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Retired NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 3/Question#40 (reveal difficulty score)
A 49-year-old man has had the gradual onset ...
Essential thrombocythemia ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—link981(208)
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Pre irFst Adi 0812 (pg 2)14 m;p&a ckMer aMlanu

)a MLC is not the serwan cueebsa in CML you veha HIGH CsWB mp;&a aPlsetlt.e In teh emts eetrh is ynlo ighh pl)tl.ea etbs Is teh snrewa ecbuesa in Elssteain hbcyeoomihtrTma ew ahev lmrona WCsB and RB,Cs ustj ghih a sltelcetp.) Mldyieo saliamteap rsreef ot well a apaatlimse ni imoedly lcles iwchh aer hpbaso,sil sl,ipeoiosnh )tce .d In mytcihPyoeal Vrae we heva HHGI sB,RC WsBC, adn )l eeas.lPtet Recetvia hiotytorbmss-co si a ltdveaee leptatel nctuo htat uscroc rcdseyano to retonah drroised kl:ie

ri-onhcC maotnmylafir rdsseroid ,e(g odiuamerth thstra,iri ioantmaymfrl ewlbo ,esseiad oe,uslcrsiutb siscdasior,o gtnlusaaoimsro tiwh ceAutosnlitp-i)aygi einfciont


-rnIo iccyfnieed



py-mtncSoeel or lnpspeiyosmh

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impostersyndromel1000  retpefc sserneop rgith hree +
paloma  esltEinsa rtmtcmeabyoihoh etesrnsp wthi laetlespt ;tg& 1 moin,ill nto cirveaet mocsshrybiotto +2

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 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—lola915(57)
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tusJ anwt to dad that eht ,aepl bule ttedmol fignre si a mostymp fo aseltsien tcmoitraehobyhm ladcel tlela.imragrehoy lsAo a tmopyms in tocmPalyheiy Vrae tub isht ddsue oreryhyttec otncu is lnrm.oa

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madamestep  tralyaimereolhg is edr lsn,lewig p,nai dna tahe nees thiw amiplcyyteho stmo coolnmmy dan tmisoesme with E.T An inxed grnife enigb dolttem uelb nda alep is gidrcinsbe ady,sauRn ihcwh you nca lsao see whti ET. +1
drdoom  deamtas@epm sI rthee a secrou ofr ryuo scdneo ?tteametns asPlee add fi b!soislep t!xh +
madamestep  matE"rrohleaylig is nudfo in 6% of ea,scs and vdileo lst,iceurari irmon ,ledigebn riasocnscayo, adn R'audnsya nnnoheoemp aer rera "otitnsa mfnaies..m.5t:eib/4phuv/p/m.dth23nsn/gno20ic6.lb8 m'I nhnkigit lsao ahtt htey dluoc laso eb sedngirbci pparlieerh asnsicyo srinascy)coa(o. uBt eldnetifyi not yeeih.argrallmot +

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submitted by โˆ—bubbles(79)
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aTke a okol ta atht smsviae atpeletl tcnuo -- oerv a iloilnm per 3!mm thTa uolshd toinp uyo wrdaots a veriomrlaeleoyitpf roiseddr fo soem orst secni sthi falle t'ins nbilegde out as rfa as ew nac lelt rfmo eth oldbo palne h(hciw lwudo upt eivrtace hstbyircosotom on the xdd).

owN l'ets kool at eosth chtorstee.yry oalrmN -- so 'sit ton yyleticpahmo a,evr adn iosiencgdnr the lack of cesosioy,utkl bbaoprly tno LCM or dyelimo tsa.iapmela

So rou naewrs mtsu eb lnsteesia htorb!momcehytai

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submitted by โˆ—haliburton(224)
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FA 207:1 Cdarizhcaeret by evsasmi noorilrftpeai fo ameeyyarsgotck dan soypSmtm iecdnlu nelidgeb dan hososb.rtmi Bdool meras hswos ydarmkle dinrseeca enburm of l,paslttee hwhic mya eb gaelr ro itorsweeh rlnyabmloa odmref. Elghitrlrayeoma amy o.cucr

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submitted by djinn(6)
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eslsEnait teohcrtamhyim is a ltpcnsoiae rrnoeltiapfoi fo tmarue mieydlo e,lcls elcayieslp .eetltlasp

Hghi ueipnotlrsh nad elhonsiposi

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submitted by โˆ—peterngo1994(1)
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heT hnigt hatt twehr me of aws het %47 rotplhuine .tunco oeDs oennay ahev na aipnnelxtoa orf sith?

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drdoom  hrtuiloNpe tnocu is fedtnrfei tnah rhtelpniou aegteepnrc %)(. Prasectneeg nca eb fnneilucde by agchsne in me,lvou .g,e. fi teh nitaetp si dd,ertdheay pagtrecene by levoum acn be .eekwds +

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