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Retired NBME 23 Answers

nbme23/Block 2/Question#30 (reveal difficulty score)
A 21-year-old man is brought to the emergency ...
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submitted by youssefa(162)
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So ctnuitg rhogthu eht tisnnieet illw adegam het cprsyt of bküreLnieh hhwci oanntic mtes clesl tath ecrpeal cbe/ttoeglrenyesto llsce (d.F)ia shTi kalc fo egeeneritvra biilyta lwil aveh etpetslla nda mtiroyfmlnaa lsecl ot eb teiuerrcd ni drero ot diaemte hingale w(chhi den turlse si rfi)bsios ehT lsiaitnten alwl gclanki rscypt fo hirünLeebk atsc epyrtt uhmc ikel tselba csell (ge:. otomciycdrsy)ea cwhih nonact eb drgteeenare adn os rbfiossi senseu (:e.g rcaS si lwsaya ned ctodpru artfe MI.)

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youssefa  ncieotorC:r I aemtn enrtmeaPn sllce dieatns fo Stbeal Teh estthoepacy in sith ceas will act sa a ebstla llecs whhci iwll eitx G0 ephas nad rplroeateif in rspsoeen ot .rjyiun +2
madamestep  oAls, the rnesoa wyh oyu teg het nsceorttair nda atf grpcenie in hnrCso! Its' tmninmlfaoai all hte way u.rtghho UC ed'tnso go lal eth way hog.rthu +

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submitted by et-tu-bromocriptine(140)
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nAnoye kwon owh to leur out masll titneisne on ihts ?eno I hotuhgt eth momnteu lydeap a olre in anleigh ni eht m,abdoen but laeylrc I'm imsgnis nsmhegiot .hree

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what  lmlaS etsnietni ahs toohsm emcusl in teh wsall hiwhc lliw obfersi on uyrinj +
youssefa  So cnittug urogthh eth nisinetet liwl edmaga the prstyc fo hrükeebnLi ciwhh natcion etsm lscle atth lpereac /ntgoreetelstceoby clsle (d.iF)a hTsi kacl fo gtneieraeerv blayiit wlil veah sltaeeltp dna lanyatrmoifm llcse to be errueitcd ni rodre ot daeiemt enagilh (chwih edn slretu si )sbisirof Th e nttsilenia alwl ilgknac ytsprc of nhikbLerüe sact etrypt ucmh liek asltbe llsec g(:e. oocsyrecmy)itda wchih naontc eb rereadnegte nda so iibfsors sseneu ( cSar is slaayw dne rctpdou artfe I)M +3
thotcandy  ehT ywa i tuhtohg of ti ws:a slmal titneneis ATROPRFNOEI piarre &-g;t het aebsnetm renmmbea nad tsem sllec rwee iytdfeleni edptruisd huts gltiinim ngraeotenire itelivba yirL = ucunrtpe ,nuowd tno lcsrneseyia lla hte awy rhothgu = ebaesnmt mnremasbe adn tems lecsl era lobyparb sltli itnatc -;> eaerentrge otutiwh isisrbof +2

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submitted by veryhungrycaterpillar(30)
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vLrei lhsae hwutoit niscarrg in eosenspr ot osmt cetua u.risijen lnyO rnochic ervil iseriunj wlil edal to risfbiso hcw(hi ethn sedal to .ish)isocrr

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submitted by brawamigonnagetthismd(1)
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W,iat doispae ssutie ac?ss?r htaW hte hkce si sih?t yeabm si't taht ib''fro ct.tadp.hare.W lal atth cheotdB ofr ihnnt'o

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submitted by bigbootycorgi(5)
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So I tog tshi noe gnowr abuseec I htguoht tath ceins eh 'niddt evah gonhmapltepyalosee dna cssiaet his vrile saw tslli fine, but I gsues if eh realday ahs yag,taiemscon osmayhngidpo nda eht erev obvusoi prides iantgamao s'he deyiflient isltl ko

Nwo atht I kthin of ,it you n'tod dnee otapgepeyllmheoans to hvae oclocilah lvier flaiure I beveie.l

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bigbootycorgi  orsyr my dba tsih swa eth gronw notqsuei i snodrdpee to but i lslit ogt stih eno (ED one) dan teh aygnaesocimt neo rnwog i tkhin i'ts rviel rof hist eon ecseaub yhet sya it ash aeetrvnregie lintaopet and ecbaues enev uohhgt eht masll tenetsini sha girnevrteaee tletian,po it nac nplaetyrap eof?irsb i vhea no edai, i tpu llasm ewblo +
kateinwonderland  ggybtoiboir@oc : I tpu lmsla nteinsiet oot. roFm hwat vIe' sheacedr ,etfra it asys atht rveli ifssiorb evrrsbeiel -t&;g no dincveee of ubrfois cngarisr +
goodkarmaonly  tJsu to add to htat, a rcihtrioc levir is a lalms urhksnne lrvei os uoy otwn be leab ot dnif oletaahpgmey anyw.ysa eTh rehot gissn aer teh asttimag of eivLr ssideae +

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