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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 4/Question#10 (reveal difficulty score)
An 81-year-old man comes to the physician for ...
Atherosclerosis 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by paperbackwriter(161)
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oFr otseh htat ditn'd queit etg ahwt the tmse swa gysa,in liasycalb sleO'sr nsgi is hnwe uory'e suzigqnee eth dbloo rpeurses ucff nad ekep ginog hregih adn gerhhi uesbaec eht artirsee wn'ot opllseac as ayslie d(ue ot ltanura nftiegsfin fo het resritea wtih .age) heT lack fo scollpae ounp enieuqsgz is yhw yuo can slilt leef the lradia yratre ni het est.m oS nvee thghuo the suerepsr ieisnd eht ertisrea mthgi eb amroln, eyor'u aonng masreeu ti sa ghih .ohenndetuiy)sosp(erp ptlaArnyep ist' a noocmm dginifn in the rlle.dye

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submitted by keycompany(351)
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selrO nSig si a y-sowei,ilvtstni pycifcstwle-oi nnigdif of ebencoMgrk rseiroirltoeslAocs A)(M ertzaarhccide by "a baeplapl uhogtlha sl,speulse aalrid aetyrr lhiwe het PB ucff si danfielt aeovb ycssitlo reerpss"u.

It si ielopssb thta :ati)eher eTh cifois-ewypclit of iths ttes msena ti is aslo ablpaeipcl to lcrosssearhteio (otn sutj )A )bM eTh BMNE iornccelyrt iiepsml atth MA is hgnaeeclabinrt thiw ssoeearic.slthor

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bubbles  siTh asw ym roienas,ng oo.t I thhtgou iths wsa ckbgeeornM orf rues +
hello  I tno'd knhit iktnh 'sit a .pety rcgconidA to 2 rehot Is"tteoc:m'nsm hcroseaioetssrl sbecuea it isda ridala“ eayrrt is iplelOtausN-N BTU MASIERN BLPLEAPA eenv sa the cfuf si t&dnt-af”;g-eil lln,ayrmo oyu nc’ta efel het aretry enwh the uffc is eevtnardfilo b/c roniiovenaldt cocusdle bodlo folw nad eretasir era siyshuq ltpiom();nac TUB if uyo adh ias,rscoerslheot hwhic is lllirtyea irna,endhg yuo uwlod tno be elba ot pormcess the arery,t dan ehretni ulowd yuo pxeect het arnlom arilad rtdw(au)o nsoainpex of an ertayr gunrid esstoly. ttah( is, hte up:e)!lf s"Is fi ighnsomte weer ot not be aaeplpbl ehnt it duolw heva to lpelasoc -- hscirolraeetos epentvrs thsi lseevs o.c"aslepl +22
arcanumm  I ,rgaee I juts esnedaro ahtt eeslsotharosirc woldu tno be tcreikh enwh hte menul si kebdc.lo I nd'ot itnhk thye reew ggnoi rof onekrcMgbe ta +
arcanumm  wdulo eb cketihr +
drzed  osthrrsAscelioe itn's monmco in teh aridla rtreay .got..uhh i'ts mocmon in teh abiloandm toraa + nrryoaoc, ,tioalppel dan ircadto iesa.trre I ma ton ginog to mesuas a ugy ash irlada eyrtra easlhotirrecsos when eh si in hsi 80s ttwiouh a isidaledimyp nyreodms ervo eecgonmbkr icnotaaficli!c +1
mdmikek89  Tsih etxlnipaoan si coeellytpm enorcc.tir oerWhev pedtuvo htis si ddb.eoinheputos.mnyer sPu eodpyntP,sesireouhn aosl wnokn sa ydeseortueppoinshn in teh lydrele, rboitopisnnclesiym aryrte dysnorem, and sesl'Or igns fo phueysenptednioosr si a lfylsea teelevad bodol srseepur aiendgr ndtobeia grhtuho msngpyoheroyamtm due to iacftlconciia of oobdl sselsve hichw tannoc be oe.perdcsms +1
mdmikek89  Thsi si a fidsefu nc.ctfloaiiica kegrennbcMo is elki APD hitw alC.icum moSe selcpa avhe it emso esalpc tdon. The acenhc tath rhete is a laepqu at eht meas pntoi sa the tcodor si ligefen for ianaloppt ol.w soAl ngckMorbene is a pcoilntmcaoi of MD pTey .II Not ni sthi tsem... +
haydenelise  uWl'veod tekandh oyu rof ouyr exlatnoanip ei@kmmd fi it tndha' idlcdeun hte eovwe"rh eupvodt htis is "dmub m.tcmoen hWat a tudr llo +8

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submitted by yb_26(315)
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AF ,1209 eagp :992 pstye of rcrsoolisesri:tAe reaciosrtisreloslo adn ekbcMgnero eisrs.lsco

nhte on epag 003: eArerosstloshci - frmo fo toaceirisrssloer desacu yb idupbul fo olteolecrhs .sapeqlu

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by catacholamine16(14)
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htwa si hnpneiagp in shti tems? abeunl ot delcuoc het ridaal yartre ? nCa seeomno alspee epa?xinl

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lilamk  I oshce rcsoortlheiesas useabec teyh asdi alir“da tyarer si se-ntiupalonl tub inemsra albalepp neve sa eht fufc is -”td-flaeni> my anoniegrs was htat alolnrym ouy ’ncta eefl teh eyrrta aomreny onec uoy eofetvalr hte ffuc bc hsit dseoclcu obldo owlf dan ateeirsr ear yuqhiss li(nctop)m;a UBT fi ouy dah oosaeicr,srehtsl wcihh is lylltaeir a edghannri, oyu dwuol tno be leba ot rpssemoc eht yrtear, adn reiehtn wduol ouy petxce eth mranol iarlad dar)wt(ou npiesnaxo fo na yarert idurgn yle.sots (hatt i,s eth l!s)uesp +10
mnemonia  I thkni ateroh is usjt a bsetyup of so.larorsirscetie Also ym otutghh ersocsp swa (kile L)ial fi mhtisgeno reew to ont eb laaebplp nteh it dluow heva to lecpolsa nda aeorth pnvreets htis mrof +3
yb_26  AF 019,2 pega :929 etspy fo elrisroitoA:rsesc tlesioosrrlrcieaso nad boekerncMg ssnore cle.thsi no egpa :300 crtlesheosiroAs - mrof fo srooeratecssrili daceus by diubulp fo ocsherlotle pslquae. +

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submitted by swandy(3)
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I nhtki oveenrey oenngitnim nrukbgcMoe srSoicels avi lOser igSn is kncorMgebu cSsseriol is a ytpe fo seoir,laercoritss dan it trusn out risaelsicores""ort adn i""eetshrsolaocrs era ofetn sdeu ognitheyony/aayblmnyesrl.unsc osw/p.Ac/kw/:hho/botiumswmnsasegoetldor.s/etlssrwec

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swandy  Stlil hsit xmae #22 is lufl fo orop tiuoeqns nris/agwteinwr ecsiohc +2

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submitted by flecainide(0)
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oFrm rdWolU laI eUD54M0di ked-inabl calcoicinsftai rea htiasarrcitecc of gnbeMköe'rsc aiedlm icafccli oscrslsei dna epertsn as pipetsme naolfsccaitcii on rxy-.a eyhT yma eb saoisctead whti ssoorrcihtleeas tub do tno dcietrly auces smtomyps and rea sulaluy nto lcalciyinl .antiinscfgi

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