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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 4/Question#10 (reveal difficulty score)
An 81-year-old man comes to the physician for ...
Atherosclerosis 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by paperbackwriter(161)
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rFo oesth ahtt 'ndtid iequt get wtha the setm aws sain,yg cisallayb ssO'rle ngsi si wehn oryue' ueqszgnie eht boodl esrupesr ufcf dna pkee giogn ehgirh dan hrhieg ecuseba hte aeeirtrs ot'nw aslopelc as aeyisl du(e ot tunaral gffnniiets of the satreeir iwht ga)e. The klac of asolpcel ounp giuszeenq si ywh oyu acn illst eelf teh ilarda arrety ni eht sem.t oS neev gohhut eht purerses sdeiin eht eaetsrri itmgh be n,loram y'euro nnaog aeseurm ti as hhgi he(ssiuondyrpee) Arlatynepp 'tis a ommcno fningid in eht eely.rdl

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 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by keycompany(351)
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Oresl ngiS is a switlvoeni-,yist tofceiplswciy- inngfdi fo obcnrkegMe recolrsrtloiiAsseo MA)( harzitedraecc by a" labalpep glohthau slsue,ples aradli reayrt hweli hte BP fcfu si tadeflni oaveb scsyolti r"uep.sser

tI is bpseiosl ttah )eatih: re hTe siwfctoli-iceyp of itsh sett esnma ti si aslo lpblaeaicp ot sterricaesolhso n(to ujts )A) bM The ENBM yoctrcneilr liipems that MA is bhanetiraegcln wiht res.lcoheiosasrt

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bubbles  hisT was my ,osnnaiegr oo.t I hugthot htsi swa grMkocbeen for uesr +
hello  I nt'do iktnh iknht ti's a t.pye oinrcgdcA to 2 orhte tsI:es'mtc"omn sloarresiseotch ecbsaue it sdia d“arlia rrytae si auslNepOilN-t UBT IASMNER AEBPLLAP veen sa the cuff is &ntte-adfg;i”-l ollyanrm, uoy act’n eelf hte etrray ewhn teh uffc si eetdilafvrno cb/ tivnondroiale ccsdleuo bdool ofwl dan atesreri era hyisusq )(atlom;pcni UBT fi uoy hda ico,lsoehertssar hwihc si aillylrte nighrndea, oyu woldu ton be labe to secsmorp het tyar,re and hiterne dlwou oyu xetepc het rlnamo adrlia rda)uw(ot aseoninxp fo an teryra gnuidr sol.tsey a(htt is, eth psIf") :lu!es fi goehsmtni ewre to ton eb aelapbpl tehn it odluw hvae to laselcpo -- ootehicesrrsal tpvernes shti lveses cosp."alle +22
arcanumm  I ree,ga I ujst ersondea htat raoctssslereioh dwulo ont be cikrteh nehw hte unlem is I nt'od hkitn ethy wree iogng orf ngorbecMke ta .lal +
arcanumm  dlwuo eb tcerihk +
drzed  ctArhesisoorles it'ns mooncm ni hte ldiaar rareyt th.h.oug. 'tsi ncmmoo ni teh mldaobnai rtoaa + o,conrary etpa,llopi dna atdicor atie.resr I am tno nggoi ot aseusm a ugy has idalar rreaty eoiscstsahreorl hnwe eh is ni sih 08s ohuwitt a aiiidmlepysd msyeodrn eovr bonrckegme lcin!ictaifcoa +1
mdmikek89  shiT ipnltaoaenx si elpmoetcyl trcienor.c hveroWe pevotdu hsti is sduPbno.enmudiyoehpt.ser erPhosutyode,peinsn laos onknw sa renpyduospisntehoe in eht lryee,dl tmopsnbnliycoeisir tayrre s,drnmeyo dan sO'slre sing of ndohysesirpnpuotee is a slleayf ledeaetv oobld usprseer erngdai odbeatni hrgtouh ytoegasmohmprmyn eud to itaoiicclfcan of oodlb evsless hcwhi oatncn eb .sdmposecre +1
mdmikek89  shiT is a fidsefu fcilc.ictoiaan crkeonnebMg si keli PDA hwit oSme spaecl have ti meso celpsa dn.ot The hencca ttha ethre si a uleqpa at eht seam ipnot as hte dorotc is elfgnie for pnatoalpi ew.s..lil wlo. Also kcrobnMegne si a mtcicioopaln fo DM pTye .II Not in this te..s.m +
haydenelise  lW'ovued tnekahd oyu ofr oyur xelnnptaioa dmi@mke if it th'nda eilcddnu hte rve"heow ovuptde this is u"bmd ntecmmo. haWt a utrd lol +8

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by yb_26(315)
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AF ,2190 apge 99:2 eypst fo elssiorAi:srotrec crootoaeisissellrr and oecerngbkM ossirlecs.

thne no pgae 300: olihAeocrtsssre - romf fo aosetlocsiirrres cudase by dpiulub of ohtsrllocee q.espual

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by catacholamine16(14)
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atwh si ehppnnagi ni stih tsme? aunble ot dleoucc the dlriaa aeyrtr ? naC osnoeme lapsee ?alpinex

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lilamk  I ehosc asitoolheersrsc acebuse yteh isda idaal“r rrytea si u-lasonetipnl ubt mniares plealpab enev sa the fufc si ”-ainl->tefd ym onngaersi aws that aymnollr ouy c’nat lfee eht yerrat emanryo ceno you oatevflre hte ucff cb stih ulocsdec ldboo wlof adn raristee are yqisshu (tnim);oacpl UTB if yuo adh cthseeaor,iorlss hwcih si llealtiry a ,inanehrdg oyu udwlo ton eb leba ot rpcsoesm teh e,rtyar nda terihne olwdu ouy eetcpx hte mloarn rladia turow(da) oexipnasn fo na ryrtea uigndr sty.seol (htta s,i eht l)!uepss +10
mnemonia  I hintk hotrea is utjs a yubtsep fo srossarlticoi.ree Aslo ym tohhugt osrcpse aws eik(l lLia) fi gnemhtsio wree ot tno be leppabal ehtn ti udlow vaeh ot lesocpal dan arteho psrevten htis mfor ahpge.pnin +3
yb_26  AF 9210, page :299 setyp of lscoet:sesrorrAii eaoiorotrrssielcsl adn cergMobkne .csnhi relssote no pgae 300: eAhrseositocslr - ofrm fo siaosretosreclir seaucd yb iblupud fo cehlsreotol lqeaps.u +

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submitted by swandy(3)
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I tnhik ereenvoy nioinngemt Mgnebkuroc rlisocesS avi sOlre gnSi si enkoucgbMr ssilrSeoc si a pyte of ooseiarsirctsrel, nda ti nrust otu reooc"istrseair"ls nad "aho"lieetscrrsso aer foten duse g/euraeb.nosmhynaniylnostylyc wwh.sgelm./dowtcmslasorkeewp/Aoo/t/oh:buiestncs/rss

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swandy  Sltli stih emax 22# si lufl fo roop tqueinos nrweisa/gitwrn hccseoi +2

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submitted by flecainide(0)
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Fomr WlodrU l05UeM4D diIa b-idlaken nsaiifliaccotc rae racihscectiart fo rsebMcökge'n diamle cacicfil lsrsoisec and esptner sa eppmites iiaiatfsnccclo no ay.-xr Teyh mya be aitsdscoae twih ehelrrosciasost btu do otn ltdycier ucsae smyoptms nad era ualsylu ton iacllilnyc cf.aiisgnitn

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