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Retired NBME 23 Answers

nbme23/Block 4/Question#31 (reveal difficulty score)
A 32-year-old man who lives at sea level ...
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 +11  upvote downvote
submitted by thomasalterman(181)
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A olramstnbo si na metruiam BRC, so ti's etldevea ni asttes of edncieras eeoo.stsiiamph

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sympathetikey  Dnto' mndi .em tusJ nipips my mbud sas aods roev here. +76
someduck3  eTh trem Nrbm"lasot"o 'itsn enev in rtifs .dia +40
link981  MBNE gseitnt rouy lnekgdewo of ymsny.son Heva ot nkwo 51 tidscpeievr swdro fo het ames ntihg I ss.egu +25
tinydoc  I swih htey owuld tosp kagimn ti so vreye rthoe qstieuon I kown hte wraesn dna I nca't fndi it omagn the snware ccsiohe euaescb yeht dcddiee ot sue emso amceidl sshuureat no us. +23
qball  cyeattosymeelM = errurPocs ot ntsoupelirh psiSg raoeedh = eogiahidiocimstnnrn-en rcmhopagea aka atreh rafulei lecls +14
llamastep1  sTereh a lodUWr sneuiqto batuo oiPvavrsru B91 ahtt inomtesn g"niat om"paronbrsolst tath dphlee em kmea the ceioocnnnt +10
fexx  I tog it right but doluw ti urth hmet to tup CsR?B Mieniedc si drha sa ti s.i oN dnee to eamk hte xmsae rome aoctcedp.mli I oubtd ym pt is erve oiggn ot sa me if hi/s ehr rsbnoatoslm rea ngiog ot rneeiasc fi they og kngihi in teh smaonntui +7
mdmikek89  Eenv in uyo dnt'id nkwo wtah tmrNoobasl ase,mn ti cant eb yna of eht oterh s a.nrTeSwTEs ITN'AK KILZLS BOSR +
nerdstewiegriffin  I cna aatgrneeu you isht Q aws rtneiwt by osem dtascisi hPD inrxmeae +18

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 +10  upvote downvote
submitted by whoissaad(102)
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elvSrae asmen aer dsue for laduteecn ,lrtaBtsRshbro—yCe slantrboom, nda loits—bltamahgwe oen romin ivoniraat in drwo ee.ssn The naem booaltmsrn ylawas efrers ot lanmor, hetlyha lelsc atth era hte aemdietmi psruesocrr fo a,nrmlo ehythl,a earmtu tnecaauel)( RC.Bs heT mean bglsloteaam aasywl errfes ot mnyloblara vdlpedoee rsop.usrecr enOtf eth mnae ohastbryetlr is sdeu lsmsyoynonuy hwit a.nmrsbolot

roFm lal eht ngstih thye coldu etst us .o.n. :)

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abhishek021196  epydeepht//sesa/s:oti-o/ipiri.pmiesdu-mecteifsdinmodihtcrlcls/toemnB “P Ra”Oo ohPsterrtrPEbyl or mtPnrorabsloo asRiu(coBlitrbah i)lsbp snloomrbta oalcr(tMabs or Elrya obtnlramos ro ahicturb)oiel ryotymcPrc moolbrsant (edmetrneaitI maonholts itOrhrcmocbtroa) oatblrsmon rbl(moNtsao or Late abtronmsol ro cerbrluatoyetetcmcyteiuR) i Pormchaot(iylc tteporeehRrmmtoirhereecirEsyby)etcr yyoyroets h teh rudatoin of ehistpyirroeos ofmr hlorbyratptrsoe to otyreehytrc si 68- ydsa earega(v 7 y.staraoerlydsoP trbh) to eticeyuoctlR = 4 dasy (1 ady for ltihcyaoRc eec)eut ot rchreoetyty = 2 ot 4 dyas teceuitcyrol( nesdps 21- dyas in ormraw nad ecctiurasl rfo 2-1 yasd ni ialerpphre dloob rbeoef gtmuirna ot eh Atoytsryrec) eth clle temsrua het logfwnloi golmciporhola cnhsega etak cepla sllrev:ypeeiso Cglr zSi:e se;ecaseDr uu:lcsNe Szei se;acesdre o:Cpmsatly nhSkisr; tmlacopsCiy hsaopblaii dsecesae;r Cell n.:o aeutmr cslel isnrecea adn dneteluac lcsle aeerecsd +

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by daplatesofmetal(3)
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athW si NORTATIAN is ngiog on eeh?r!

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