd 3HCO odluc heav syelia bene tdreeteiprn sa ecaserdni dolob Hp sewll.a iOnoFwlgl yuro xaptlnaoen,i sncei teh tp dha aii,csdos eth anrcdiese HO3C lliw ujst ekma it a mrolan .phHA rteo n ayw ot nikht fo eht qstieoun i:s fi rthee si csdderaee aotiehaxln edu ot OPDC --> ncserdiae O2C ->- ncresdaie 2OC ntdoapretsr in bdloo by regtnien het BRC's hwit aCcriobn easrdAhyn nda HOC3 is leeedsra niot ooldb a.remts oS ersceinda OC2 -> aiescdenr O3HC isenge sa htsi pyet of C2O otsrnpart si 7%0 fo tolat 2CO toenctn ni b.dool +27
drmohandes  I httohug you olduc eevrn ulfyl tpcnaemos,e os oruy pH will enrev m.Payrzaoerlrn mii opemblr = sarorriptey acdsiosi โ†’ Hp o.wl onetyosmCapr obceitlma asalolski llwi irneasce dlboo H3O,-C ubt ont ouegnh to mrzoleain H,p it iwll usjt be 'es'ls owl, btu ilstl an diias.soc +7
mtkilimanjaro  I losa khnit eeedrsacd bldoo OC2P nad seindraec lodbo pH era yrve rimilsa sse(l 2CO in hte bodol esnma lsse d,iccai pH ldocu og up) fhorteere I dlreu ohtb of temh tuo tjsu ofrm htta +1
brise  kaA hsit is hte hBor ef!ftce +2

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submitted by โˆ—waterloo(126)
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fi uoy also inhkt, nehw noesoem ash encdreisa O2C a(s ni shti )enatipt yhte veah prryatsreio OSCIIDSA hgos..rt.i neeadcirs odlob Hp nantoc eb the rhgti wasrn.e

Asl,o ooptmscaneyr mnmhiscae rof torreysipar iasdsioc paenhsp ni tereh awsy.

  • :CFE wehre due to asms tnocai enesiarc fo OC2 eldas to rieances ni H+ nad CH3O- ut(b sith si mmnliia - kile %)3
  • FI:C msot fo the ufengifbr pnespah heer hwit 2OC iogng tnio the l.lce
  • Kdeny:i neht revo ,emeosmit ehter iwll be osme narel poineocmtnsa o(tn nrtor)ecoic whree the kynide lliw ratst to lte go fo H+ dna rseaobbr new C3OH ot elph tausjd Hp owasrtd
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submitted by usmlehulk(7)
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nca oyenna speael nilexap wyh ponoti E whchi is isdceeran ni rarynUi Hp is tno eht ortccre rsnaw.e uabesce ynogherd swiantg is lsoa a omrf fo toircgenrc rytiopraers aocsii.ds

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wfma888  -ghrit yuo lwli cerseian rintceeox fo ntorosp wchhi illw ROLWE teh Hp! +2
an1  โ†‘ rneui trcexnoei of 3OCH sne(trepesr eht akeialln p/H hihgre Hp) adn โ†‘ irneu Hp rea eht aesm it.hng ,seY ouy may nowder won why eht โ†‘ oobld HO3C iddn't csaue an ksoallisa utb hast't eacsebu the IRRYAMP etecff swa hte eotenntri fo C2O ileagnd ot reedeacsd doobl pH +
an1  3HOC is eankalil drpmocea to H is htaw I emnat to yas ^ +

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submitted by medjay7(5)
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ehT tesaeis ayw I tnkhi fo to ese itsh i):1s You rea inrignate a tol fo C22O ) The caipirpnl ayw in chiwh ew ifnd 2OC in dloob is as 33COH) Yuo avhe a tlo fo COH3

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