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NBME 23 Answers

nbme23/Block 1/Question#36 (reveal difficulty score)
A medical student is caring for a 72-year-old ...
Let me get the resident physician so we can go over the results. 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by snoochi95(5)
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owH cemo yuo nclduto ays I" nodt ok,nw but the ingocsotlo ilwl be gneeis you arlet toyd?a" Is it cubeaes alnhyciletc yuo rea gny~~il ot teh n?teaitp

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drdoom  Not nalc”ty“clehi btu laal!tuyc To yas “I ’dnot o”kwn nwhe oyu *od* nwok si as y’iln sa ti tg!se utsJ ,rreeebmm rboeef a setat ssuise uoy a leesnci to racetipc mieicned ni hetir adb,cyrak thye kolo ot eth aaliNnot Bodra fo ilaedcM Emixsearn and ak,s So“udhl we utrst itsh rpenos to pcciatre cenediim rh”?ee Teh EBMN is ni the bsisusne fo lgliten tesa,ts s“,eY ew veibele sthi rsonpe kowns nhegou ot paitccre lmlaory and peett.onymlc” erAnws ietshc eqoitsnus tihw siht ni nmdi. +7
pseudo_mona  dieseBs alhyetcncli iln,gy ti osla rylbpoab st'in a dogo iead ot rpod teh wdro siltn"gcoo"o ot a niaptte rfeobe htey earh htye eavh eacr,nc cypleileas sa a sdutten woh cn'at asnewr yan utrerhf nsqouesit oatub eht bispyo ersstlu. +14
usmile1  p_ud@eso hsit I stuj rldeaiez htat itllegn tehm atht eth sinogcotlo lwli be ngseei ,etmh si nsleiaylste elntgli mteh hyet aehv .cnearc itnAal,yiddol uyo at'cn lie and sya ouy otnd' wkn.o on daeI htaw I swa tgiknhni ewnh I ookt sti.h +9

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by imnotarobotbut(184)
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A imcaedl etdnust tunodslh' be teh eon igvgni mooense a rcecan issa.niodg hisT si a ylelar svesiniet seuis nad hte stlseur lsouhd be gvien yb eonesom ithw ghehir ruyoithta ielk a irdtsene or d.geanttni At eht emsa ,imte uoy nshot'udl iel to the ettpnia and ysa ttha eht srlutes tn'ear kcab tye if teyh er.a tseB nhtig ot do is eftelcd het scinveroaton nad lwolfo pu whti hte d.nrt.iese

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drdoom  It istn’ os humc me“senoo ihtw gerhih thotaui”ry as ti si osemone wiht a ecesn!il outtWih a ls,ecien an iuvlaidind si ton reettmdip eayllgl to videpor aiinllcc pnoersr,taieitnt sa taht oudwl instttceuo teh (unfulwa)l iccarept fo n!ciedemi +22
veryhungrycaterpillar  Lub.elhaga 12 sotepu?v eTh teiygall snit' the uisse at a.ll If uyo nawan gte :algel het tdunset is cpredotet dernu rheti rppecro'tes et(sdsi)'ern leseic,n as het drseenit is eretpdtoc edurn herit dte,gnnsta'i os lagyilte sitn' eyrlla het essui erh.e The iusse ylrtu si that eomeons arindet ni ecranc lsngucnoei h(hiwc vnoleisv geknbria hte swne ni an roartpeiapp a)nnrem lsouhd be the eno ot kreba hte wen.s uFerhmertr ,o econ you llet eht npaiett ti si a "i,nmcorca"a het apneitt si smolta eatcnyril gngio ot antw to owkn mero ,ldiseat ossopig,rn dan usdiscs hte aatnemmgen p-a-ln neno of cwhhi eth serdenti or eht ameldci dntseut rae ideantr ot pevodi,r tta'hs why te'yerh awingit rfo a eisicptals (ei the l)ositngooc adn ont a iltfhy nntiserti hstti.psalio ootionbmat@rbtu wsa e.tccorr +1
drdoom  Not sreu hwta uorye' rgefrnier to ;rehe a esielcn to rctaipec does ton xtedne ot ruoy riaen.tes 'stI klie rou'ey ggetssniug fi I eavh a se,ielcn I can tel ym 8ht erdgar dlivere eht wnes or nresmaiidt a estt saeubce .. rhtye'e udren ym vopssriu?nie Wtha haurttyio ro rgstih seod ayn imldeca sedttnu ?vhae ouY tihgm eb oniucfgsn tiblilayi cearogev with lce.iesn +
skonys  I cetrapic iteytsndr edurn ym 'sspfoorser ielscne eyv.ydrea I olas vieg onesisgda eunrd trhie ecelnsi sa lw.el m'I teyrpt srue atht it's ujts hatt sa ouy tnow be egdeninrr aecr you dolhus rfeed ot eth peonrs hwo lliw eb taetnrgi them ei: a tdseienr ro is.chinyap tI sha nigohtn to do ihtw mcadlei iilatly,bi sti' jtsu allyerc bvaeo your ayp graed as a ustednt. +
drdoom  @ssykno I bveliee yruo ypa dgar,e as a untdt,se si or.ez Or rmeo aryulta,ecc ievnag.te necSi erouy’ yniagp ot eb eerh.t u’reoY not tarcciipng ue“rdn uyro ssr’refopos elecs”.in oYu’er incirpgtac dneur thier isvnsrui.peo ihhcW is ywh oyu vhae ezro ouhtairty ot tirccpae ESUTODI thrie iiupsrvnoes. sBcauee uoy rae nto idteertmp to ceiaptrc +
drdoom  osal :ynoks@s evwhetra ti si ’oreuy ig,don it ’inst eth ulaflw ecitapcr fo niyhtna.g Yuo rea otn a reraoiinttpc aucseeb you do tno lohd a ceseln.i Yu“o” do ont egvi ig;nossdea yuo tmhig eltl a tipenta ahwt uoy ,thikn ubt sa a ttuesdn tonighn uyo yas udlow reve be ozer,gdniec gylella, sa a ss.iadgino +

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