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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 1/Question#15 (reveal difficulty score)
Results of a 5-year screening program for HIV ...
5% 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by youssefa(162)
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So emnbru fo esasc htiw vstopiie roygesol igdnru a"inekt" essenrpter rlpneeeacv and dsuloh not eb tacconeud rfo wenh acagtillcnu tipoualnpo at k.sri Putonpiola at iksr = taoTl unlptpiooa - .plnecaeerv gionD tat,h usm pu eth lunnaa iecesincnd fetl = 040 + 205 + 250 + 030 + 300 = 5010.

pyniglAp iiceedcnn ormualf = 04000100-,01(00/5) = 5.02 ervo a olatt of 5 saey.r

nnaluA = 02.55/ = 5%.00

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 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by karljeon(140)
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I notd' oknw fi reteh is an eonqtuia fro is,th utb I aycilasbl umeppd out ryeve vdiiinso arssoc hte aletb to get %~5 on ve.rgaae

eerH yeth 0:ea0 4r / ,0006 = 750.0206 / 050,6 = 000 .4053 / 5530, = 56000.30 / ,0550 = 0 95002.5 / 0840, = 0250.

Teh graeeva fo eeths %s fro lal the ysera = 5%S.85.o hstta' scole ueoghn to .5%

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seagull  ogod o.wkr I udofn ihts etonuiqs oyginnan dna aegv up ongdi htoes giosidcenrn teh tonmau of etim ew ear vne.ig +4
vshummy  Wlel sjut odn’t ceudnli het ikeatn a.e..yr ebuesca htta edsesm me .pu. +17
_yeetmasterflex  owH luowd we heav konwn nto ot culnied het nkaeti ear?y Fomr rgevaae **l**nanau eccn?iidne +
lamhtu  oD not nludiec aentki reay cesueab the onquiest estm is ksgina grevaae lnnaua iicn.cneed hTe 4000 vtsesoiip at iatekn cldou hvae dcarqeui IVH eerev,nhw nto jtus ni the satl eray. +9
neels11  ilyelratl id'ntd inhtk etehr was an acatul yaw to gufeir stih ot ubtu. my hughott sesprco :aws okya ccdneieni nsmea WEN asces. so eht alnnua vregaea at het edn of 5 asery uoldw e:b (# fo ENW epeplo hatt etsdet isptevoi at eth dne fo eray 5) ( #/ of lpeepo ta thta rewe at kisr at eht nnibenggi fo reay 5) ;l-&--t kaa at het den of eayr 00525/ 405 = .5%49 s lao if uyo kool ta yrea :5 ouly'l ese atht hte at rski iotaupolpn si 4008 ewhn 030 wne ecsas ewer ofund het ryae 0055 at the edn fo yare 4 MUISN eht 030 enw cssea at eth den fo aery 4 dushlo geiv ouy 7045 sa teh wen nupiopltoa at s.rki btu oceitn ttah ned of ayer 5 ew evah 408.0 dki if that mnase 05 epolep rewe slaef psisioetv reeobf or 05 poeple rwee adedd ubt in cieenndci at/cbedhtersti/h 'dnto r'a teitsmt inkd of like LDWOUR DI 2.107 sngimsua eageavr annula eedcnncii is hte smea as imuuaclevt inndiccee tis h aws sutj a buhcn of owrd itmov. ysror if it wsa laeubbrean to oofllw +

A related discussion (on a question from NBME 21) is here:

+2/- csalib2(4)

The quickest way to do this is to add all the numerator ... = 1500. Then Divide by both year and susceptible population =1500 / (5*6000) = 5%.

+2/- peqmd(74)

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submitted by jotajota94(14)
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cndieenic = enbmur of new /scesa new seca+s pltonopaui at .risk nwe cssa=e 0.25 pPeole ta risk ttah yera 0505 nc(unildgi wne as.ecs In noe tpoin yhte rwee a oopniapult ta srik) 25/0 00=55 %.49

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by felxordigitorum(12)
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eEldcux het kentai y.ear Add all teh iispvtoe tsrleus 0540+300(5+0++232000 = .0)150 iviDde 1005 yb teh talto ubemnr of teatsnip mfor eht attrs of hte icenneidc eoi,rpd yaer ,1 os 0060 --t-g;& 051002/5.0006=, sith is hte aavgree oscars all 5 a.yres roF nu,anla divdei 50.2 by teh bunerm of e,yars 5 g;t--& /.5052 = 0.50 &tg-;- 5%.

sT'aht hwo I got i.t

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by sabistonsurgery(5)
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indeIncce is iypaytcll utcalldcae as a umerbn ssiadeed erp dxpeseo oapnltopui epr intu ,miet lausuly ra.ey oFr hace a,rey dvdiei teh pelepo ofu,nd by eht olepep psxde.oe uYo averir at ufirgse fr eahc yare ingbe 4%, 5% adn ,%6 ereavga ngebi %5.

Q: yhW nto outcn keiant ayre rof whihc hte cieeicndn emess ot be ?04%

:nsA So tthsa' eht rktci fo het t.oensiqu TI msees to lpiym eht ektnai eayr oals ash 4000 ewn cs,sea ubt htis s'tni ieiednn,cc shit is lnpa!eeevcr tWah papdehen ereh asw htat hte ooinltupap of 000,10 was nto eingb esnedrce rof IAS.D Tnhe ouy erattds eht nersngeci m.rogpar

lycyiaTlp in yna cnegnrsie ropg,rma uyo lliw stlsbeiha het aseenibl vnpceaeelr of het edsaise yb stentgi lla fo teh agnerel oaniop.tlup oYu indf 0004 enw ssc,ae but etshe eewr utsj ecneuteddt s.aesc oYu exdceul ethm fmro oryu inon.itmrgo roF hte etnx erya, yuo eekp a hwcta on eht 0600 et,fl fo ichhw 004 edlopve S.IDA ouY aeluacctl iniccened ofr this erya sa %76. dna leudecx eshet 400 fmor eht txne eyar dna so .on

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by sweetsummerblowout(0)
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Teh chtar on hsti etis ssowh o/aaeatph/rebueTprlw/ roe)ceiar.(cvetntg ih Ts sqnuioet assk oo"ikledlih of gissimn an sac"noioasit - hiwch bliylaacs anems hatw si the sleaf ivtospie e,art cihhw is the fdiioenitn of ppaae/yhlT I .reror n iQseuto stem etssat 05,=hp.aa0l cihhw si .5%

taBe si ypeT II rrero, nad dwlou be 0%1 lfa(se )itn.vgeea %90 doluw be reoPw e-1bt)a(

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submitted by guillo12(58)
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I dn'to nwko eth nuitoqae fro s,hti tbu I did iths: ehT usm of neicnidec epr yare/ het smu fo unremb earinigam ni ulppon.toai oS... ,,85018020/0 = 8002.5 or 25.%

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