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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 2/Question#42 (reveal difficulty score)
A 75-year-old woman has taken 12 ...
Plasma renin activity ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—privwill(27)
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teSp by t:Spe

  1. ANsDIS cobkl rislaongdnastp hwhic ylaormnl deialt the feefnrat rtareiloe
  2. tCoinstiornc = adceereds oldob lwfo to goleslurmu eascr(deed FG;R ecddesrae RPF)
  3. Drscdaeee oodlb flow edsla ot avaitiotcn of RSAA emssty
  4. cAaontvtii of RASA aedls ot nciarsede rnnei

hyW tno eth horte oe:ns

.A GRF llwi eb sdreacede edu to ocntincirsto of eth afteefnr
.B aenRl bdolo flow lilw eb srceadeed eud to vosinnorctstaico of eth eaffretn
D ;pam& E. ourPnodict bcdeokl yb DAINS os tdwu'nlo vnee be naurdo

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 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—littletreetrunk(23)
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I nthki the scneaier ni apsmal ennri tciyatvi thwi NSsAID hsa ot do ithw iiihnbinto of nteffere ytrera ldtnoiia yb soatsdnlpinrag E,2P)G( isnce ahtst' hawt DISANs od by hiiigtibnn .OXC sTih erscaedde aernl dlboo owlf adsel ot SAAR coivitanta to vcnresoe waret adn aelittlumy ernin r.csaneise

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htballer55  fAetrenf tarery *nditiloa +5
link981  erhTe is cddseaeer naetrffe lanre ertayr onitidal sl(es blodo ofl)w delsa to secarinde enrin ereesla omrf the jorgmturulxaeal leslc (eatlocd rean eht frtanfee )yrtaer to rty ot icseaern olbdo lfo.w I tog it orwgn tbu tfear eivgnwire was ym cditoii ts.eikma +1

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submitted by lilamk(12)
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I am os sueocdf!n ehT yonl icolg I oculd coem pu w si hatt ANDSIs edrecaes ldiotnia of eneffrta rltiareeo os tihs reom deitntcsocr rraelteio si nredeiptetr sa ddrseeeca doobl lofw nad nneiR einas?ecrs yM siues w this is htat wehn I oleggo ti nad rsehca UW rfo siht ennri ffceat thnnoig scome up noly tralice I dculo dinf aayllutc rsctdcaoint ti adn sysa irenn udlow EDEAESCR ormf NDISAs elniagd ot teh irphamalkeye ew simoemtes see ...

nAy sghtouth owudl eb e!pflhul Tkhsan ise.gusne

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generic_login  I used tath oreansnig to ikcp C, ubt in likoogn ti up won it seems eikl you era rthig ... rTeeh rappea to eb a hnucb fo sametski on tish t,tse adn sโ€™ti ton igngvi me a tol of enfdnccieo ofr eth arle gnh.ti +
mee48  I nkthi it is cabsuee DIsASN hiibint hte ollca npaglanrtoids )PE(2G ni rfeatnef aritlereo >โ€”- lses AA ltiidano >-โ€” totnliiamus iernn .eaelser I hnkit ym rnsigneao cema omrf khetsyc harpm diasn idvoe tbu I ctโ€™an %010 errbeemm +
keycompany  IDsSNA rsncittco eth efatnfre er il tโ€‹ e.aA .or FRG wuldo eesaerdc ued to eeceadsrd larne lbodo .l fB o.w lnaeR dolBo fowl owdul re a .de .scCe Rinne uwdlo nsceraie ued ot rnael ei onp.rfypshDou & .E P2GE nda TXA uwdol erdsaeec by( AMO fo IAS)DN.s +9
fallot4logy  WU sysa htat sidsNa si eon o +
fallot4logy  UW sysa tath siNsda si one fo teh 5 udrg secaetiorg hatt is able to aecus p.yceSpimeilkyfraielhac ,sNasdi lroew PG deainnnr sceirtnoe .2EGP tstaeuilms GJ ellcs ot esteecr .in.rewnoh.( cna i teeedl ym spueoirv eisnduifhn mea)el?sgls,o +1

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