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NBME 22 Answers

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submitted by keycompany(351)
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swAren: esIednrca nrlaeCt oldoB eoVmlu (B,VC) rcesdDaee DAH, casIrende PA.N

ehT laoipgyislohc soeernps to phethoyiarm is crossnvciotanoti fo perieahrpl eesvlss ..i(e eth seon ni oyru ixre)siemtet in na rfofte ot eekp yruo oecr dbyo umetprreaet o,lrnma nda shut uyro argons tnugnficino lryppero. lPireaperh inonrVsoaosictct ilwl areeiscn VBC. aIecrsnde BCV wlil eacus na sniecrae in doperl,a nad suht escau an srceanei in NPA/BNP. P/NNPBA sha iyrtbhnioi etsecff on eth g--iiooAednntenAnesnRitnsrleo S,mtyse rilsnuegt in rdcaedees DAH.

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gokings2021  ARAS si tno yrteicdl nkdeil steeocinr of DHA as ieadcml .vbaeo Inrasdeec esrseurp ta ecorbreoarspt and reeansidc retacnl ouvlem sdnsee yb hte spthouahlmay will cdeserea tieesorcn fo .DAH +9
miniarnie89  oaehrnt awy ot ihntk uabot it si ecnatrl sv ahelppreir ol.bdo eareplphir si own gebin ,nrossatcvtiecod os aetcnlr intgsh tea(,rh ,snglu YN.EI..KSD) wlil be ceiirvneg meor ool.db roem olbod ni kinyesd = esls HAD +1
jurrutia  The xorceetni of eerf wrtea slao sah na daitpvae eitbnef in rhhopeatymi esl(s sasm rfo yuro bdoy ot eekp rwma.) +

 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by yotsubato(1208)
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hatW hepsnpa henw you og oint cold wre?ta ouY ee.p

oHw esdo iths a.phpne

tocasnVisnirotco of ssleesv to rrpsveee teh,a pllus ewrat iont crelavatsuu eud to sredceeda tostaiyrcdh eusreprs ni s.svesle ulmeoV osge up, ADH oseg dn,ow PAN egso up eud ot disereacn euvmlo.

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madamestep  oS euo'yr iyansg fi I ntaw to kool iynnsk I ohudsl keat a dcol serwho to drieseu mye?lsf +1

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by osgoodschlatter10(41)
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alCentr lodoB moulve rsfere ot the obdlo in eht ltraecn ro ourmnyordipacal mnema.ctortp nirugD dolc etturrpemea rehet si lrepehrpai siontctoonsravci to tepnver heta osiaistinpd mrof the ireismeettx cihhw eamns theer is slse ooldb ni het priepisrehe nda oerm ni teh tcnrela ecprtnatmmo ;tg–& aetrnlC oloBd luovme ereasecrnarstG ie leumvo ni eth erhat will usaec icettsgrhn fo het laaitr llaw and saetlmtiu ANP eealser  nedearisc H ANghiP tarnCel dolbo voemul  hhig uvemlo steta  wentdaulgerso DAH orncieest  lnrdo/eeermadsca HDA

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by osgoodschlatter10(41)
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reaCtnl Bdolo meoulv rrefse to eht dbool ni hte caetrnl ro loirampdrncoauy m.tetnapocrm Dgunri lcod treemeptaur ehrte is pperlhirae cnrsscottiioaovn ot etvnpre etha ipaintdioss from hte emietsixert hwhci asemn rhtee si elss bldoo ni het reerpihpsie and more in teh telarnc tacotepmrnm –;t&g alrteCn lodBo louvem e eciansetGrsarre mvelou in eht retah llwi csuae hnrsecgtti fo het artila lwla dan uaselitmt PAN elesare  ceirnased AH PihNg raCltne ldoob meuolv  hgih voelum aetts  lseawgndutoer DHA eentciosr  d/mdrnocasleaeer AHD

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by antigunner(1)
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Thsi nseiuotq is regnidbsic hwta si yaeiltllr leclad "eaHd utO tWrae "rsmnmie.Io eTh euprsers htat the awtre srxete no eth dbyo si rgeetar athn eht rrupsees atth iar xseret on het y.dbo hTis isthratocdy sreusepr usehps teh wtaer ni hte islmb up toni eth aelcnrt vactyi ht(e bri ecga tpecotrs mfor tihs ahdctiotsry u)srer.eps uesBaec esre'th oerm dlboo in eth eacltrn c,aivyt het aehtr eepesrixnce na reascein in emlv.uo hTsi si ywh yuo fetno edne to epe orme efnto ewhn nsindatg in eht .olop

In emrtnao:s matuwi eusphs obodl noit rnctee aivytc -&t;g snraeeidc oolbd mluveo in ncalter cyivat g-t&; lbood ehetcrsts ehart ;t&-g ancieesr ni ANP

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by bubbles(79)
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d'tWulno sornttoiccin fo hrapierpel elsvess laos irgterg clisnhnacp nvoincocristotsa, hchiw tsuimesla nrael ihemcisa adn ceauss seienadcr AASR tc?avytii

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drdoom  otrCocnintsi fo eeirlaprhp (ue)uatsnco eas/iairlecrpllraitose in esrpenso to ldoc uinsorsgndru is an tamttpe ot euecrd ahte ssol & imtnaani rilentna oydb mp;te it si otn ta all cpeoudl whit spclnhcnai srcontc.oitnosvai In tafc, eht preiepharl oacnvorcstistnio is nigrty ot “ortu-”ree lodbo to meor elrctr/nievaialsn ;pmmatcrotsen osamiesluntu lhnsccnpai noaiossnoiccrttv dwlou emdiep atth reyv csser!op +58
bubbles  Ah, a!oky I tog del fof actrk bcaesue I ahd a uhnbc fo euspr hadr aiectrpc ostiesnqu skgian aubot heearaotpln rydnoesm adn hwo the icoctinostnr of iscplhcann seelsvs ghtmi retggir nrale i emo c.sDih a uoy onwk fi rheet luodw vere eb a iemt wenh icnachplns otrsnvsitanoccoi ccour toiedus of rotnaelpeah rdymone?s +
drdoom  sblbu@eb i lowdu tnihk nylo in essca fo trtapccohais sokhc hwne( eth byod is gndoi ryvhtngeie ti acn ot atamiinn arcetln nsit;noe esuprrse to atliv ragons lkei kr)tyeis;hed,na ni shteo csa,se i ucldo ese het byod iirgfcnisca lcesraiv lowf sa na ntpio"o of astl erots"r +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by medstudied(0)
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I sedmis ihst as ellw suceabe I tplleeyomc ohtvetgohur it ncise etyh ahd to dad evspsna()sior idntaes fo jstu yganis HAD hwhci mdea em hkint of tsi oerl ni otcnrstioicn of thmoos ul,ecsm utb hte npiot is htat ehrte lliw be oilgpon of eth lobdo lvoume in teh visearc and ialvt arsnog whhic lwli cnreiesa ANP eslaree ofmr eht taari dan incse ANP is reledaes ihtw eihrhg ldboo maelrutl/aoiv shct,tre you nac adwr eth coinosncul taht ADH wlli be wlo beaceus PAN si ingasgnli to het snkidey atth tehre si na eanncubad of l.veoum ,Aosl nsice eth ricvase is noggi ot egt mero odbol wlfo ecmdoarp to het txseieiemrt eicsn he is gnigo ot eb ,hhtyorecmip uyo dhlosu alos gte iedneacrs olfw to eht dkinesy or at aslet esiporneravt ot( a atecnri etexn)t dna thsi ulowd nto tpeomro het ealerse of HAD cwihh is ylno eraeldes nweh hte obdy ssesne na ircanese in lobod som.

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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ihsT etsouinq has hgnonit ot od with epeamttreru ht(e gvineett 'setnod esdsrda eth reetuaetprm of het tewar - os t'odn )aesusm

ishT is how ouy tge het esr:awn

)1 eiBng ni c-seoprutea or in a mgiminsw oopl up to eth ncke wl:li

.a esnsrIeac rnCaelt ooldb ovlume reo(m loobd urnetrs to the htgri eids of erhta = nreicesda )aprdleo

b. Iranesces NAP = rneiacsed anltidoi of eevtlisnrc ~ yameocpotsnr esahcmimn to ceeudr ueolvm ravdoole

.c eDeedcsar DHA a&m;p eeynsdsotanR-lim- = ydbo si ni aetts fo ulmoev aeoovrld &;pam snede ot ecrued scysietm lumeov

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usmleuser007  orcoe:rtcin yea it odse esrsdad teh twrea temp utb eth mnia kate ayaw si dseicnare rdpeloa +
d10s  NAP si edalerse rmfo lraait htcstre nto .elienrvct +

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