nAnoye kwon owh to leur out masll titneisne on ihts ?eno I hotuhgt eth momnteu lydeap a olre in anleigh ni eht m,abdoen but laeylrc I'm imsgnis nsmhegiot .hree
vLrei lhsae hwutoit niscarrg in eosenspr ot osmt cetua u.risijen lnyO rnochic ervil iseriunj wlil edal to risfbiso hcw(hi ethn sedal to .ish)isocrr
W,iat doispae ssutie ac?ss?r htaW hte hkce si sih?t yeabm si't taht ib''fro ct.tadp.hare.W lal atth cheotdB ofr ihnnt'o
So I tog tshi noe gnowr abuseec I htguoht tath ceins eh 'niddt evah gonhmapltepyalosee dna cssiaet his vrile saw tslli fine, but I gsues if eh realday ahs yag,taiemscon osmayhngidpo nda eht erev obvusoi prides iantgamao s'he deyiflient isltl ko
Nwo atht I kthin of ,it you n'tod dnee otapgepeyllmheoans to hvae oclocilah lvier flaiure I beveie.l
submitted by ∗youssefa(162)
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